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Dr. J. .Holland, pot,ihilosoHler, uovelist, editor and critic, dieii suddunly 00 the I his New York home, of beart disease. Guitoau has wiitten a long letter to I dentArthur etppeoltog to him for aid andsymIathy. i The Uultcd States fisb commlsslon will send 350,000 salmón egge to Berilo Ri'.d 100,000 to Paris. SL Louis hog dealers report the hog Crop in the west Ibbb than for many yeara, owidí maiuly to the high pricc of corn. The Bopublicaiis will bve a majorlty ín the Ohio legislature. The earningsof the Weatevn UiüonteleMaph pomnauv for the past year wero 4!Vl,0b0,S0l), and tto profita we Ö.OlO.iO,. The old offlcers are all re-elected tor the commg year. New suit against Howgate for f25,000, and order issued to attach certain Western Union et-ocks held hj him, also to serve papers on him in Washington. Jadgfl Jameson of Chicago has cbarged the erand iurv particularly to apply tho laws on the statute books regardlng gambling in gram options and tho "cornering" of gram. He rules that this ceteblishinj? of fictitiouB values has crown to Buch enormous proportionB as to demand tbo attention of the courts. Tho New York Democratie convention nomnatcd the following ticket: For Socretary of State- Wm. Purceïl. For Comptroller- öeo. H.Laphara. For Roswell A. i armenter. For Treasurer- Hobt. A. Maxwell. For State Enginoer- Thos. Evershed. For Judge of the Comt of Appeals- hx Attorney-Oeneral Sehoonmaker. Small efiïgies of (iuiteau find a rendy salo m some parta of New York city. Tbey consist oí a minature ecafEoltl boam of pino wood, Irom wbich a pasteboard figure of GulbMUifi suspended by a cord. Tiie race for lbo select stftkes rsulted In anolbor vietory for Foxhall, with Triatan second, Maskelyn third. James B. Keene won nvor half a million dollars by Foxball'a viclory. (lUicrsportiugNew Yorkers wou from $10,000 to 200,000 apieee, the totoUllostaU e American backing bemg fully f 2,000,0Uü. Thefirm Bntchers' Sons at PtUladelpbia, Wbiob bas boen doiiig business 121 years, has . trom BpeculahoÈs in graln. Certain Eoglmh and New Yort : bankers are bnyiñg up confedérate bonds at f ,50 pe ',- 000, but for what pnrpose is uuknown. BoothandBarivtt ptoy together in Othello at Uootb's tbeatre for the benefit of ttio UMttigan fira sutferers. The Roman Catholic cburch claims to aav ■100,000 converts i'j Chiua. Tlie treasury depratinent laet week uouglit three hundred and ninety thousand minees of fiue silver ior coinage. TUo Balltaor & Obio rrtlroad orders fivo percent, cash dividend payable November 1. Report lor present year ending Beptomber 80 shows that aiter pnylng ten percent, dividendsontheetock aboul $3,400,000 is aided to the surplus luad. TU flrst official Bundw-school census in the United Staten is now berog taken by tlie government Circulars of questions are sent to all superintendent. Breadstnffs wereexpoited from Uw United States in tuenine ponte endiag September 80, 1881, to the total value of 177,452$. At New Orleans Deveremc, chiof of aids, aud M1m Homiessy, promiuont detective, renewcd au old miarrel on llie street and befjan a duel, in wbicli Pevereux was killed and HnnesFy fatally woundcd. OW residenta on Ui western f routier tliiiik tho Indien hostililifa Uave ceased, and not soon to lm ronowed. Gen. I.ongHtreet is au applieant foi a place in Frosideiit Artbur'a cabiuet. The Kovermnent toren $30,000 by ftre at Rock Isïand arsoua'. Boston oftors the asn of Beacon Taik tor a world'B fair in 18h3. I v. ill bo necessary to raise f5,000,00ü tor general extienres. Full unoffioial returns i?iveFoslev a piniauiy of 24,002 for Goveraor of OUic. Guiteau'was ralgned on Frklay, p) not guilty, aud the trial v;as set ior Novemuer 7th. The trole report tor tiio past wek ia t the effect tlial business is gooil at neaily all points. Adispatcli f rom Kokomo, Oql., saja ie i explosión of a lamp in tuo Suuimit house I rWay night caused n tire ■whicli spread with temne rauiditv, consumins K0 houses. Tbeflrewas alded by the explosión of several powder magazines. On!y about 20 houses remain in the place. Tho loss is estimated at $400,000; ïnsuranco light. The fund fr SIïb. Garfield in thu bands of the United States trust company of New York amouuts to $300,000 in i per cent. government Ixmds plUB fll.377 iu ca3h. Itnmigraats arrlved on Americau Bhorcs last raonth to the nuinber of 58,402. $105,630,700 in governmeal b nda ha, redcemed tace Mavcli 4, 1881. Much damage ia doae liy the riae of the Mississippi rivwr. Tho centenaial eeiebration at Yoiktown opsned on Tuesday the lSth, early iu the day, and immediately after tho arvival of President Arthur.Gten. Hancock tor k charge ei the general arrangements. After prayer, an address of wolcome was delivered by Governor HoJliday, and Senator Gen. J. V. Johnson Rave a hiatory of the surieader. The corner stono of the monument wa? thea laid ly tho inasouic order. Drilling by the troops, serenados, a banquet and fireworka cccupied the day. The Bccne on tho iiver waa parlicuhuly brilliant. The French gueBts recoivP'l particular honor in all the procceding?.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat