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Kalamazoo, Mich., Peb. 2, 188Ö. I know Hop Bitters vrill bear recommeudation honestly. All who uso tbem confcr upon them thehighest encomiums, and give them credit tor making cures - all the proprietora claiui for them. I have kept them since they were flrst ofïered to the public. They took high rank from Uie iirsl, and maintained it, and are more called for than all others combinod. So long as they keep up their high reputation for purity and usefulness, I shall continue to recomiueiul them - something I have never betore done with any other patent medicine. J. J. Babcock, M. D. AS A CURE FOK PILES Kidney-Wort acts rïrst by overcomiug in the müdest uiaiiner all to consti pation ; Ihen, by its great tonic and invigorating properties, it restores to healththe the debilitated aud weakened parts. We have hundreds of certified cures, where all else had failed. Use it and suffer uo longer.- [ExcLange. WÜMAN'S TKUE FK1END. A friend in need is a friend indeeJ . This none can deny, especially wheu assistance is rendered wheu one is sorely afllicted with disease, more particularly tliose coinplaints and weakuesses so coraiiion to our témale populatiou. Every woman bhould know thal Electric Bitter's are woman's true friend, and will positively restore her to healtu, even when all other remedies fail. A single trial always


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Ann Arbor Democrat