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} M Wllkinsonhas been nominated and oonfirmedforthepositionofrecriver of pubUc moneys at Marquette, Micb. John B. Clark, the tempersnce lecturer, is sick at Tecumseh, and is dependant upon the contributions ot bis friendB for support. The telephone is coming into cxteneive use .„ uM.!m. Everr teleuhone patrón in troit can talk wltU evy patrón at Wyandotte 12 miles distact; ML Clemente, 20 miles; St. Clair, 56 miles; and Port Huron almost -0 miles away. YpritanU and Anu Arbor aienow connected telephonically, and wlü jora toe Detroit circuit soon; thetelcphone now connects almost every mili and mili office in the entire Saginaw valley, includins Bay Cl y, EastSaeinaw and Saainaw City. eome ot the IMe M'ehigan ehore citles are connected. Th wnrk of extensión is being continued, and It will not be longbefore all principal business points will be connected. Adjutant Geceral Robertson bas ïssued a proclamalíüu by order of the GoTernor, ta wbich he congratules tho Michigan battal lion at ïorktown upon tbeir good behavior Boldierlike bearing, drill and tquipment. and their favorable comparison wiüi the troop frooa othor states. Berrien couuty probably produces mui oyóles ibib year tban any oiher cnunty in the state, and the faraiers are gettiufi froiu f2 to Ü 50 per barrel ior tha erop. It w expected that the Manistee braach of the Flint & Pere Marquette railioad will reach Mauistee ia a few weeks. Prof. Jordán has intrnduced a new feature in the Buebauaü high scbool, consiating of FrWay afternoon lecmrus upon ir.teresting sutijects, delivu-ed by prominent citizens of the villaue. A. Meyer ol Otsegfl, Allegan couuty.has been convicted of seüiDR üauor to cbionlc drunkards. A siave mili and barrel factory, givwg einployment to 50 men, is to ba erected at Port Huron by Ho Igman & Oo., of Sanduaky. Statements are made by ex-Go?. Baidwiu, cbairman of the state relief comimesion, and E. 0. Carleton, chairman of the Port Huron committee, as to tbe suiouat of additional funda uecessary to provide ior the needa of the paoplein the burned district unfü next harveet. Tbe former estiicates the amount at $25),000 and the la ter at $200,000. Schoolcraft County Pioneer: The anthoriUes appropriated Í3.0G0 to build a jMJ, but the mmmittee only used about $2,500, and ot a good building. That íb one oí the few inrtance recorded wbcre public appropriatious held out to complete the work intended. Kalamazoo Telegrapb: Wheat is refioried much itijured in Climax and vicinity by the white grub, some Celd3 bems; nearly ruined. The heavy rains seem to check their workiug Míbb Emily Lecraft diopped her new born baby through the clowt in a raüroad car. She was arrestad at Iinlay City ai:d returccd to Fort Gratiot. Her ticket was bought to St Paut The Michigan state graoge committe bave issued a circular advising all patrons to relus tn nav royalty on drive weils to N. W. Green patentee, or his sgents er attorceys; also advising all subordínate grauges to raise a defensa ftind to the 01 of the committee, to which fund tbey invito coctributior.s from a! parties intereeted, promuiug that R. D. Watt of ïpsilanti, bas authority nr.d wil! employ legal aid to contest suits. In the Hall tnurder caea at Pontiao the jury found a veidict of guiltj. Iu tha Authony Miller case at Detn it bofa Isaac Clark and Daniel Grabam wure foar.d guiity of mnrder in the fitst degree. Daniel Eusk, a horro trainer, oí K-ilamazoo, was inetantiy külfd Friday evening !y büinpr thrown froin a sulky in wblcb ho was breaking a colt, Death was esuiscd by concoseion ef the brain. Rusk was55ycrs of sg. Petoskey vottd 59 votes la favor of bonüiog the village for f4,000, to completo tlie water works, and one vote againet Ü. The Hod. James ü. Bircey, üaited States minister at the Hague, bas lef t Bay City to return to Europe aad hls official duliee. Isaac E. Messuiore, of the Grand RapidB DeiDocrat, bas sued Cresswell and French, of the Saturday Poet, for libel, putting his daraages at $10,009. Each haa been liold in $2,000 boncis. Ths Poet pronounced Messmoro an indicted criminal, of whose guilt thero is no quBBtion. Dr. Wisht, the aew health offleer of Dïttoit, alter mak'ng a thorough examinatioa, report that the city piobably haB tha best natural advaDtagea fnr perfect drainage and the niaintenaDce of eood sanitary conditions of all the large cities ín the land. Win. G. Thompson bis been renominated by the Republicana as Mayor of Detroit. Thos. D. Hawley is the democratie candidato tor Mayor of Detroit. Mrs. D. P. Keyes, of Napolean, Jackaon Co., committed suicido by hanging berseif while temporarily insane. A passenger train reachtd Cheboygan on the nigbt of the 27th. Threa construction traina are engaged in ballasllng tho track, and regular trains will ba running over the new road ate in November. Marshall V. Wilder, president or the American pomoloeioal society, has written to the Hon. T. T. Lyon that the exhibition of Michigan fruits at the society's late fair in Boston was the glory of the show, and so coasidered by all who saw it. The following ís a statemant of the reeeipts and dishursements of the etate treaaurer's office for the month ending October 81, 1881: Balance on hand Sept. 81, 1881..$1,7S8,82 97 Uecelpts for the month 152,212 16 Total $1,945 674 23 Disbursements during the month 867,494 83 Balance on hand October SO 1.578,079 40 Prof. Cook, the eminent bugologist of the state agrricultnral sojiety, havinsr been appealed to tor advies as to how to get rid of the serious pest kaown as the "white grub," telU the farmers to strike up a partnership wlth the birds. Ha thinks the blackbirds are n race of busy grub destroyere. While turninsr ovr tho postoffles into the keeping of the new postmsster, Lyman Gates, a package containins 50,000 three-cant stampa, worth $1,500, could nrt be fomd. It is suppoeed that the thief entered the cfUca and took the etamps from the open safe. Lafayette Taylor, of Granlviile, a membor of the firm or Day & Taylor, land piaster dealers, dled at Mantón from the efïaota of a gun hot wound from a Spencer rifls in the hands of a hunter, the ball passing tliroagb. liis groin. The shootiag wíis accidental. The poBtoöhe at Snowflake, Autrim county, bas been discontinued, the mail (toing tn Bellalre. There are sheep killin!? dogs iu Kalamazoo and Ticuiity, and the ownera of twa or thieeof them have been toand aad will havo a pretty bill to pay. The farmers aay that they will shoot all the dogs cmght runnina; at large away from the immediate company of their ewner8. Wrifrht, Wells & Oo.'s large siw mili a Bradford like, Otsego Oo.,was burned Nov. lsL Partly insured. A youag lidy nam3l Viola Lawls, danghte of a well to do farmer near Greonvillc, was in stanüy killed at Baldwio, by the locoinoth e o the westward bound expresa train. She a tempted to cross in front of tho engiun au was thrown upon the track, Iha eutire traiu passing over her body, mangling it terribly. James E. Bennett and James B. Whitcey In Jackson, have sued Danifll B. Hibbard fc $10,000 e 'Ch for damaïes ciosed by lullln Into the excavation uuder the eidewalk mad for the new Hibbard house building. Iu Tompkins, Jackeon cour.ty, a few day ago, a hog weighing 500 pounds mauagod t (jet int aswill barrel head first and drowü without upsetting the barrel.


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