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Additional local on second page. C. P. Dounelly is back froin Omaha. Col. Burleigh left Mouday for Chicago. The circuit court opens next Tuesday. There are 1,-129 studentsin the university. Company A. went to Yorklown with 43 men. - Rev. Mr. Sunderlaud has returned from Boston. Clara Louisa Kellogg at umversity hall Oct. 26. The supervisors were not in session Saturdai1. It will be knowu as the St. James after next week. The opera house will be in better con dition to-niLfht. T. F. Ilutzel spent Sunday witü his Jackson frieuds. llall's bakery is m immense place to get a good luucli. The Ypsilauli graage lias forwarded $00 to the tire suffercrs. Prof. Trueedell is attendiug a teachers' iustitute in (Joruuiui. Ernest Jlaun, of Detroit, spent Sunday with his iather E. Manu, Miss May Hyan, oi Pt. Austin, iá visitiug Misa iiauuah Digaan. Fi'of. ülney has beeu eleeted treasurer of the state baptist society. A. D. Seyler has turued over to treasurer ürown $00 for the fire sulferers, Jno. Moon, of Ypsilanti, has goue to work lor Shuler Bros. in Charlotte. The opera house was opened Tuesday eveuing with the play of 1U0 Wiveo. Dr. Hall is having his secoad trifil in Poütiac lor the murder of his wifc. A large audieuce was present in university hall Friday evening to hear Litta. Daniel Young, tovvnsliip of Ann Arbor is building a new house to cosí $1,200. Jno. W. Maloney, clerk of the superior court Detroit, speut Sunday in the citv The salary of stenographer Goodrich the comiDg year. has been tixed at $1,000. Chief Clarken's bill presented to the board of supervisors was for ouly $89.90. P. D. Woodruff attended a session of the I. O. G. T. last week ia Grand liauida. The reform club rooms are temporarily closed, uut will be opeued again tuis wiuter. Most of the property sold for taxes in this couuty was purchased by II T Morton. Tuesday was Öt. Luku's day, and moruïüR seivi-e was held at the Episcopal cUurch. If you have not visited the art loan exhibitiou reiuember to-daj is your last chance. T. J. Keech is furimhiog a large amount of lumber for the now libiarv building. J Quite a good many persoas weut froni here on tüe excursión to last Thursday. H. R. Hill has liad the hallway leading to the opera house f rescoed ; also his private office. It is said that Dr. Donald Aladean has been olïered a position in another medical college. Mrs. Z. Truesdell is visiting a sister iu Moline, III. 8he bas been absent some three weeks. T. F. Elutzel has a number of men at work putting in the steam pipes iu the opera house. The directors of the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Grand Trunk lailroad niet iu Toledo yesterday. The case of Miss Carrie Noyes against Alary Foster has been adjourued aeain until Nov. 28. Three meinbers of the fainily of Wm. ouanahan, of Dover, are down with the typhoid fever. Mrs. A. R. Hall, who has been visiting her sister iu Detroit returned home the Ia3t of the week. Pat Rooney at the opera house to-night If you would enjoy a hearty laugh iust take in the show. Jno. Schumacher who was the lowest bidder, will put the tin roof on Mauly & Hamilton's block. A pnsoner escaped fiom the jail Saturday. He went out af ter a pail of water and did not return. The fall meeting of the university athletic association is to be held ou the fair grounds next Saturday. Our citizens will have an opportunity of hearing Miss Clara Louisa Kelloirjt in university hal! Oct. 26. The telephona subscribers are on the increase. Two more have been added to the list since our last issue. Alfred P. Burbank, humorous and dramatic elocutionist, at uuiversity hall tomorrow Friday evening. Wm. H. Lewis says he will open the 8t. James, formerly Gregory house a week from Monday sure. The questiou of loeiting the postofflee was presentedto the authorities in WashingtoD Monday afternoon. Business was never better in this city The merchant: have all they can attend to, and of course feel jubilant. Dr. Cocker officiate.d at the morning service in the M. E. cuurch Sundav. There was no evening service. Jno. Morgan was arrested Saturday night, aod in less thrn 48 hours he had been sentenced to Ionia for 6 montus. EJight prisoners have escaped from jail in the last year. Perhaps it would pay the county to hire a man to do chores. More money was raised in this county for the fire sufferers thau lms been subscribed in Chicago to the present time. The offleers of the reform club are talkIng of haviug a course of lectures this winter from such men as Baiu and St John. Those who have seen Pat Rooney once are sure to go again. Those who have not seen him should go to-uight. Ile is immense. Geo. VanTassel, a brakeman on the M. C. K. R., had his arm broken Monday whüe coupliug cars. He resided in Ypsilanti. Juo. Long, the inusician, died Friday nightof consumption. His funeral took place from the Germán church Monday afternoon. A number of tramps have put in an appearance the past week. Some havo been given the ruu, otbers locked up over aight. Leroy Noble, mast er mechanic of the Houston & Texas railroad.and wife, who have beeu visiting in the city, left Friday for Uieir home. Wm. Kuhn of West Liberty street, has gone to Fowlerville to open a blacksmith shop. He worked for over eight years for F. Wurster. Mrs. L. F. Wood of Millford, has moved to the city, and is living on the rorner of Monroe and Ingalls streets in the Galick house. Rev. H. Johnson preached at the Presbyterian cliurch Sunday morning, and dddressed the Y. 51. C. A. in the evening at vniversity hall. The Germán lodge tío. 27 A. O . U . W. givea social entertainment next Tuesday evening for the puipose of raising money to purchase a fiug. Chauncey H. Kiles, who was sentenced to six months' imprisonment atlonia, escaped from the jail last week. He was let out to do chores. A. R. Collins, an old Ann Arborite, now residing in Denison, Texas, who has been spending some days in the city, left lor his home Monday evenin?. Nor a day passes that we don't receive one or more subscribers. The people will have the news, and to flnd out what is going on they look to The Democrat. Senator Bayard didn't hardly have time to warm the presideut's chair as presiding ofücer of the senate, when he was obliged to siep down and give way to David Davis. A dog fight for $500 a side has been arranged to come off withiu five miles of tliis place three weeks froin next Tuesday. The dogs are owned in Saline and Jackson. Pailey says that all the offlcers of the agricultura! society should be reelected except J. W. Wing, of Scio. Mr. W. will probably be retained and the Tramp dropped, Mrs. Harriet Ann Alabaster, wife of Rev. Jno. Alabaster, died Sunday night of consumption, in her 44th year. The funeral Tuesday afleruoon was largely attended. The postofüce war is still raging, and Washington is the battle ground. Nelson iiooth is represented by Ion. A. J. Sawyer, and Mauly & llamilton by Alex. W. Hamilton. The friends of the agricultural society have wisely concluded that it will not do to re elect the Tramp. Some competent gentleman will be recording srcretary next year. As suggcsted somelime ago by Tiie Dbmockat, the aldermen ot the third ward have had a tar crossing put down f rom the court yaid to the west side of Maiu street. Smith McOmber who had beeu a resident of the lowuship ot Pittsfleld siuce 1844, died Sunday night, at tiie age of 72 years. He was lormurly froin (Jayuga couuty, N. Y. The art loan exhibition in tiie Episcopal cburch chapel, has been well patronized the past week. On the opening night the juvenile band discoursed most excellent music. A prominent member of the board of supervisors iníormed a Dï.mocrat reporter Mouday, that to re-elect such a man as Pailey. secretary, would kill the agricultura! society. On Friday the farmers residing in the viciüity of E. Leland's turned out and graded for a side track on the Toledo road. They are also going to build a depot 1G x 4U leet to cost $850. This new station will probably be called Leland's station. Jas. Lucas has p jrchased five-sixths interest in the Peninsular Mills at Dexter for $5,900. Mrs. Cuas. Clenients, of Lima receiveii $3,300 for a third interest and Juo. P. Marble of