News Of The Week
The (rovernor has appointed Benjaraan Vernor of Detroit as a meniber ol the Insurance policy commiBsion. Orlando Halstead of Lawson was str ek by a Bwitch engine at Kalamazoo and badly ïnjured. The safe in the county treasurer's office at Charlotte was blown open on the night of the 20th and a sinall ainount of change taken. The burglars were uuable to open tbe burglar proof conipartnient. Henry Van Rumpus of Mnskegon has eued the Beidier manufacturing company for f 10,000 damageB, allegiug that lus hotel has been burned three times by sparks froin the coinpauy's mili, whieh, he claims is not furn'nhed as it should be with a spark arrester in its chimney. The store of Mr. Huston at Tawas city in this state was disfigured with paint and tar Wednesday night 21st, aa is supposed because it was notdraped. The Port Huron relief eoinmittee have issued another appeal. They have reeeived over $100,000 in inoney beside supplies. ' The following lias been sent by the Detroit central relief committee to the relief committet'B of Port Huron, East Saginaw, Saginaw City, Bay City and Flint. Citï üv Bethoit, Maïor's Office ) September 22, 1881. j Gentlemen- The immediate wants of the sullerers by fue, arising f rom hunger and destitution, having been temporarily relieved, it seems to us tbat the time has arrived when a compreheiibive plan of cooperation should be arrauged between the relief committees of Detroit, Port Hurön, East Saginaw, Saginaw City, Bay City and Pliut. It is probable that the contributious of the charitable of the nation that have been made. and are likely to be made, will fall far short of being sufficient to support the sufferers until they can beenabled to support theiuselves by tilling their laud. It is therefore cspecially neccssary that a plan of co operation Bhould be agreed upon between us that will prevent the duplicating of supplies to any location. We respectfully invite you to meet us, and representativos of the other relief couimittees above referred to in Detroit at this office, Tuesdaithe 27th inst. at 11 a. m. Very respeetfully, WM. d. THOMPSON, Chairman Detroit Relief Committee. The Detroit committee have expended over $30,000 for seed whtat, luinber and starting saw-mills. The coroner's jury in the Young.Robiuson child murder cafe, at Grand .Rapids, after hearing testimony from a uuniber of witnesses and the 'statement of the reapondents, returnfd the followint? verdict: We find from the f dence that sufficient arsenic was found in tue stomach und intestines of the child to have producid death; but whether such death was used from the effects of poison, or from nai al causes, we are unable to determine, as it peais from the evidence that the child had beea suffering from an irritation and inrlainmation of the stomach and intestines. Wm. Simmons, aged 50, feil from a handcar on the M. C. R.R. near Homer, and when picked up was dead. The safe in the post-office at Evart was brown open Wednesday night 21st, and some $800 in cash taken, and over f300 in paper and stainps. The work was done by drilling the door and blowing in powder. The books were damaged considerably. Jos. O. Sawyer of Grand Rapids, died suddenly in the depot at Bulïalo when on nis way home from the east Detroit to N. Y., G. T. R. R., $4. Boston $5. William Delaur, a Cauadian, and Joseph Pepper, of Bay City, were iustantly kiiled at Si-allnn'sranin. Clare couüty. by a fallina tree during a severa hurricaue, which is roportei to have leveled 2,000,000 feutof piae íq tbat sectioD. Counterfeit half dollars lwve for sonie time been nuinerous at Verinontrille, in this state, aud on the23'i a youag man named Burr (iodfrey, wholivedsix miles f rom tbat place, was arrested on the charge of making them and committoJ fur .. The death of the President caused the dea tb of two persons in Flint. One a carpenter who had worked at usual during the day and to all appeaianci'S was in good health. He heard the oeil toll and exclairaed, 'ihe President is dead," and died alniost instantly. The otber a young lady, whn had boon sick for Gometime; Hhe eaid, wlien ehe heard the bolls, "The President is dead, and I ehall soou be with him," and died beiore the bella ceased tolling. The cash reeeipts of tbtt Detroit lire relief committee to and inoluding 2(ith were nearly fl'20,000. The Boston f uud for Ihe Michigan Cíe sufferere amounted to $i0,621 to the 24th. At East Sagicaw 700,000 feet of lumber aod a lot of lath were burned on Sust,Ebon & Co.'s doek on the 23d. Loss, f 12,000 iusured. A brakenian on the Newago railroad, named Otto Topping, while coupliug cars Dear Caanovia, had bis head caught between the emis of two logs on the train and conipletely crushed. The store of Mr. Huston, which received a coat of tar because it was uot draped in respect to the late PreBident, being still undraped, received another coat on the night of the 28d, heavierthan before. The Detroit relief committee have received o the 25tu aearly f 125,000. Julius Osborne of Chase died on the 25th from injuries received on tae 'Jth in a dranken affray. A tornado struck East Tawas on Saturday evenmg 2-uu., domg considerable daniage. James Burchau of Wilbui township lost his newlouse by fire on the 25lh. Loss $1,1200. No insurance Jack Donnelly of Buchanan, waB probably fatally iujured by tho bursting of his gun while huntiüg ou the 20th. Mark Rueh, liviug near Henderson feil from a straw stack and broke his leg on the 26th. Mayor CarlcUn of Port Huron isued an address ou the 27tb, in which he said tbat the caih receipts there for the lire sufferers amount to over $121,000 and that no more clothing is needei, but he appeals forfuither gif ts of underwear, provisión, etc., as wel] as money. HSADQOABTKRS CENTRAL RELIEF COM., ) Major's Office, Detroit, Sept, 27, 1881. j The committee have receivtd irom various quarters tender of employmeut for male and female help, and homes for orphan children. Any applicationB of such nature received through reaular relief agents wül have due atlention at this office. V. ö. Thompson, Chairman. Papers in the burned district please copy. Mr?. Martha Noble widow of the late SylTester D Noble died at Ann Axbjr on the 2öth. She (jame to Michigan in 1826. The Geauga seminary, which the late President (jarüeld attendnl in early life, was many yearsazo merged intothe Hülsdalö colloge, and the authqritiea of the college have resolved as a memorial of the diBtin&;uhhed raariyr to compete a new building at a coit of flü.000, on College hill, to be called tíarlíeld Hall. This will offer au opportuuity to the liberal people of Michigan who love the memory of their dead l'resident to do a great good and at the same time erect within Michigan a snitahl memorial of him. AU persons desiriug to contribute to the f und ehould send tht ir mone; to theBev. D. W.C. Durgin, president of th college at Hillsdale. A conference between th Cre relief com mitteei of Detroit, Bij City, Kast Eöaginaw Flint and Sagiuaw City was held at Detroi on the 27th ani arrangements effected fo efficiënt concerted action. The Port Huro eommittee was not represented. The Detroit committee had reeeived ve 140,000 to the 27th.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat