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Additional local on second page. The postoffice has not yet been moved. Mrs. O. Collitr has gone to Oregon to live. Prof. DePout has returned frora Europe. "Mike"Fohey is telegraph operator at Delhi. Chas. Wagner has gone to New York on avisit. E. B. Pond is distribuüngcluthing near Vassar. Hon. 8. Pust was looking over the city Sunday. A number of eitizens are taking in the state fair. The Ypsilanti fair coraniences next Wednesday. Chas. V. Sullivan has had an increase In hisfamily - twins. Joseph Beunett died in Saleui Friday of dropsy of the heart. You can get an excellent oyster stew at Kearney's restaurant. The Bighton stage luft the city Tuesday draped in mourning. The Congregationalists have orgauized a society in Ypsilanti. J. D. Baldwin ha3 shipped thus far 4,000 baskets of peaches. Last Thursday 27 bushels of wheat were received from Öoio. An organ grinder waa arrested Mouday fer obstructing the streets. Z. Sweet and J. S. Earl are in Jackson with their buses this week. Petitt, the artist has juinped the city leaving sundry unpaid bilis. Alice, infant daughter of Willard and Marth Banfield, died Monday. A balloon ascensión will be one of the attractions at the coming fair. Mr. Dyer of Toledo, has purchased a half interest iu the little daily. Bro. Oudorkiik, of the Milan öun, has come out a temperance lecturer. A. regular meeting of the board of regents will be held next Tuesday. Over 30 boxes of clothing have been forwarded to Vassar from this city. Rev. Mr. Bourns has rented the old Sutherland place on Catheriue Street. Wm. G. Doty went to Manchester Monday, o atteud the funeral of an uncle. The Methodists had a picnic Saiurday In Bro. Cook's grove on Miller avenue. We understand that Brush would like to light this city with bis electric light. The railroads are now selling tickets from Toledo to New York city for $4. The meeting in the club room Sunday eTening was addressed by Jas. Murphy. The cities and viilages of Washtenaw, have given liberally to the flre sufferers. Prof. Franklin has returned from Indian River, where he spent bis vacation. 6eo. Clarken has had a refrigerator built in his saloon at au expense of $150. Jesse S., aged 2 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rogers.died last Thursday. The silverware for the Gregory house cost $500 and was furnished by Watts' Bros. Read the attractions to be given in the opera huiise at Ypsilanti during fair week. W. S. Ross had his fingeis badly smashed by the falliug of a llmber last Friday. Rev. Mr. McGoffin and Judfje Crane, two of Dexter's eltizent were in the city Monday. Adam D. Seyler lias something to say in to-day's Demockat. Read his advertisement. Messrs. Douglas, Henderson & Co . iflvertise their clothing eniporium in to-day's Uemocrat. The farmers should remcmber that the Washtenaw county fair is to bc held Oct 4, 5, C and 7. Over $700 n cash subscriptions in Ypsilanti for the northern sufferers. So says the Ypsilantian. The residents of cities and villages have given liberall}-, and the farmers should show their hand. A 14-ycar-old son of MrS. Powell, fel froni a tree Suuday and broke hls arn below the elbow. Gen. L. W. Heath, special ajjent for examiuing into post-ufflce matters, was in the city last week. The York flouring mili destroyed by fire last week, will not probably be rebuilt by the owneis. Gov. Jeromc who vjsited the burned district, haa issued an appeal to the people of the United States. Oue of the results of the postofflee squabble will be that we shall have a de cent office. It is time. Manager HUI is rushing business in order to have the opera house reidy in time for the grand opening. The next regular meeting of the Washteuaw county medical society will be held in the village of Milan. This city has contnbuted $2,500 worth of clothing, etc, and $1,200 in money in uid of the Michigan sufferers. Messrs. Giahamand Granger give a social hop at the Lake house, Whitmore Lake, next Thursday evening. Prof. C. L.. Adams is to deliver a series of lectures on English Government at Cornell university, in January. The annual renting of pews in the Methodist church will lake place ou Honday evening of next week. P. L. Edwards, with Sawyer & Knowlton the past year, has gone to Brownville, Cass, Co., lo teachschool. A large invoice of medicines l'or use in he homeopathie hospital from a Chicago ïouse, was received-last Friday. Miss tl. M. Gooding, of Stouey Creek, has been appointed Duraeiatite Lidies' ward of the liomeoputliic hospital. H. Mattuews has ofEered a special premium of $5 tor the faltest steer or heifer on exhibitionat the forthcoming fair. A temperance meeting at Jacob Hick's )lase in Lodi next Suaday, wiü be adiressed by Col. Craudall, of Dundee. Miás Willard, of Chicago, the great emperance advocate, spoke to a small louse in Ypsilanti Wedüesday evening. Geo. Gibbs, of Manchester township, who has been in Kansas, has retornen iilistieil th" re is no state like Michigan. Geo. Parker is in jail awaiting trial on he charge of straling nine heau of cattlc rom Patrick Gallugher, of Webster townhip. We wonder if the southern people have orgotteo how the north responded wheu heyellow fever was sweeping over the outh. The uext meeting of the farmers' club s to be held in Bndgewater the iirst Friay in Oct., al the residcuce of Juuus Short. Dr. Wheeler's office iu the homeopathie ollege is counected with the uurse'a room n the south end of the building by tele)hone. A letter from E. ïj. Cuoper, supervisor f Syivan township, says the people have esponded cheerfully to the cali for asístanse. Chas. L. , oldest sou oí George and Jane 1. Lemen, dicd Thursday of congestión f,the brain , at the age of Í) years, 8 months nd 15 days. Justice Winegar held that Mis. Mary 2, Koster couldn't go back on her signaure, and gave judgmenl on a note for 1108 and costs. A. J. Sawyer received a telegram Monay that his sister Mrs. 3aran ömith, of Corning, N. Y., had a stroke of paralysis ud was very low. The members of the Scio Gurmau church ontributed anicelittle sum of money, esides wheat, potatoef and clotbing for ie northernsufferers. T. H. Sedina, who has been living in Ut. Ayr, lowa, has goue to Lansiug, where he has a position as cutter. Thos. s an old Ann Arbor boy. Beans, $2.50; butter, 25 ets.: eggs, 14 ts; flour, $6.50 per barrel; hay, $15; lard, 2 ets. ; oats, 32 ets. ; potatoes, 75 ets. ; wheat, $1.35; corn. 30 ets. W. A. Buuiing, telegraph operator at Gettesburg for the past three years, has een transferred to this city as night perator at the M. C. depot. Mrs. JosephineE. Boudinothas applieU br a divorce froni her husbxind, E. C. loudinot, in the Wayne circuit court, on he ground of non-support. Herman Pistorius, one of the circuit ourt commissioners of Saginaw couuty, ïas been in the city to sec his brother, P. Pistorius, who is quite sick. S. A. H. Smith had excellent luck fishng the first of the week. He caught 14 )lack bass -the largest one weighed four pounds and foutteen ouuces. Last ïhursday $2,000 worth of clothing, )edding, groceries &c. were shippcd to Vassar. E. B. Pond and A. Duim saw o thedistribuliou of the roods. The residents of East Milan are opposed to having coal kilns in the vil lage, aud when a person alteinpts to build one an injunction stares him in the face. Col. Dean says he never knew that the success of a business man depended entirely Jon the location of a post-offlee. Others think differeutly however. In the probate court Monday, Geo. S Sill was appointed administrator in the estáte of Benj. J. Sutton, and Jno. L. Harlow in the Emily Begole estáte. The loss of Hoyt & Son, by the burning of their flounng mili and stave factory in the town of York, is $5,000. The property destroyed was insured for $1,000. When the news of President Garfield's death was received the church bells were tolled, and expressionsof the most poignant grief were heard on the streeta. At a session of the American pomological society held in Boston last week, Evart II. Scott of this city, was a memher of the committee on credentials. Mis. Amelia E. Hayes, of Detroit, has commenced suit for $25,000 