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HENRY MATTHEWS, Has] the pleasure to inform the public that he ia ready to reccire them in hisne-.brick MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EA3T OF LEONAED HOUSE. Everything in line wül be flrst-class, and At Rcasonabio Rates. He returns nis sincere thanks to all his old customers f or their generous patronage, and cordl invites them, and all new customers to his new quarters, "vvere he hopes by f air dealing to ánlarge liis airea dy growing business. Send for ouï BWifek AWL New IllustraK1 TH tedPrice-List MJWL No. 30, for WBF Glr FallandWinter of 1881. Free to any address. Conta'.. foll d scription of all kinds of good3 for perse ril and family use. We deal directly with the consuinar, and seil all goods in any quantity at wholesak priecs. You can buy better and cheaper than at home. HONTGOMERY WABD & CO. 227 and 22:) Yv'nbash Avene,Chicago,Ili FRED SORÖT Dealer n PAINTS, OILS, YAMÏSHEB BEUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, And all Painters' Supplics of the Best QualitjSHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington Isi. ANN ARBOB. - MICMIOAN. R1NSEY & SEÁBOLT, No. 6 ánd 8 Wash ington t, Have on hand a complete stock of everytliing in the Grocery Line. They buy their Teas, Coffees, anti Sngra.i'S In large amounts, and at Casltx Prioes And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoico of Teas they Bi y and Sell, is ir good proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. Theylïoast their own Coffees every week, and none but prime articles are used. Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. JACKSÖiTTI REPLAY CO. Blanufacturers of Stone Sewer Pipe a m n ZDIR-AJUST TIXjIEDAil our Drain Tile are made of Firc Clay, are of unusual strenfrth and light wciyht, which ma terially reduces the breakage aud expenso of transportador. The ditrhing for thisclass of tilin,e;islessexpea sive, as they de not require tobe laíd bWovfrost, butonly deep enough to escape the }_!.. v. Vrhilo tlüs is nicre eoonomieal it a!so aids in obtaininga better "fan" or grado to the drain. A full assortment of all sizes, for salö in small quantities or car load lot?, at tho FHRDOH LUHBBB YARD. JAS.JTOLBERT, Apren. pT "hTdöwSSI VEGETABLE BALSAtWIJC I Is a sure cure for Cough, Colds, H Whooping-Cough, and all Lung 9 Diseases, wheu taken in beason. People die of consumptioti H y because of neglect, when theH i timely use of this remede would ö have cured them at once. Ftfty'one ycars ot con-B stant use provet Un. fact that no H cough remed ha stood the tesl ■ like JDo ui tt JLtixir. Prics 35o. öuc. uil S1.UC. peí bottle. ■ Pur Fver where. Dr.Baxter's Mandrake I KIB9 -mr rwr rm- w-t -arvk. Bhfo5 9 .mjm AA' A' A ASfP Will curt Jaundice, Dispepsia, Liver Coniplaints, Indigestión, and all dioeases arising from Biliousness. Pnce 25 ets. perbottle. Fot Salo Everynherc. HËUKl fc JOUNSON'S ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENT Tor .TIn 11 and Heust. The most perfect liniment ever 3 compounded. Piice ?5c. and 50c. 9 For Sale Jivcrywhero. - )TE(- . Chicago & Forth-Wesiern is the "ITSS1 BEST LEADING RAILWA3T, OF THE ' WEST AND NOETHWEST! It is the short and bost roatc botweeu Chicago and Hortten niiaois, E40íi' fVYl;?'ínA CallSnito, ani :'or ' OO'JSTCIL SUFFS, OMAHA DENVER, LEADVILLE, Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEADWOOD, SIOÜX CITY, ' Oedw Ispidí, líSÜJiaca, Columbas, !.tó all Points in Territeriei, Í til West. A ,0, f fteLce , Orsea By ■olía, Fargo, HnuMk, WiOiia, UCtoii, OwatcaaarS 1 in ïiioaiso'.i, Dakota, Wisooasia ana tho Nct WSAt'CouncU Bluffs the trains of the Chiosgo Morth-VVestcrn and the V. P. E'ys dopart tron? rive at aud usc the same j sint L nlon Depot. At Chicago, close conrieHionsaroniadewiththp Lake Shore, Mlchi(an Centra 1, Baltimore &Ohlo Ft Wayno and Fennsylvania, and Vhicñgo ';randTrunkK'ys,and toe Kankakee uJThL ""e'connlctíomadeat Junction Poicts. It Istheonlyllneriuinlg Pullman Hotel Dining Cars CHICAGO AND COUNCIL BLü?pS PVI IMA SI.EKI-EBS OH ALL OTOHT TKA1.S - kinnh.Westem Rsüway. ,. ö "-


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