Wooster, for his halfinterest $3,500. For a short time ouly trial subscribers are being takeu for The Echo, the weekly edition of The Detroit Evening News, at nominal rates. Any oue can have a copy three months for the trifling sum of ten cents. Nothing encapar in the way of & newspaper was ever known. A memorial address is soon to be de livered by Prof. Alex. Winchell iu university hall on the duath of Bishop Haven, ex president of the uuiversity. Prof. OampDell is also to deliver a memorial address on the late Prof. Williams. The time has not yet been announced. The whole num'jer of paupers maintaiued at toe cnunty house the past year was 433, males, 365, females 58. Of this number 16 were under 16 years of age, 227 were Americans, 86 Irisli, 30 Euglish, 43 Germán, 13 Scotch, 22 Cauadians, 1 öwede and 1 Freuch. The average nuinber supported is 89, and the average cost per week is $1.11. The estlmated expenses the coming year are $6,990. The Free Press says it is openly charged in inany quarters that Mr. Vanderbilt is in favor of using the Michigan Central and the Canada Bouthern to piomote the iuterests of the LakeShore and the New York Central railroads, even at the cost of impoverishingthe t.vo roads flrst camed It is also charged that Mr. Vanderbilt is actively inimical to Detroit with the object of building up Toledo. Both of these charges are very generally credited in Michigan, and in Detroit meet with almost implicit belief. The following Palladiura editors hare been elected for 1882: Chi Psi, Jas. H. Norton, Brinfield, Mass, ; Zeta Psi, T. W. Sargent, Piketon.O. ; Psi Upsiion, Chas. L. CoflÏD, 3andusky,O. ; Alpha Delta Phi, Wm. E. Martin, Milwaukee, Wis.; Delta Kappa Epsilon, Heury S. Pratt, Toledo, O. ; Sigtna Phi, Francis D. Weeks, Detroit; Beta Theta Phi, Jno. II. Grant, Burlington, Ind. ; Phi Kappa Psi, Fred G. Coldren, Northville; Phi Delta Phi, Jno. W. Hemick, Colesbrook, N. H. ; Si-rna Chi, W. II . Hughs, Grand Rapids. Prof. Moses Coit Tyler was ordaiued deacon at 8t. Andrew's Episcopal church Sunday. At 8 o'clock Rev. Dr. Withington, of Detroit offlciated. At half past 10 o'clock ordination services proper oc cured. Bishop Harris, of this diocese ofSciating. Bishop Lyman, of North Carolina, preached the sermón. Rev. Wyllys Hall presented Prof. Tyler to Bishop Marris. Alter the ordination services, the epistle was read by Bishop Lyman and the gospel by Prof. Tyler. In the evening Rev. Dr. Wïthington read the opening prayer, Bishop Harris, the psalter, and Prof. Tyler preached a very eloquent discourse on "Pontius Pilate's Crimes." Pat Rooney's name is unquestionably a power upon the variety stage, and the announcemeut of nis coming is generally considered sufflcientguarantee for a paying business. In a strictly variety performance, it is difflcult, and indeed almost impossible to avoid the stereotyped acts, and the most that the people can expect is that they shall be the best of the kind. This in a large measure they have m the Miner and Rooney cotnbination including the introductie of a genuine and refreshing novelty in the Stirk family, who gave a remarkably entertaining exhibition of f incy riding upou the bicycle. It is a wonderful clever act, and says the Rochester (N. Y.) Democrat, very neatly performed. Mrs. O. G. Wood, president of the Woman's Christian temperance unión has issued the following cali ; The annual meet. ing of the sooiety, for Washtenaw county will be held at Saline on the 27th and 2Sth of October. Meeting to commence at half past 10 o'clock on Tnursday. All Christian women and members of the W. C. T. IL, are most cordially invited to be present. There will be a public meeting on Thursday evening, addressed by an able spsaker. We greatly desire the cooperaron of every town in this county. Let every place flnd some way of sending at least one delégate. We believe the education of children in the temperance work is of vital importance.and tbat much depends on the Christian women and mothers. Let us therefore come together and devise means by which we naay do the most good.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat