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News Of The Week

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A fire dest-oyed ie barns of Johu Mulder, ;M farmer ávinsr near O .o peni! le. Loes on binid-a ings, hay, grain, aud farm implemento $ ÍIWO.BJ Ineurvd Jamee Armitage, ajjed eleven yeara, a bou o Chai les Aruiitage, was drovroed while bathingH in St. Clair rivcr at Port Hurón on the 13th. At Reed City, a party of roughs asêailed aol Indian camp and a man nanied Osborn had htm liead split open with au ax in tüe fight. AB Bpo-nful of braii;s were taken f rom ihe wouuu M but the man .- Ueiy to HOUrtt. Sveral ar- reets have beu made. The work of reUcTing the burnt district prnj ceeds satisfactoi -ily, tiiough neceesary iflaysi are causinK distrees in eoiae quarttrs. l!ir Detroit cornmittee on the Hth had receiv.l 40,0u0. Larequanf.üesof_pioTisioE.-. I iuuand other uecfs-ary suppliee have a Uk forwardei!. Srarcea town buiiteiie .■- .-odwork. ' tuaed K -;' ■ er towna Mn '■■■■■ ' '.': i! y weU. Meiuphis, Clevecu fv, York, Chicago and other ciües throuKh tta couutry are forwarrfiug. prompüy and ener0Uéi3 (test need is shelter anu Mwwot tne burned saw mili re to te oarlj rebuilt to facilítate the ipply of lumber. Got Jerome went up to the lakes early thie monüi and ever iiace the fires has been out ol nch of telegraphicor frequent mail commun ication. Asüoonas he received a meesagf sent him regarding the catastropby he return ed to Detroit iu haste and after preparmg a prodamaüoa hurricdly left for the personal inspection of the destroyed counties. The order of Chcsen Friendi bas 33 councils inthissUte. A rand council bas been orranized withF. 1. Soiuerbvu. C. and A. J. Burtti. a, botnof Detrcit. Ia Hovey MoCraeWen's mili at Mnakegn, Sam Keil, wbüe running the edger,wa struck in the breast by a piec of ttoard, knocking him back on a beam. fracturing his skull and eauB ingalmoet instant death. He was Tl years old and married. John Mahoney's saloon and dance hall at BoBCOiBmon has been burned. Loes, f o.OOO: inurei f The Detroit Fire Belie Committee on the 15tli had already received over $50,000 n money. Liberal hipuanU oL supplies o all kind are teing receivwl rrom evtry (uarter and are being prom p '- Theewater ofA.M. Var. 'ï;ilC,;-.,was burned tothe-'ri.u ■atente, fmd whicb was verv hard at tha '1 milis, the pjlnl and Floyd house would Uav l!. aPrt pmbably many other t.uilüngs. ihe Cre deDartment di : with the eEgina .u keeping builuinK" oew -froiu i'urniii'. Tkere haring been no fire in or near the building during tho day. tht-re is co doubt bot K wal the work of an incendiar). Lees probably $ 12,000: Murcd to nearly crver loss in we Uuderwri.. New Vork. At-baceeof venneicthe Huil inurder case isuottobeallowed. Up to the the Petroit relief committee had received over 550.000, and the Port Hutod committee $30,000. Money Ukd suppiiee are bemg furnisbed Iroin nearly every town in the state and Irom many places tbrougbout the country. Great diatron stil p evailsin inany quartere, ihough relief 18 be uig supp'ned as fat as possible. lt is estünated that ihe toasee by the fire are at least f ö.OuOK& Baseett, Seed & Co. of Bay City. were bur giarize'4 ia the lüth t the exteut uf l,20Ü worth silks. Henry Sondys accidentally shot himeelf while bunting near Long Lake in Oscoda county. ixitlicüne a dangerous wound. Mr?. V. J. Kissett, forinerly a teacher at FentoD, died at her falher1 house in Fünt on the U C. S. B. B., Detroit to New York $4. Boston B. JacMon, a restaurant man at Benton Harborl 6hot Mat Tore. who eutered his sU're. Thel bnllet entered the ffre part of the leg andl passed ilown in'.o the anide joint, making aj severo wound. Mr. Willis of Clay Lake ittempU il to cümbl a tree to watch a deer lick, haviug his gunl bluas; over his shoulder muzzle down, wbao liisj Kun"was acoidtutly liischan.'' d aml tliliierally stripped from a ortion ot his !eft thiyh and nine buck shot entered his rigbl O)tJoeoph, an oll picnei r, died at Ani Arbor uf drupfy and heact distase, a. yeara. Contribuüons tor the relief of the nitTererWy the f.j;. ■ : .