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The Struggle Ended

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Thehistory of President Garfirld'sl Ltruggle for life has been one of alter-1 liating bope and despair. The nationl Ilias been almost hourly advised of hi.-l Isondition and vet the announcement ofl lilis death has caused a universal shock.I The rapidly recurring rigors of the lastl 18 hours of his life led physicians and I friends to despair, yet while life lastedl the nation continued to iiope. On sjat-1 arday 17th the President had a severel chili and froni that time to the moment of bis death the rigors were frequent and it was evident that he was rapidly sinking. Aremarkable eonstitution hadthus farsustained him but the end was at hand. During the day his condition had at all times been critical in the extreme. Bie pulse could be counted at 146 but rose above that figure and was too weak to be taken. During the moruing che President took a glass in bis hand ind after looking at himself said: "3 jannot understand why I am so weak when I look so well." Strength of .)'■-■ stiiution and forcé of will did all thatH .aspossible for hini but he now ap-1 jpeared to realize that he was sinkingj lile was íemarkably cheeríul but laterl litis mind wandered. Shortly beforel liialf past ten on Monday eveningi Ipliysicians were hastily sMmmoned.i ILn few moments all was over and thei Ifollowiug last bulletin was issued. LonÓ Bkanch, Sept. 19- 11.30 i'.M.I l-ïiie Tresidcit diet at 10.35. AtrS j;he bulletin waa issued at 5.30 thifl levening the President coDtinuel in Imnch the same condition as during the afternoon, the pulse varyiug from L02 to 106, with rather increased force and volume. After taking nourishment he feil into a quiet sleep. About 36 minute: befare bis deatb and w'uile .isleep his pulse rose to 12 and was somewhat more feeble. At 10 minstee after 10o'clock he awoke coiuplainingl of a severe pain over the región of theB tteart and alaiost iuiniediately becaineB unconscious and ceased to breathe atl 10.30. 1). W. BLIS& 11ÏAXK II.IIAMILTOlN. D. HAYB8 AliXKW. Immediately the cabinet were notitied and repaired to Francklyn cottage. All tbe members were present eicept becretarics Blaine and Lincoln. The Igovenunent took possession of the telegraph oilice and the föllowing no Liflcation was sent to Vics-President Arthur: It beeomes our painful duty to in-1 fomi Jron of the death oí Presidenll Ciarfield and te advise yon to take thci oatb of office as President of the UnitedB tatee without delay. If it concursl with youi judgment, we will be veryï glad if you will come here on tlul earliest train to-morrow morning. (Sijtned) WILLIAM WINIhjM, Socrctarj of tde Treasury. I W. H. HUN r, Secrttary nf the Navy. E I THOMAS L. JAMES. Postmasier ieneraL I WAYNE íLjcVEAÜH, Attoruey üeneraL I S. 4. KIRKWOOD, Secretary of the Interior. I The absent members of the cabinetl were also notified. Gen. Arthur received the official nol tiflcation at nis residence in New York at 12:30. Af ter reading it he buried his face in his hands and gave way tO his feelings. District attorney Rollins ind Elihu Root were with him at the time, and messengers were at oncesent to the Supreme court judges resident in the city. Judge John R. Brady was the tirst to respond and was soon f ollowed by Justice Donohue. The persons nanied, togelher with Gen. Arthur's son composed the party. The oath of office was administered and Chester A. Avthur becanie President of the United ?tates. The news of President Garfieid'. death was received throughout the country with proüound sorrow. EviIences of universal mourning are on every hand. Bells were tolled, buildngsdraped and flags hal f -mast ed. .lames A bram Garfield was bom at ( (range Cuyahoga County Ohio, Xuv. 19 1881. ílis father died whil. was young and the little farm left tj his mother f urnished scanty f are f or the family. James early learned selfreliance aud in various waya sustained elf and aided his widowed mother. [lis early struggles are familiar to the people as household words. By altérnate labor and study he secured a preparatory education and enterea Williams college in 