damages in the United States circuit court agaiüst Dr. Don ild Maclean for alleged malpractice. Tliose wishing reserved seats for John L. Burleigh's "Othello" at the Ypsilanti opera house next Wednesday evening, can secure them at Watts' jewelry store. Col. Burleigh, supported by a strong company, will appear in Shukespeare's play of "Othello ' at the Ypsilanti opera house, next Wednesday evening, Sept. 28. Dr. Parsons has purchased for f2,000 the lot aiijoining the Grenville house on the west, and has moved bis office there. Next year he will build a handsome residence. The Dexter coruet band will furnish music for the colored people in Toledo to-day, who celébrate the ninetcentu an niversary of the proclamation of emancipation. Harry Price waa arrested Monday by Chief Clarkea for playing foot-ball on State street. Justice Clark gave the boy a lecture and then let him go on suspended seuteuce. The Lake Shore railroad has taken possession of the Detroit, Hillsdale and Southwesiern road . The lease runs 99 years. W. H. Cauiff is to be general supeiinteudeut. Manly & Hamilton were compelled to goto Ypsilauti for tire windovv trames for their new building, Tne curpeulera here liad so much to do tuut lüey eouluVl get them out. The managers of the fnmrrn Michigan agricultural and mechanical 3ooiety, have our thuuks for a compliuientary to the tenthauuual fair to be held in Ypsilauti Sept. 28, 29 and 30. Prof. Frank Irish will open a dancing school in Jackvon, Oct. 4. It is to be a tony affair. A number of colored gentlemen iu swullow tail coats and black pauts will act as ushers. After all The Democrat was right wheu it aunounced some weeks ago, and that to ahead of any other paper, that the D. H. & S. W. R. R. had been leased to the Lake Shore road. Mrs. Nellie Bailcy fell through a sidewalk Saturday, in front of Mrs. E. W . Morgau's nlace in the flfth ward, and inured her hip severely. She wiüprobably sue the city for damages. Fuither subscriptions far the sufferers: b ilaugsterfer, mdse, $10; Wm. Haugslerfur; mdse, $15; J. F. Scuuh, hardware, $10; Jno. Koch, cash, $5; Fred Sorg, $5; E. Eesterliu, $3. The M. C'. R. R. is selliug tickets to Jackson for oue fare fe the round trip. The state fair closes tomorrow. A special traiu leaves Ypsilanti at 7:30 A. M. and will return al 6 P. M. Tlie soutli-eastorn Michigan bee keepers' associaüon will meet at the courthouse, Wednesduy, Oct. 5, (fair week) at 9 o'elock a. m. If thought advisable other meetings will be held through the week. Tlu; democraey of New York can't afford to pander to John Kelly. Better be deleated everytime than be under obligations to him. And the sooner he is giveu to underslaml that, the better for the party. The inspector general, who is making a tour ot the state, will be in the city Saturday :o iuspect the compauy as to its arms; also the oflicers and non commissioned oflicers as to their profleiency in the tactics. Between 2 and 3 o'clock Monday moming Audrew Sutherland, who lives over the express office, heard some one trying to get through asky light. He got up and lired off his revolver when the party or pardes made themselves scarce. Rev. II. II. Barber, of Boston, editor of the "Unitarian Review" will occupy the pulpit of the Unitarian church for the cext two Sundays (Sept. 25 and Oct. 2nd) in exchangewith Rev. Mr. Sunderlaud. Regular eveniug services will be held in the Unitarian church on and after next Sunday. Mis. Rosa McCourt, who had resided on North Main street for 35 years, died Thursday nigut, aged 82 ycars of general debility. She was bom in Ireland, and came to this county with her husband, the late P. McCourt, who died some 20 years ago. She leaves one daughter Mrs. Peter Paquett, of this place. The followiug additional cash subscriptions have been received: L. Gruner, $5; W. E. Depew, 50 ets; Jno. Keenan, 50 ets; Geo. Clarken, $5; Hall & Moseley, $1;C. E. Hiscock, $5; P. Winegar, $1; L. F. Hoban,$l; W. H. Mclntyre, fl; Geo. Palmer, 50 ets. ; C. J. Gardner, $1; J. B. Dow, $1; C. J. Durheim, fl: Swathel, Kyer & Peterson, $10; Daniel Hiscock, $5; W. A. Hatch Jr., $1; S. B. Revenaugh, $1. This is the way the editor of the Lansing Journal Las of touching up country subscribers: There are a good many farmers within 20 miles of Lansing who have a matter of a bushei and a half, there or thereabout, of our wheat in their graualies. We ai-thorize them to market the same and pay the proceeds over to us. And we hope they will do so at their earliest convenience. They have f uil authorityto act for us in the premises. ani to act right soon. The following words, so widely circulated bv our A. A. contemporaries, can not be substantiated by proof, and we ask in justice that the papers quoting them will give equal publicity to our denial of their truth: "A dwelling house will rent in Ann Arbor, for just twice what it woukl in Ypsilanti, and the average value of that kind of property is worth twice as much in the former as in the latter place." This bas never been, is not now, and nover will be the case.--[Ypsilautiau. If such is the case, then nfuzzlethe Seutinel man for he flrst published the item, aud the Ann Arbor papers of course copicd it. The news of thedeath of president Garfield was received in this city wita feelings of profound sorrow. Although the people had been expecting it for days, the excitement was intense. By eleven o'clock the court-house, postofflee, business places, hotels, and the offices of the Register, üemochat and Daily News, had been draped in mourning, and even through the afternoon, the work of drapin? and festooning went on. There was only one sentiment expressed, that a great and good man had passed away, while curses loud and deep were heaped upon the head of his assassin. When the news was flashed over the wires that Chicago was íd ashe3, the people evcrywhere nobly responded to the cali for assistance, and tnoney, provisions and clothing were sent forward for the relief of the sufferers. Within three weeks a destructive conflae;ration has swept over a number of counties in Michgan and thousands f men, women and children are left destitute. In response to the cali for help, assistauce has poured in froni all quarters. Chicago, who was kindly remembered at the time of her great calamity, to the extent of millions of money, bas forwarded to the northern suiTerers the muniScent sum of $1,000. A special meeting of the pomological society was held Saturday for the poso of filling pomological hall at the county fair wbich convenes üct. 4. The following committees wcre appointed: On apples- James J. Parshall, Ann Arbor; S. W. Don-, Manchester. Peaches - J. D. Baldwin, Evart II. Scott. Grapes - Emil Baur, Jacob Ganzhorn. Pears, plums and quinces - Chas. H. Woodruff, C. C. Clark. Preserved fruits and jellies, - Miss tíarah Fletcher, Mrs. E. A. Spence. S. W. Dorr offers a special premium of $2 for the best plato of seedling peaches, and $1 for the second best exhibit. J. U. Baldwin, a special premium of $3 for the best exhibit of canned fruits, flrst premium $2, second $1. J. A. Scott exhibit ea some fine specimens flf seedling peaohes of his own raising. The Detroit AI. E. conference made the following appointments Monday: Adrián district - Wm.J. Campbell, presiding elder; Adrián, John Atkinson; Addison, Duke Whiteley; Ann Arbor, John Alabaster; Augusta, Thomas Seelye; Blissfield, J. M. Kerridge; Carleton and Schofleld, D. A. Curtis; Chelsea, II. C. Northrop; Clayton, Bray; Clinton and Alacon, John A. Alcllwain; DeerfieM and Petersburg, W. E. Dunning, and one to be supplied; Dexter, Wm. Georg; Dixboro, Stank; Dundee, C. H. Talmadge; Fairfleld, Winton; Franklin, Wilson; Grass Lake, A. B. Wood; Henrietta, lludson ; Hudson, Shier; Lambertville, VVright; Lima, D. W. Gibberson; Manchester, Combs; Ale dina, E. II. Brockway; iMilan and Oakville, Aaron R. Laing; Alonroe, Jas. E. Jacklin; Alorenci, J. L. Hudson; Napoleon and Brooklyn, Franklin Bradley; Palmyra, to be supplied; Ridgewiiy, Kilpatrick; Saline, J. C. Wortley; Sharon, Pierce; Tecumseh, R. S. Pardington ; Watcrloo, George Nixon.


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Ann Arbor Democrat