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Opening and Closing of the MailsMails leaving Ann Arbor, East and West, will close as follows; GOING WEST. Way Mail. 6.30a.m. Through and Way Mail 10.50 a. m. Way Mail between Ann Arbor and Jackson 4.50 p. m. NigUt Mail 9.00 p. m. GOING EAST. Through and Way Mail, Night Line, . . 6.00 a. m, l'hrough and Way Mail, Sunday and Monday, closes Saturday and Sunday night -U.OOp.m. rhrough and Way Mail lo.itta, m., 4.50p. m. aoiNQ south. Toledo and Way 7.00 a, m. fSastern Mails distributed at 8 a. m. and 13 m and ö,20 p. m. Western Mails distributed at 8 a. m. and 6.20 p. m. Jackson Mail and Way Mail between Jackson and Ann Arbor distributed at 11.15 a. m. Monroe and Adrián pouch, 10.15 a. in. The Mail to Whitmore Lake, Hamburg and Webster leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays and baturdays at 9 a. m. LEONARD HOUSE, TF. LEONARD, Froprietor, . Arm Arbor, Hlcb. förYalëorrE"nt The present residence of Mrs. F. A.Hill, with T h o Land .A. 1 j o i ix í n , Consisting oí about 40 acres, 30 of which can be cultivated. Rent, $800, or the House and 8 acres will be rented seperate, Rent $ti00. The above property is also for sale by the lot, or by the acre, or in larger quantities. TITLE PERFECT. For further particulars enquire of H. R. Hill, office No. 8 Opera House Bloek, or Wm. M. White, Canaseraga, New York. GooüTfiar's New Dri Store The Old Crenville Stand, No. 5, South MainSt. EVERYTHiNG NEW AND FRESH ! Prcscriptions Compounded Day and Night. The Penmanship & Business Institute ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Offers special advantages to those wishing to teach the art of writing, or those who would become f ree. rapid, and graceful writers or ready. accurate and thorough accountants. Lectures on Commercial Law, by Judge N. W. Cheever, will be given during the winter months f ree to all students. For tenns , and other information calí at the room over Wines & Worden's, oraddress I.S.riaines, Lock Dox 84, Ann Arbor. ECards w ritten to order. C. E. Holmes, proprietor of the City Drug store has the choicest lot of perfumes and the LARGEST STOCK of PURE DRUGS in the city. Also everything in the Toilet and Fancy goods line, at prices lowerthan anywhere else. Prescriptions carefully compounded. No. 12 C'ook Hotel Block, Ann Arbor, Michigan. THEANNARBORBAKERY We have secured the services of a first-class baker and pastry cook, and we are furnishing a quality ot bread that has never been excelled in tliis city. We are also making some of the nicest articles in the line ot pastry, many of them entire novelties in Ann Arbor, A good assortmentof groceries and provisions will be found at our store. All orders for goods in our line will be filled and promptly dclivered to any part of the city. A liberal discount will be made to clubs. HALL & MOSELEY. No. 23 N. Main St. Genuine Milwaukee ? UwMBriUv Laer Beer Depot. Apja week in yourown town, Terms and $5 vPDDoutfitsfree. Address. H. Hau.ktt & Oo Portland, Malne Dr. Merwln's ElectroMaetietic Belt. Cures all snffering f rom Nervous Weaknesses, General Debility, Loss of Nerve Forcé or Vigor, or any disease resulting from Abuses and Other Causes, or to aoy one afflicted with Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, Spiual Difflculties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Lame Back, and other Diñases of the Vital Organs. Also, Women troubled wlth Diseases peculiar to their sex. Beud at once for book giving all iutormation f roe. Address W. R. MERWIN, M. D., Dbtrott, Mich. RAILROAD8. TVjlCHIOAN CENTBAL RAILROAIJ. TIME TABLE, MAY 22, 1880. eoiwa wmt. s gá ii as s „TATIONS. &ll.?IEl I_2li3.. ?! M. .riA.M. A.M. r. M. P.M. P.M. P. ■. Detroit Lv. 7.00 9.35 5.55 4.05 8.30 9.50 Q T Jane 7.15 9.55 6.10 4.20 8.45 10.10 Wavne June... 7.52 10.29 6.42 4.46 9.20 10.40 Ypsilanti 8.20 10 48 7.05 5.05 9.43 11.12 AunArbor 8.40 11.00 7.24 5.221 9.5S 11.17 BÓïter 9.04 7 48 5.3 10.23 helsca 9.22 8.05 5.52 10.38 ■ ürasslike 9.50 8.32 6.12 11.01 P.M. A.M Jackson Ar. 10.10 9.00 11 30 jackson Lv. 10.20 12.15 6-55 a.m, 12.40 Vlbio.. 11.04 12.50 L 7.42 12.15 1.16 Marshall"" U40 LJ _ 8.08 12.40 137 Battle Creek.... 129 1.55 L 8.41 1.08 2.02 A. M. Galesburg 12.53 a.m. 9.15 Kalamazoo 1.13 2.3b 4.50 9.35 1.53 2.45 Lawton 1.52 5.25 2.35 Uecatur 2.07 5.42 2.50 Uuwasiac 2.2 6-07 3.13 iSs 2.55 4.04 6.50 3.40 4.15 B.ichaian 3.08 7.02 3.53 ThreeOaks.... 3.38 7.87 4.20 New Bnffulo... 3.53 4.52 7.40 4.35 Mich (Jity .... 4.23 5.18 8.08 5.03 5.28 Uke 5.13 6.02 8.54 5.51 6.18 Küioinuton 6.00 B.50 9.45 6.40 7.11 Ohleago.....Ar 8.50 7.40 10.35 7.30 8.C0 IIO1NG EAHi. L STATIONS. = SfS. "3 3 .- SS. Lfö f s i ?o ia sa. A. M. A.M. T. M P.M. P. M. Jhi-aeo Lv. 7.00 900 3.40 5 15 9.1C KenXtoiZ... 7.50 9.50 4.30 6.05 10.0C Uke 8.36 10.27 5.1Í 6.50 10.40 Mlch City 9.25 11.13 6.00 7.38 .33 New Bufl'alo... 9.50 11.33 6.25 11.55 Three Oaks 10.03 6.40 ■■. Buchanan 10.30 r.u. 7.06 ...... ....... Siles 10.45 12.18 7.87 9.00 12.45 DowaL'iao 11.18 8.06 1.10 Decatur U.3 8.33 1.32 UwiO'i 11-55 8.531 A. M líalamazoó 14 1.38 9.30 6.50 10.25 2.26 alestnif 1253 5" 7.08 Efcttte OiSÍEm 1.28 2.15 fi 7.38 11.08 3 30 íarshall .n 3.0 " 8 06 11.33 S. Vlbion 2.46 3.21 - 8.32 11.59 4.1Í A. H. A. M. ïcksmu.'.'ï.u' 3.'45 4.05 7.15 Í.80 12.45 5.00 3.ds8Lake 4.10 7.40 9.50 jheteea 4.40 8.03 10.07 Di-xter 5.00 1 8.17 10.19 1 Min ATlior 5.22 5.07 8.40 10.84 2.05 6.25 rrailantí 5.38 5.23 8 56 10.48 2.20 6.41 vVayne June... 6.02 5.45 9.17 11.08 2.44 7.05 3. T. June 6.35 6.15 9.45 1135 3.20 7.45 Detroit Ar 6.50 6.30 10.00 11.50 3.35 8.C0 The New York Express, a fast train leaves Chi'aeo at 3 30 in the afternoon and makes the rol'jnwing stops, Michigan City, 5,30; Niles, 6.27;; Battle Creek, 8.20; Jackson, 9.5i. rpsilanti, 10.50; G. T. Junction, 11.35; arrivingm Detroit at 10.50 P. M. 'Sundiiy excepted. $Saturday & Sunday excepted tDaily. Uenkt C. Wbntwobth, H.B. Ledtabd, O. P. db T. A., Chicago. Qen'l Manager. Detroit TOLEDO, ANN ARBOK & GRAND TRUNK X KA1LROAD, Taking effect Sunday, Sept. 4, 1881. Trains run by Columbus time. 3oing North. Qoing South. Exp'ssl Mail. STATIONS. ! Mail. Erp's 'P.M. 4. M I P.M. A. M. +5.10 +8.30 Toledo +5-35 +9.35 5 14 8.33 North Toledo +5.38 '9.32 5.83 8.43 Detroit Junction. 5.23 9.3 5 33 8.52 Hawthorn 5.12 9.12 5.44 9.02 Samaría 5.03 9.02 5.5S 9.17Lulu 5.50 "8.46 [6.05 9.83 Monroe Junction 4.44 8.41 6.15 9.33 Dundee 4 34 8.35 6.25 9.44 Azalia 4.22 8.25 6.38 9.57 Milan 4.08 8.10 642 10.04 Nora 4.02 8.02 6.4S 10.11 Urania 3.55 t7.55 6 57 10.23 "ipsilanti Juncti'n 3.45 7.45 7.10 10.35 AnnArbor.. .. +3.30 +7.30 7.40J 11.05 I Wordens I 3.05 7.Oo +7.631 +11.20 I South Lyon +2.45 +6.45 H. W. ASHLEY Gen'l Superintendent. J. HALLER & SON Will remove their Jewelry Store! To No. 46 South Mam St., On or about THE ÜStk OF OCTOBER. ♦ - ' They will offer Special Bargains in Jewelry and Silverware. A large stock to select irom. Persons desiring anything in our line will certainly find it to their advantage to cali now. as we wii to Close Ooi Wbat we can of our stock, before occupying our new store. LECALS. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate court f or said County, Commissioners toreceive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against the estáte of Joseph D. Irish.lateof said county deceased.hereby give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for Creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the late residence of said deceased in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Wednesday the 18th day of January and on Tuesday the 18th day of April next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each of said days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated October 18, 1881 . Robert P. Leonard, Calvin Bliss, Elihu B. Pond. Commisslonftra Ordinance Relative to Transcient Dealers Sectjon 1. No person snall f ollow the business or occupation of soliciting orders for or selMiig eoods, wares or merchandise from samples within the limita of the city of Aon Arbor without a license from the recorder. Seotion 2. The recorder is hereby authonzed to issue a license to any person to follow the business of soliciting orders for and selhng goods, wares and merchandise from samples on nis paying into the city .treasury the sum preBeribed In the next section. Section S. Any person soliciting a license under this ordinance shall pay therefor as follows: Twenty-flve dollars for each and every day he shall be engaged in thesaid business of solicitiug orders fur or selling goods, wares and merchan dise from samples, Section 4. Provided that this ordinance is not intended to apply to sales by samples to merchants and regular dealers within the city. SEcrroN 5. Any violators of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a flne of not less than ten dollars nor exceeding flfty dollars, or by imprisonment in the Washtenaw county iail for a term not exeeeding ninety days, JOHN KAPP, W. W. Douolass, Mayor. Recorder. Estáte of Jeremiah Peek. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate of nee in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the 28th' day of September, in the year one thousand Öif &S&U. Judge of Probaitn ' the matter of the estáte of Jeremiah PechristophOTYates Peek, the administrar of said estáte, comes into court and represents that he is now preparad to render his final account as 8Uíhear"it iHrdered, that Wednesday, the ' 26thday of October next, at ten o'cloek in tl 0 forenoon, beassigned tor examiningand allowiiin such account, and that the heirs-at-law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in saiu estáte, are required to appearat a session of said court,then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed: And it is further ordered, that said Administrator give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing causlng a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Demochat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said County. three suocessive weeks previous to said day of hearing, WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. A trae copy . Judge of Probate. William G. Doty. Probate Reeister. ; Estáte of Charles KitsonSTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday.the 6th day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty one. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Charles Kitson. deceased. On reading and flling the petition, dulv verifled of James Kitson one of the administrators of said estáte praying that the administrators of said estáte may be licensed to sell the Beal Es tate whereof said dedeased died seized. Thereupon, it is ordered that Saturday, the 5th day of November next, at ten o'clock in the f ore noon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs-at-iaw of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate offlce, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered,that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition , and the hearing thereof , by caus ing a copy of this order to be published in The Ann Arbor Demoerat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county.three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. IIAREIMAN, ( A true copy . ) Judge of Proba te. William Q . Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of Julia Murray. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 8S. At a session of the probate court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the pro bate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the 2'th day of September in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of tho estáte of Julia Murray deoeased. Edward Duffy, administrator de bonis non with will annexed of the estáte of said deceased. comes into court and represents thathe is now prepared to render his flnal account and asks to be discharged as such administrator. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Monday, the 24th day of October next at ten o'clock in theforenoon be assigned for examining and allowing such account and the hearing said request to be discharged, and that the devisees, legatees and neirs at iaw of said de ceased, and all other persons interested in said estate, are required to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause íf any there be, why the said account should not beallowed: And itisfurther ordered that said administrator de bonis non with will annexed, give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Demoerat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, " [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. William G . üoty. Probate Recister Estáte of Hiram Arnold. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of washtenaw ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday the llth day of October in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Present, William ü. Harriman, judge of probate. In the matter of the estáte of Hiram Arnold, deceased, , On reading and flling the petition duly verified of Noah W. Cheever and Edward Treadwell praying that they be licensed to invest the funds of said estáte in Government Bonds or real estáte mortgage securities. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Tuesday, the 8th day of November next. at ten o'clock in the f orenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition and that the devisees. legatees and heirs at Iaw of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a. session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause jif any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted : And it is f urther ordt red, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendeney of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in The Ann Demuerat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty. Probate Register, Morteaere Sale. WHEREAS.William H. Wells and Diona Wells, his wife.of the city oí Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, on the fourteenth day of August in the jear one thousand eight huudred and eighty, executed a mortgage to Thomas Braman, of the township of York, Washtenaw county, and state aforesaid, to secure the paynient of certain principal and interest money therein mentioned, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the register ot' deeds for the county of Washtenaw aforesaid, on the sixteenth day of August, A. D., 1880, in liber flfty-eight, of mortgages on page 595, and whereas default has been made in the.payment of an installment of interest which became due on the fourteenth day of August, A. D. 1881, by reason whereof and pursuant to the termsof said mortgage, and whereas there is now claimed to be due and payable upon the said mortgage, and the note accompanying the same at the date of this notice the sum of seventy-seven dollars and flfty-eight cents (77.58), in addition to all the other legal costs of this foreclosure proTided for in said mortgage, and no suit or proceedings having been instituted at law or in equity to recover the aforesaid sum or any part thereof, notice is therefore hereby given that said mortgage will be f oreclosed on tne fourteenth day of January A. D., 1883 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day by a sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the east front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, in the state of Michigan, (said court house being the place of holding the circuit court for said county,) tbe mortgaged premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount of principal.and interest reinaining unpaid upon said mortgage with the charges of sale aforesaid, which premises are; said mortgage as follows to-wit: Being premises known as the "Washtenaw HouseT' property, Uts one, and three in block seven, of Brown and Fuller's addition to the village (now city) of Ann Arbor, commencing at the south-west corner of the Washtenaw House and running thence north fifty-six (56) degrees, east seventy-two feet to the corner of the store lot, thence north thirty-four (34) degrees, west sixty -seven feet, theace north fifty-six degrees, east ten feet, thence north thirty-four degrees, west sixty-four feet, thence south flfty-six degrees, west eighty-two feet, and thence south thirty-four degrees, east one hundred and thirty-one feet to the place of beginning; also the right and privilege of continuing a shed on the north end of the alley adjoining the Washtenaw House. Dated October 12, 1881. THOMAS BRAMAN, Alex. W. Hamilton, Mortgagee. Attorney for mortgagee. M#TJj tf BJÏi B É O fa tf-Ifc l' '11 THE CREAT BVBLINGTON ROUTE. PNo other line runs Three Through Pas genger Trains Daily between Chicago, Dep Moines, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchison, Topeka and Kensas City. Direct connectiona for all points Ai Kansas Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregou ano California. The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comfortatle Route viaHannibu! to Fort Scott, Denison Dalla, Houston, Austin. San Antonio, Galveston and all points in Texas. .. The unequaled inducempnts offered bytms Line to Travelers and Tourists, are as follows. The celebrated Pullman (16-wheel) Palace Sleeping Care. run only on this Line, C, B. & Q. Palace Drawing-Room Cars, with Horton 6 Reclining Chairs. No extra charge for Seats In Reelinlng Chalrs. The famoua C, B. & Q. Palace Dinlnjr Cars. Gorgeous Smoking Cars Btted with Elegant Hitfh-Backed Kattan Revolving Chairs tor the exclusive uso of lirstclass passengers. Steel Track and Superior Equipment, combined with their Great Through Car Arrange ment, makes this, above all others, thefavorite Route to the South, South-West, and the Far Try It, and you will flnd traveling a luxury Insteadof adisraimfort. Through Tickots via this Celebrated Line for sale at all offices in the United States and Canada. All Information about Rates of Fare, Sleeping Car Aceommodations, Time Tables, &c, will be cheerfully given, and wlll send Free to any address an elegant County Map of United States, in colors, by applying to. PEECEVAL LOWEL General Passenger Aeent Chicago' T. J. POTTER, Gneral Manager, chK


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Ann Arbor Democrat