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Memorial Services

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As the funeral of the late James A. Garfield is to take place next Monday in Cleveland, the committee here have decided to hold memorial services in the Preshyterian church, at three o'clock D the aflernoon of that day. The procession will move at two o'clock, under the direction of Marshal Dean, in the followng order : City Band. Company A. Ann Arbor Commandry Knights Templare. Golde Hule Lodee F. and A. M. Fraternitj Lodge F. and A. M. Otse ningo Lodge I. O. O. F. Washtenaw Lodge I. O. O. F. Ann Arbor Encampment I. O. O. F. Athens Lodge A. O. L'. W, Ann Arbor Lodge A. OU. W. Ann Arbor Ldge K. of H. Schiller Council Royal Arcanun. Arbor Tent K. O. T. M. Dlla Upsilon Kraternity. Ann Arbor Band. Arbeiter Yerein. Ann Arbor Gesangverien, Ann Arbor Tumverein. Beethoven Gesengve.-ien. A-nn Arbor Schuetzenbund. St. Thomas Temperance Benevolent Society. St, Lawrenee Benevolent Society. Catholic Mutual Benefit Association. Ann Arbor Fire Department. Refonn Club. Royal Templare of Temperance Pioneer Society. Mayor and Common Council. County Offlcers. University Senate. Clergy. Committee of Arrangements and Speakere. The line of march will bE up Main street from Huron to William street, up Wiïliam to División, up División to Madison, up Madison to State, down Stats to Huron, down Huron to the Presbyterian church. At the church the followingprogramme will be observed : 1.- Organ Volluntary by Prof. H. S. Frieze. ■-' - Muic under the direction of Prof. C. B. Cady. ').- Reading of Scriptures, and prayer by Rev. Dr. Steele. 4- Hjma r.- Introduction by W. D. Harriman, chairman of the Committee of Arrangements, repreeenting the Common Council. 6.- Address by Judge T. M. Cooley . ÜA Ï.-Musie. 8.- Benediction. The Post and Tribune in comnienting on the death of the president says: The end has come. After 79 days of suffennjj James Abram Garfield, twentieth president of the United States, is dead. Bom in obscurity aDd poverty, held during his early years in the vise of indigence, he rose, by force of indomitable will superior to his adverse surroundings, and acquhed education, Jnfluence and worldly honors. He became in turn, teacher, legislator, general, congressman, senator and president of the American republic; and there was a fitness within him for every position to which he was called. No higher encomium can be passed upon him. He was simple as a child, brave as a soul inspired with lofty purposes, and firm as right itself. He was a brilliant .orator, liut ne never spoku except to instruct. He was a calm counselor and he was by nature as he also was by the practbe of his life the adversary of injustice and op pression. As a son he was dutiful; as a husbaud he was devoted : as a teacher he was loved;as a legislator he was wise; as a soklier he was hereic; as a president he gave promise of restoring brotherhood to the nation. Then in the tirst flush of the nation's hope he perished. So has passed away James Abram Gaifield, the second president who has perished at the hands of an assassin within the first century of the republic. A nation which honored him will sincerely mourn his death. Dr. Kapp is in New York. The supervisors mee, üct. JO. Jno. Morgan bas been discharged fiom the jail. Miss Lottie Frankhn visited in Jackson yesterday. Ambrose Kearney's subscription was ten dollars. Ed. Bcudinol was tasen home Friday by his brother. There are ten patients in the horneo palhic; hospital. It is quite probable an extra session of the senate will be held. Farmers sending in seed wheat should leave it at the city milis. A. W. Amessold 2,000 copies of the Detroit papers Tuesday. O. O. Sorg is doing a handsome job of frescoing in university hall. The literary department of the university opens next Wednesday. E. B. Abel attended the marriagu of his su'.erin X. Y. yesterday. E. S. Manly caught al4pound pickeral one day last week in the rivcr. The homeopathie college and main university building are draped. Prof. Steere will read a paper at the convention of bee keepers Oct. 5. The sovereign grand lodge of the I. O. O. F. is in session this week in Cincinnati. Justice Winegat sent a tramp named Wm. Roach to Ionia Tuesday, for four month?. The marriage of C. L. Dow and Miss Mary W. Walir, occured last Thursday evening. That was a splendid basket of peaches which J. D. Baldwin left at The Dejío ckat office. The reform club will, until further notice, hold meetings Sunday afternoon in the club room. It is expected that president Angelí and family will return to this city soraetime next February. A house owued by ex-regent Ryni in Adrián, and occupied by a son, was burned a few nights ago. C. A. (Jhapin, who is assisting in gttting up a history of Cass county, is in the city for a few days. The temperance meeting in Superior Sunday will be held iu the towu hall. Sptaker, Capt. Allen. The outside form of the Daily News knocked into "pie" Monday, just after the paper was printed. The population of this city is at least 1,000 more than when the census were taken a little over a year ago. On and after Monday nexl. Sept. 26, the postotfice will close at 7:30 p. m., in.1 of 8. as during the summer. Rcv. Dan R. Shier, pastor of the Methodist church in Saline for the past three years, will go toHudson to preach. Smith Wilbur, formerly count3' surgeon of Washtenaw, but now engaged in praclicing lawin Clinton, is in the city. Policeman Porter arrested an old umbrella mender Tuesday evening for creating a disturbance nearj the M. C. depot. Amariah Hitchcock of Sharon, gave fifty dollars for the northern sufferers. Here is an example other farmers mighl imítate . The Gregory house is beiog put in shape preparatory to the opening. Wm. H. Lewis is said to be the coming proprielor. Prof. C. K. Adama, deán of the school of political science, will deliver at the opening next week, a lecture on its aims and objecti. lr. Nathan C. Hall, charged with mur deriug his wife, will have to stand a sec ond trial in Pontiac, Judge Gaskül refusing a change of venue. As soon as the Fay house is fitted up il will be used for a passenger depot by tht Toledo road. The agent. Mr. French will live in the second story. Hall & Moseley have engaged the ser vices of a baker who uoderstands his bus iness, and t is no wonder that the pastry he makes just suits thuir customers. According to the report of tbc MCretary of state, the average yield of wheat in Washtenaw county this year is 12.9 bushels per acre. The Register was a little "off " when it stated yesterday there was only one place at the postofflce to drop in mail matter. Look againand you will fiad four places. Capt. Manly received a telegram yesterday from Gen. Wm. G. Gage that he would be in the city Saturday for the purpose of inspecting Compauy" A, at 10 a. m. In Lansing, Monday evening, the John L. Burleigh company played to a large audieuce. After the theatre Col. Burlcigh was serenaded and given a reception at ;he Lansing house. H. R. Hill. propnetor of the opera house, was in Toledo tne day the news of the death of the president was receivt'd, and iinmediately on his returu he had the building handsomely draped. The new Baptist church will be dedicated next Thursdiy afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rcv. Dr. S. Graves, of Grand Rapids, will deliver the discourse. From 1848 to 1851 Dr. Graves was pastor of thu church. Many business places aud the opera house were not draped until yesterday, owing to the scarcityof black cloth. Á soon as the merchants sold what they had on hand they immediately telegraphed for more. Eli Jenkins, a brakeman on the Toledo road, was thrown from a car Tuesday afternoon and sustained a severe scalp wound. When picked up he was insensible. He was carried to his home on Fifth Street. Company A is highly uelighted with the idea of going to Yurktowu, and the Ypsilanti boys refuse to be comforted. Sad indeed, but then perhaps, with a little more practice the Ypsilanti coinpauv might do better next time. Dr. Frothingham, who made a trip through the burned district, says he found it worse than he expected, and that the sufferers will require much more than has been subscribed to make them comfortable not only through the winter, but will have to be taken care of until another harvest. The doctor found committees at work in every locality he visited and relief was being systematically distributed. Additional subscriptions received since last week: A. Hennequin, $5; B. Braun, 5; W. H. Pettee, $10; F. Cate, $3; Mrs. B. Day, $5; Eíisha Jones, $5; G. C. Mahon, f10; Mrs. E. Haywood, S; W. Si Perry, $5; W. F. Breakey, 10; A. L, Noble, f 5; C. Rominger, 5; R. Cate, 5; Dorr Kellogg, $5 ; E. N. Gilbert, $5 ; V. M. Spaulding, $5 ; A. Eisele, $3 ; Geerge Scott, $5; Mis. H. A. Hurd, $5; J. B. Gott, $5; W. W. ichols, $2. Manly & Hamilton have offered to duplícate the interior of the Lansing postoffice, if the government will lease their building for a term of years. N. Booth will buüd a new building, and fix it up equal to the Lansing office if the government will not remove the office from the Gregory block. The action of the government authorities is awaited with considerable interest. The business men oppose moving the office. Tlit cliief complaint appears to be that the walk is too narrow ou the north side of the Gregory house; but Mr. Booth has consented to make it 14 feet wide, and do various other things, to keep it away from Manly fc Hamilton's building. American surgeons carried off the lau. reis at the congress just held in London. In his opening address president Eric Erichson, of the surgical sectiou, made special mentiou of Dr. Bigelow, the eminent lithrotritist, in which hesaid: "Bige low's operation has completely changed the aspect of hthotrity. aud there is every reason to believe that it constitutes one of those real advances in a method which marks an epoch not only in the history of the operation itself, bul in the treatment of the disease to which it is applicable." When it is cousidered in what contempt American surgeons were hel J by the Ennlish previous to the war, the cymmendation of Dr. Erichson, reiterated as il is by the press and the profcssion in Euglaud, is the more sitfnincant. The history of American surgery during the war afforded both surprise andastonisnment to oldworld conservatism, presenting as it did an array of successful experimenta that were until then esteemed amoug the impos8ibilities of iurgical science. The fact that the death rate in our army was less to the proportion of men operated upon than in that of any foreijjn war, excited a degree of respectful congideration and confidence in the foreign miud wbich success alone commands. The progress since made indícales that in science as an invention America proposes to keep her place in the foremost ranki of progress. - [Toledo Sunday Journal. Lansing Republican : Tuis community was pained by the news of the death of Dr. Thomas Dolan. He died at the residence of his partner, Dr. C. H. Hayden, after an illness of about two weeks. Dr. Dolan was boru in liorthfield, Washtenaw county, June 2, 18-54, and was the seventh of a family of nine children. - While a mere youth he exhibited a remarkable taste for study. and at an early age he entered the university of Michigan as a law student, but before completing his course hechanged his mind, resolved to study medicine, and took a special course in the physiological laboratory of the university, includiuu microscopic study and normal aud pathological histology. He afterward entered the uuivcrsity óf Vermont, at Burlington, and receiv ed his diploma as doctor of medicine ín July, 18"9.Dr. Dolan carne to this city a little more than two years ago, aud eotered into partnership with Dr. C. U. Hayden with wbom he has since practiced, winning an euviable reputation as a physician, and welcomed in the community asa genial, courteous and philauthro pie gentleman. Dr. Dolan wa-s conflned to his room about two weeks, but for ten days previous to that time he exhibited marked symptoms of a typhoid condition and was warned by his brother physicians of bis danger, wüich he fully realized, but like a truc physician, he would not leave his patien'.s until his strength failed him, aud he died in harness. He leaves a father and molher, four sisters aud four brothers to mouru his loss, and a large circle of friends throughout the state.


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