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News Of The Week

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. During the past year 17 citizens of . ttashtenaw county have beon Bent to tbe state asylum for the Insane. The state teachers' association wlil meet in LaDBing, December 27, and continue in session three days. An inch of snow feil at Maiquette ou Uie night of the 9th. The new división headanarters or the Wabash railroad will be at Adnan. The President has made the lollowing . ncm. Üates: Decatur, John L. Harnson. Geo. B. Brooks, of East Saginaw, has receiv..a o, . nint.mnt, as assisiant solicitor in the departmentof the interior at Wasbmgtor,, wbich he has acceptcd. tribute through their own agenta. The Muskegon mili men':; lrike has dncctly and indirectly throwa nearly 2,000 mea and ■ SmíuriU aDd a labor mon wUh ove orui momtier? lias Deou ïuiuiuu. .!■" ■-- of ïmnber on their docks they say thcy can reeist the Btriko f or a time yet. Maiiy schoolbouses in Huron aii.l bamc purpoie. . , „. . „ The relie! comraitlee has issueu iuo umuwmi'heFire Relief Coroiniltee oí Michigan, in tenderins their thanks to the peoplo of tbo S Vtatea tor their gensrous don-?ti ns for the relief ol' the suffer ers by the late firos la thta state, beg to rPTiortth-'t thf y hava now an aUmdimoe of clotbing on hand lor the uupply oí theit mnto, Sd reroéctlully reuuest that lurther contnhuÜOD8 to tifo eoramiekon be made in money, exSSteïcharticleB as quUte comfor ers and Wankets, of which a quautity cao be use 1 to advantage. & p ljAxinV]N, Chainnan. Michigan no.ninations sonttothe senate ty President Art'mr: Consul general of the Sltatito Berlin.Hon Mark S. mw of postmastere, Ja. N. t rocker ai Rewl Ci v ïAvIJ. Kemball at Norway, Chae. E fwesltakiatMt. Pleasant, John Ottoat Wi, Ciemene. A library and lacture association lias lieon orean ized at Buchanan wiüi ovorone hundred ...h„K„,o i-hii. tn imürove the clar-a ef SrStomenuTtaUiogthe place and secure patronage to ecod speakers and good theatriArticles of nasocialiou of the St. Marj's & Hianeapolis railroad company wc fied m the offico of the sacretary of state at Lansmg, Oct 12 The coinpany ia orgamzed with a KaDitaf stock of ton million dollars, and ïtisthe Bon oi : the company to buüd a road trom St Marï's-ïiver to Moütreal nver, through the counties of Chippewa, Mack.cac, bchoo lctaft. Delta, Marauetta and Ontonaeoa, a distance of atout three hundred miles. A sorveying party Vill be placed in the field at once. When the peoule ia the Hall inurdeï case at Pontiac came to need two hotel regtoters were used at the fonner trial, it was discovered that they had befin stolen. At the cloae of the tonner trial they were placed in the hands of ex Sheriff Stanton and by him placed m one of the vaults of the court house. When he was lied on to get them he diacovwed for the firet time that they had been taken. They were very important to the prosocuticn a3 they show when the def endant staid over nieht at the Cook house, Ann Arbor, with Mre. Sarah Margetteroyd, and where he rcgistered twodayaaUerhiswife'sdeath at the Barnes house, Lansing, where he was eeen rtding out with the same lady. A fire deatroyed the louudry üunuiug a. E Moore at Charlotte on the 18th. The building was oceupied hy Beam & Mailhot as a general foundry and machine shops. Loss on baHdÍQg;U500;insuredfor f 1,000. Loss to Boam&Mailhoton contents, 2,500; insured ror SI 500. The mammoth nuil company lose $1,000; no insurance. TiiO flre orignated Iroin a spurk on the roof. Jether, a 14-year-old fon of N. Johnson ot Buchanan, shot himself in lbo nght brcast the ball passing nearly througb bis body. The boy's mother had been beatimj biui, and he eonsequently becamo tired of hfe. The doctors have eucceeded in extractmg Urn ball. He may live, althongh the case is critical. The Saginaw valley salt makers have roaolved to hold Ihelr salt, inBtead of putting it aA1uCT was Utaiaod ia the Hall murder caso at Pontiac, after examininK 160 persons. ■ The Presbyterian synod, in sessiou at lorna 'ast week, was cheered bygood reports of tlie stato of the church, and harmoDy and good feeliug characterizBd til the prnceedings. On the 12th inst. the sheriff of üuslcegon teleeraphed to Ihe Governor that m ondaavoriug to protect inillB that were running he had been overpowered by the etrikers and a mobol 400 men; and that the mob 500Ü strong was becoming more unruly every hour. He asked for fonr or six companifiB oí infautry to restore order The Governor immodiately tolegraphed to (ien. Wilthinfiton at Jacksou mstructns him to take necessary action to send a torce to euataiu the civil aulhorities in mamtamin? the peace and to protect property. Gen. Wlthinatoa ordered lbo Big Eapids aud Grand haven companies to bo Uetailed to respond to ihn rail of the sheriff. At noon the profsecuting attorney infornied the governor by wnu mat no troops wereneedoil, and that the city was il'iiet and orderly. Wolcott won the fust prize at long rauge, at theBtato target ehoot at Jackson. The lort Huron team. made the best score on mld-rnnge, and a inembar tberoof won ttie Sbarp'a rffle aa best Individual score. ï. E. Webstor of Bay Citydid the best ofl-band shoetinff, and the Bay City team won the Bkoem & Wnght pnzo. James Little has been arrestad at Greenville upon a telegram Irom A. B. Baxter, Chiel of Pólice of Chatham, Ont. He is chargeil with Btealiug f 1.S00 in $10 Canadian bilis. The money was founci, and he admito bwng the man. Coinpnuies of otatfl troous íroui Big Rapids, Lansing and (irand Haven arrived at Muskeron on Tbursday uíght and no further trouble i anticipated. The milis ace running with msufflcient hely. The Kalamazoo oompany has since arrived. Parwood's íruit-dryinj aud evaporating establishment at Metamora bnmed with lts conteHiáhIvrat9efi(reported ia tb MuekeRon river, doing some damagc. At Clayton, Turner & Bedell's uate jvas robbed the other night of 260, and W. W. .Flato treasurer ol the school district, lost $150. No clue to the robbers. Belief ior the fire Buiïerera is coming ïu m cenerous dcmations. New York sent a chock tor $35,000 Friday. Tha state eoinmiesion lias received 152.370.51 in five days, aud tho total received by he Detroit cominittee a;id the SmiBsiou, up to the Htb, la Ï280,ltó.60. The oíd Methodiet chnrch at Union City ba been convertid into an opera house, witu a seatina capacity for 1,000 or more. Certaiu cbargoa ia writing having been prefeired againBt%iUiam W. White, a jusüee pi thepeacoof the townst.ip of WUhainstoD , in Iuebam county, the governor bas directed the prosecuting attorney of the county to conduct an examination ot the same as providcd in section 625, chapterll, compiled uwe of 1871. It is charged that White is an habitual drunkard and bas neglected to pay into the county treasury money collected by him at different times. Ttxeelectrio etreet lighUat Grand Raplds are rnuch complalned of lor soing nut unexpectedly, and otiier detecta. Six cases ol diphtlieria in Veruiontville tiiiu week, 15 cases last week, 110 new casegsn tax this week;tho disease apparently al)atin{. Kochville, over which üay and Saginaw counties waged civil war, is vssessed in both Bay and Sagmaw eounties. The Port Hurón relief couimittoe Uav witlidrawn their proposition ff11. to the stato commisBion, liut. "will vrtnd up their own affairs." Wm. Pattie, of Camden, went Ui mili wilh a crist aüdwhile there strolled into a saw mili nearat hand, and iiihelplDg lo adjost a log feil baokward upon the eaw, vrhich cutofl ÜM back oL his Uead and one Buoalder. He (lied 10 minutes alter the accident. The balance of cash in the state tren ut y Octoberl waB $l,7W15.20 : receipte for tho week ending October 8 wero f45,989.08; payments tor same time $54,81 .3.86; leaving a balance October 8 1881, of $1,790.890,51.. of which $589 000 belongs to the zinking lund, $599,989.63 are held in trust tunde, and $ 001,KKUS are available for general purpoBOs. Tho hotel registers in the Hall muider case at Pontiac have been found. The coopere iu two barrel factorías at Charlotte etruck for hlgher wagea last week, hut their places wero filled at tho old rates. Wm. Fowler a Fort (rnUot butcher, has been arrested on a charge ot obtaining oods on false preteDses. He bouftht cattlo for which he gave a check on a bank where he had no deposit. Sincethcn ho bas been in Canada until reeently. Deer are reported reinarkably numerous tuis fall in the northem counties. A meeting of citizens of East SaRinaw resolved to lond the city for $100,000 for a court house, if tho supervisors loca! county Beat on their pide of the rivtr. In the Hall muvder case at Tootiac a tion was Küted whcn Ed. Clifford, one ol me mcn who hid Mre. HaU's body undtr a straw stack.refuBtd !o testífF,M it nüghí incrimínate himself. . Jolm V. Bhodes, the superintendent ol bridge construction on tlie Port Hurón and Northwestern rallroad, lell UirougU a Indge cear Vafsar, aud received iniuiifs from wlucü ho died 6ooa after. The Michigan delegatien to the ïorktown celebratíon was composed of Gov. Jcrome and his íull Btafl, 200 citizeus and compamoa of state troops from Ann Arbor, Adrián, Grand Raptdfl, Ionia, Fay City, and East Saginaw. A telegram to tho Freo Frees trom Lawrence Barrett glvw the cheering intormaüon thatthe receipte ol the BoolU-Barrett anee 011 Mayare over 3.C00. anrt umi u check has been sent. T kt) suprema contt of this state lias promptly vetoed the only altempt raado recently I the state to repudíate municipal obltgattons. In Port Hurón, afïer the eupreme eouit oí the United States had affirinod the validity of Ihe railroad aid boeds, the city of Port Hurón lamed new Douds and so!d themin ordOT lo p-y judgmenlB liaEed upon ihe raüroad aid bonds. After a long contest aud by a very narrow majority at the polls and inlheeommon couuci!, the attempt was made to avoid payment of these refanding bonds. Af ter considerable expensa incurred in UügaüoD, the raUdity 6f the bom!? has been affirmed Cy the suprema court. One of the relief asenta in Huron cuunty fT.js that of 911,51 i 08 charged to min vy u Port Hurou commilieo aU but 2,985 consiatcd of o!d clothes, and ono of Ibe agenta in Sanilac county reporta a similar proportlon. One man Baya l.o uever receivwl a ceut of tho f :-.7o oharged to him; fina another, a merchant, dcclaiBs that he could havo purciiaMd for i (00 the goods charged to hia agency at $1,100, of Whioh they nevcr sent him a bili. i'bese statetneuts will doubüesa be -xplaineil in some way, for it i5 rot charged or believed that aoy wrong lias been done other tban a dedre to uweil the fiaurf b so as to mak n iarge showlnE. ïhere ra 1,420 studente ín th onivereity. A vessel, suppoacd to Le the Caledonia or the Shaw, bas gono down on Late Michigan and no trace of aay of the wow can bt discovered. Mr. Eber W. Cottrell lias been uominated by the President as receiver of ptïbüc mony8 at Detroit. I'rof. Mc-ses Colt Tyler bas bcoome oraalneü mlnirterot the eelecopal church. It ii claimed that 300,000,000 feflt of logs will bo b-inliod upou the SloBominee aml lis braucbes tliis winter. The northera cxtensioa of tbe JacUa&u, Laneing & Saginaw raBroad ha been jomplswdto Oheboj ■Rail. A Ure at loma burned Iba oíd Banner store, used for storago, tho Clareudon liouso barn and Mrn. Sunshlne'i boarding bouse. Loss f $,- 000. Tbe fir.e brkk sohoolUoute ;it WhiteUali was damagsá by fire to ths amount of $2.500 on Sunday. Iasuret'. Ttiu Birnard Curlia muitier U;al, uausierred ftoin Lapeer to Charlotte, lias been postponed to Nov. 21st. Star po3tal survicM wiïl bo discoutimied from North Brench to Uarlette after Ootobsr 81. ComniiEBions to be posimasters wero gent, Octobír 13, to Hudü L. Tollmau, BeltaEzekiel Niles, Dagle, and David W. Potter, Paint Creek. Siar serv.ce f rom Stockbridge to Fowlervilia is diswnüuuecl, and wUI run frorn StockbrWgo to Unavilla, October 2Í. The Graud Lodge oí Good Templáis iu session at Ürand Itapids was woll attended. The reporta or affairs show an excellent increaso in tho iinancial standing of the lodge. Ono hundredand twanty-four new Lodgea have been instituted during he past year. The attendanco at the grand lodge was the largest in 10 years. The state relief cüinmiBsiou luis deciiied tbat iustead ot subsietoixe suppüee, money, luinber anl In uaohold goeils should be distributed. This following circular has been adopted and sant out to agents : It is the deaire ot the coramission that each dependoct fauiily, onfitled totüfisauie liy the Iobb oL their (Iwellings or farm bniWIngs, eucii firtietes a3 aro mentioned below, nhould be mipplied witU about 2,500 feet of lamber, or Lts equivalent, a stove, bedstaadi, ohairs, erockery, tables and tiuware, bsddlDgaud clotMag, where they hare not already receifed tha sama trom this or aoy other gonrea Agente are therelore requested to certaiQ as soon as possible now mucu win uo miuire 1 t-) completo the supply of the various jtems mentioned and inako thoir reporta and requisitioas ace irdingly, la ctder to place all unáer thcir charge upon an ai'i'-JlO footing with thoss wiio Imve altoadf recoived the abovo list of Bupplles. It te oxpactcd tliat the cominisaiou will be eaabled to clnso up the praswut practice of the distributkm of Hupplies except clothing by November 1, aud thoreaf ter dispense in mogey whiitever f unds they raay have at their dispöaal for distributiou. It is estimated that it will take $200,000 to carry out the adopted policy. Tho commission now has $16'á,000 on baad aad, of courso, if nol uiuch more is reeeivod the supylies will bo curlíúled accordingly. It is ostiumted that it wili cost f 50,000 to buüd houses f or the suflerors; $10,000 lor fnrnilure; f 29,000 for leed and over 880,000 in cash. Tho money will bo distrilmted as follows trom November lst to May lat: Family of man aud wife, $ipermonth; family oL inan and wife and two children, $5 per uionth; family oT man aud wifo and tbise children, ö per month ; f aiuily of man and wite and tour children, $7 per month; family of man aud wit 8 and fiva children, f S por montli; lainily of man and wi f o and ei x or more childreu, $10 per month. The Port lluron relief committeü has iüsolved to send $10 to caen fainily of eulïerers. Tho Clinton woolen milis are turniug out 1,000 yards of cloth per day tai aro oblisted to run extra hours in order to suppiy the deinaud. Corn aud dover wed has bean duinagod by the raiua In the southern part of the State All is quiet at Muskegon. The troops liavo gone homo, the milis are again running, and the eiriUers are quict. Port Huron Ima a misaiug child seu3atiou. Her name is Carrio Koss, and she has been sentbiuceOct. 10. Any mformation lsading to her recovery will bo thaukfully received by Thoe. Hayee.attheold Fort Gratiot arrison. The followiog ia a úeaciipüon of her aa she ■was last seeu : Rather short, ligUt Iiair, Brown evcs 7 or 8 years old, and dressed ia a black f ar cap,' black velvet coat, pink apron and white tlppet tiert witti Wne ribbon.


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