1852 where he took high honors. Aftei his graduation he returned to his n.tive state where he taught and studied law. In 1859 he was elected to the 'egislature. At the breaking out ol the war he gave ready assistance to his itate in securing the equipment of thf ! egiments and was made lieutenmt colonel of the 42d Ohio. In thf ■ irmy he exhibited great courage and a Brcady and correct judgment. Aftcr flll■ingivarious stations he was made chief ol ■stuff to Gen. Roseucrans. After Iche baltle of Chicksun [he was mude a major general jbut in Dec. 1863 at the earnest reqm-s; uf President Lincoln he resigned hk commission to take the seat in Consto which he had beenelected. Serving in the thirty-ninth to the forty-sixtb congresses he was chosen to succeed Allen G. Thurman in the U. S. Senate, Ijut being nominated and elected to the prcsidency he never sat in the .Senate. His administratio.i of the presidential t)ftico was exceptionally .sati.sfacton ind promised to be emii. uccessful. IIow he was shot dowi iiy CliHrle.s .1. (iuitum mi the sccond ol )uly, and the story of the strnggle foi iile are too recent and familiar to U IV'old. Tiie autopsy uon tlie body ol the deceased President v;..held on ïuesday 2oth. the day tai ing his death. The reBllltifl annoin in the following bulletin: host, Bh . irptiou' irraoi;?iiiat a poet mortein exauiiaation ol ■Jy of PresideDt OrfltH WU maiie thit ifternoon in the prseence and wlth the inca of Dn. HauiütiiD, Agnew, Hii'g. BaiDM Woodward, Reybum, Amlrew H. Sruith oí KI txrou, aii'l ActiiiK Awistant Buïgaon D. B fjtiiib of the aiuiy mtiJieal niu-um. WMblDK !■■:. ïb operat on was performed by Iir. Latub. Il was fouml that the ball, ñitrnt frac t'iricg the right elewulh rib, haa passeó .Lrouh tbe spiaal coIuoiq ia front of tbe epi I iil wnal, fractnring the body of tbe first lum I i a vertebre. driíiDg R number of fragmeutt I f bone into the adjacent oft parts and lodg I DL jast below th pancreas, about two inchet l'.rjii a half tú the left nf the spine and bebm l.lie piruorium, wliere it had boconu l-nuu'letly encysted. The imuie lnte cause of death was seconden I lemorrljage from one of the meseoteric ar ■ tríes adjoininií the track of the bal). Uu ■Dlood ruptuiiug the peritoniuiii and neatly I Bjint escaping into the abdominal caity. Thif I leiuorrhage is believed to Uave been tbe eau ■ f tbe severe pain in the lower part of tb Khest coiup aintd of just t-efore doath. Al lilicess six Inches by four in diinensioni ■ as found in the vicinity of the gall bladder lit:n the ÜTer and the traverse colon Iwliich were strongly inter-adherent. It dW ■aot involrethe suïistance of the liver, and m Bconimunication was found between it and th Iwound alone the suppuralini; cbannel, whicL ■axtemied from the exterca' wound betweei B'.tie loin ïnuscles and the rigUt kidney, almoBi I." the rixhl groin. ThU channel now knowE ■ be ihie to tlie burrowinii of pus lrom tht Hwound, was suppesr 1 dunug life to have beeE ■'.he track of th ball. Oq examination of thf ■organs of tbe chest evidecces of se?ere broocbi■ - were on both sides, with broBObi I fuiaonia of the lower portions of tb ■ riüht Ihuk, and tbough to a much kb H.'x;e t of tbe lert The luiigscontained no ab■■Mipesej and the he.irt uo clots. The liver DliTfjt-d and fatty, bat iree froin abscesses.Bj laor wer any fouad ia any other organ txcjpiBJ :he ltf : ki in-y, which coulaiued near the Bur B face a small abecess, about one-third of an incl m l.ii diameter. Ia reïiewiüg the histDry of 'i taso ia conncctioa witb the autipsy, it is qnittH l-videut that the different suppurating surtacv ■ land especially the fractureci spongy tissue o! the vertebra furaish sufflcient xpianation o! the septic condition which ex:std. D. W. BLISS, J. V. BARNt. J. J. WnuliWARD, OBT. REYBIRN, FRANK H. HAMU.Te.V. D. RAYES AiNEW, D. S. LAMB. During Tuesday morning President Arthur arrived at Elberon accompanieo by secretarles Blaine and Lincoln. He was met at the station by the Dtbet members of tke cabinet, and tht party wen {chiven to Secretary Veaghs cottage -where a consultatiun was held. In auswer to the notification of President Garfield's death the Ifollowing had previouslybeen received Iby the members of the cabinet: I I have your message aunoimciDg the dratti lof President (iarfield. Perciit me to rene Ithrough you the expressious of sorrow ano Isympatby which I have alreaúy telejrap leoerpi HacVtagfa. In toeordaiio Isviti; your Boggtifllll I have taken the oath l is Piesineut of the Lnited Stïtee beiort ■the Hon. Jno. R. Bnuly, justice of ihe supreuiEoMirt of the state of Ñew York. I wiil a.;v.M [you furtiier ia regard to oLbersu_. lyour telegram. C. A. ARÏHUR. After the consultation the l'resident tpaid i visitof condolence 1 Mrs. Gaitield after which he returned to New York. Dnring the day Mrs. Garfield is said to have borne her alrliction with great fortitude though she was much prostrated. Messagesof condolence were beingct.utinually received, aniong them tke loliowing: WorOs oaonot expresa the deep tjmpatiiy 1 feel with jou. May God suppoit aud cociion yoa as He alone cru. i THE QDBEN, üaiuioral. New cjbk, .SepL 19. ■Wayne XlacVeagh, Loug üiaüCD: i l'iease convoy to the bereavtd family f Uh ■Prsin-Lt in; heartfelt i-jmpatby nd soirow ■for them in Uteir de-p aiüiciinii. A uation will luoura with them for the los-i of a chiet magisirrtte co recently c:"'leU to preside OTO its üesiiny. I will re:ura to Long Braach ik the moruii'j; to tender my services if Uity BH oe made u-ful. ■ .-igued) L'. S. GBAKT. PkikiiIT, Mich., Set', ilrs. (iarfis'd, Elberon, Long BiaucL, N. J. The detü) of the President bringH eorruw to BTerj hearl. Sprakiiig for the whole people of Michigan, I ex fud the most sice;re sympathy au'i con ooieüce. DAVID H. JERU11E, Goveinor of Michigan. LoNiHi:-, Sopt -i, 1881. Kilpi. (i?!fie!il. Long Braueh: I liie citz-ns of Louil'iu fe! tha deepts: R9j hpatiiy with you amt Americ i iu ihe saa ;ost KsustameO. 1.URD K1T0B OF LOm "Wheu President GarliekTs mother ■ was Dotlfied of tbs death of her sou ■she was inconsolable andsaitl: To-morIrow 1 will be 80 yo;us u!d, but 1 wili Inot see the beginning of another year. ■James is gone and I shall not be long lafter him." The following notiflcation has been ■sent to the represéntate ves of the United lötates at foreign courks: HJ. . Lowell, Minister. I James A. Garfit-ld, President of the Uniteo ". died at Elberon, New Jersey, l?stn;ght, a few minutes Iwlore 11 o'clock. Jb'or uearlj ) b he puiïered great pain and duriug lu entire period eshibitedextiaordiaary pa ieuce. fort.tuJe and Chnstian resigBation. The sorrow throughout the country is deep and uni vírwl. Fifiy miilions of pecpio stand ai mouruers by hh bier to-day. At bis residenc in t'.e city of New York Cbetter A. Arihur. yice-lre3ident, took the oath of office as Fret ident,to wLi;h he succeeds by virtue of the cODStitution. President Arthur ia?i enurw upoa the discbarge of his duties. l'ou wü f.iruislly couniiuuicate these facts to the Brit ishGofernment and trausmit this dwpateli b; telegraph to the Amerieau mini.-ters on tbi ontkent for like communication to the gor eroments to wt icL tbey are respvctivtly ac credited. BLAINE, Secretary. HEArKCAKTE8S OF THE ARiTT, , ADJITANT tiK.SERAL'S ÜFHCE. r WAiHIMOTOH, S-ptemter,20, VS81. in n":i! Qrdwi Na 71. The following order of the secretan ai war to the arniy tbc death of James A. Garfield, President of the United States: Wttb profouna son ow the secretary o' wai announces lo the arniy Üiat Jauie A. GarfielJ President of the Inited States died at Ellieron, New Jersey, at 25 minutes before 11 o'clock ii thfc evening of September IS, 1881. TLe grea grief, whicb is wbolly nationa), at the uulime ly death of tb Presideat, will be feltespeciail by the army in wbose service he bore a con spicuous part during the war of the rebelliop. lu biin the anuy has lost a beloved coui uiander-iu-cbUf and fortner comrade. Prop: honors will be paid to the meinory of tbe ÜU L'hief Magílr.ite of the iiatioa at the head quarters of each uiilitary station. The {ener ui of the army will give the necessary instrac tions for carryiug tbis into tflect. ROBr. T. LINCOLN, Secretary of War. Onttie icceipt of th is order at headquarttrif the military station asd at the militar) icademy at Wet Foint troops and cadets wil be paraded at 10 9 m„ and