- to be actively re ceived. Boston? Bobseriiition amounted 17lhtonai - 143,000 dato I. Two Boston iiihd, director. R.K. earh u'a - _ LT8 fl,of t!i D Hoit public ■ ALetrc;t insto . iii ' tressed pt" "W wiia: ibey DMd go through your own tiusc aca take an mventori:ycu are ï- -e, they aí not." The relief - f.ava arranged torestore several of the burned siw uiüle to a_-sist the houseless people to secure material to build. Uov. Jerome and party, consisting of Senator Conger, Gen. Hartsutl and otherp, are traversing the burueii district, and on Saturday ltb arrïved at Minden, atfr a drive trom Sand Beach riewins; Uie desolation of Verona and Paris tow m a dry goeds box in front of the re ief hcu-e tLe govemor made a few remarka to the farinets assem hied. He staled that he had seen a portion . .f ;he Ijereavea Ciiuntry, and uow lully compreLenaenl the situation, which 'n far worw than his anticipations. He is now prepared to put the case in a uiudi strenger light to the benevolent eitizens of et] He Mcommended tlie dei-tüu'.ito never give up, tut to e,o 10 w-rk with eourage and fortitude, resolved to win goo] farms and a Oimpeteijce Irom a frienüly soi. and cliaiate, and nerer once falter on tha way assurinii iheni that Goii will take care of those who take care of theuiselves, aud that the worla renf'wned American benerolence will do all that can be asked. When he quittl the box Senator Conger was loudly cilied. The senator X' in asimilar case he :i of the country to se :o:ses aud cattle, literally in the lake to escape the fire, and be then tbooght ihat hmanity could uever be calltil on I .ch an ordeal, hut that tbia( lhTl beyond tLe :m agii . : to conc-ive. Heals. Uiefcufltiers to to forth t i mter_ the sliadowy future without fear aud with manly hearts ■odappealedto thosewho e ■ to help the sutferrrs iu ereiy posmbt wuy, f-r a smaii lavor uow ny Uj prouuctive of great good in future. "Bear ye oue anothei's burdens," and so f ulfill the law of GhrisU At Grand Rapios Robert Young and Marj Robin6on ate under arrest tor chüd niurder. Gov. Jerome bas embodied the truit of Lis oliserratiucs in the burned districts in anottiei Sappeal to the pecple of threiiel committe ■ A fonr yt :. 'J of Grand ál tcwutUlp was Bererel}1 bitUn by tvgabout ui hearl and face, bat the bruten wc; e beateu off and the child's Ufe saved. J:tc!) Mikesell's barn on the oatskirts of Hurou was burntd onüie 17th wit h con Eideruble grain and tools. Loss $2,5U0. In sored. The circuit (xnrt was in sefsion at Pontiac on the l'Jlh and adjourned to ücto'er, wheL t!ie Hall murdrr ca-e will be taken up. E'glityone additional jurymen are to be íumoioeed. .3 near Muir, belonging U) N. L. ' ;mstiid, were burnei on the 17th with considerable graiu and hay. Loes $1,CjO. Insured. The new saeagerfest baildiig at (irand KapidB tbreateus to UethecauBeof much litis í Twosudden deattis, Mrs. Horace Smit 2-t and Alf red Rige ag about 40, occurred all Flint on lUt Two barns borned at Marshall giveeTidencJ of incendiary orlspn. i P. V. Hname and iwo Parks boyg arrestedl at Benton Harbor charged with maklng andl passing coanterfeit mont-y ai e snpposed to be-l long to a large gang. The fire relief commiit at Detroit had re-l ceivt-d and disbareed 100,000 to the 20tb. I


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