ihtt order read U Jit-ui, after wbich all labor for the day wilj cease. At dawn of day 13 guns will be firet ■t each military post, and afterwards at inter rals of 80 minutM bet ween the nsing anti set ting of the san s single gun, and at the clos t the day a uational saluteof 38 guns. Thi uational flat; will be dieplayed at half staff a liead(uurters of the several military diTi slons and departinents and at all military s.a tions until tbe remains of the late chief magir trate are coubiueJ to their final resting plact it Cleveland, Uhio. The ofhcers of Ui arm) t the United States will wear the bkdg ouiouruing on the lift arm and on their swordí. ind the colore of the regimeats b uit in mourning for a period f six months. The foliowing om f the ai my will, with a like nuiubt-ro Dflicers of the nayy selecled for the porpose rompose a guar.l of houor aod accompany tin reiuans of ibeir late commaniier in cfaief iron the cationa] capital to Cleveland, Ubio, am .uu with tdeui uutil Üiey are consignei .11 their iat rt-sting place; the general of th knny, Major Gene1 Wiufieid e-cottHtomel VDM M. C. Meigs, Aiijutair lieoeral fLC lu an, Inspector lienerpl l. B SacketU tíy commauü of (jentral sherman. R. C. DRUM. A'ljulant General. In every part of this State, ;is in fac throughout the entire country, busines was p.utially suspended on the receiji of the news of the nation's loss. Gov Jerome issued the foliowing proclama tion: EXECITIVEUFKICK, I DIO, September 2U, 1881. ) The President of the Unitf d Siites lies de ït Lon? BraDCl), strickeu by th hand of i tiMinleM and depravf . Tlie !ioLe wliich gattit-red atKut a 'ion to tb i'!i cilliee, hu suddeDly ani BWfaUf i ive lf n iliKüerrd at the t)g:iuuing ut h I werk. Thaurtat careerin wbichbe has il I oatn el bejoDd a most aiiy of Ijís country! muu ih r.'ud nportanitles of Ainric-ui cin I iensbip bas ended Lts tammer tmghtne&s, asdfl tie olil lesson is again impre88ed upon thrfl it-artó of mankind that "the paths of glor;.B ad but to the erare," The las'. twemy-fWe jars bare tested theM ■haracterof our peopleani tbs tenipiróf omfl ustitutious ia variei aud tryin? emerenciee.B Xe?er hitberto has the faitb of wli I : IA u a popular (;ovtniiii-nt aliated. Nnr willl hir hoprti be dlasaepoiuted novr. Thel rauiers uf the CoDat'tuiion for,eaw iu tln-irB ridom the voeiibility of contia-B ieucies like tlie nniwnil. nnd provideil foil .uem. Every gooU cilizeu WÍU joiu ia reu ter I ug iustaat aud ca-jerfu: aquieaoeace ia thrl 'uslilutioual 6uccteioD, wbich there is ml asoD to iloubt bas fa'ieu iuto safe and patn I tic bands. And bowever grïerously tbw jathies and atfections of the peoi!e haTe ban I ffounded bj this dreadful Pilamity, they wil I lot fail to remember the exainple of the il I .- ::uius man for wbom the nation is ii.i nourning, when he rêininded bis eountryinei;! iixt?n yeare ago, wbile sorrowinp; uudtr .i ike atllicliou and in more perüous ütues, t!ia,l tboub the President is deed, tb governineul "vee." It is fitting and proper that the obserranci hich are due to the memory of the departed uier, and wbich will tcstify to ttM universal ind allectionate esteem entertained towaro ás person and character, nhould be aecooijanied also bj au aekuowiedgement of oui lependencj upou Ais .. whoee pro I.rcüug hand has so e;ually goarded Bí i: ■her trials aad by iuvuration of His ftture fa or. I recotnmem-, therefore, to tbs people o; Wlrfilgiin iti:t ou the day appoiüted for the in-B t-ínutnt of the remains ut tbs late PresideutB n tbeir Üuul r-'iiii.j; place at bis oíd home iul bey asseuible iu their respective placesH f worsbip, ami lo the marnier and ibroiul.B he fonns to whicti tliry are aecuitoined, pacJ henis-lves anew under the Bivine protectiou M íud implore (jo.l's conttuued kinduess towardl his naiiou. I recorameod also that oa tbel ■iame day busmeps pursuiu be suspeuded gen-I rally throaghot Um State. ín ttsíimouy whereof, I have hereunto setl 'iiy hand and muse-i ihe great seal of tbeStatfH 10 be hereunto affixed at Xadsíl. lay of September, DAVID H. JEROME, Governor. I By the (jnyernor: Wm. Jksney. Secrelaiy of State. I


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