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Howeate is under iüdictment for forging the namo of the treasurer of the ünlted States eiegraph eompaay to reoeipts for f 30,000. One hundred and fifty dslegates attended the Womcn'8 ChriBtian Temperance ünion of the United StatOB at Washington. The gavernmeut will pay expeles oí only euch of Guiteau's witnoosss as live inaide a radius of 100 miles from Washington. The trial bas ben postponcd to the Mth próximo. The nneHion of the juriadieiion of the court may natberaiseduntiUIaterstaRoof the case. JudgePorterof NwYorkwiU aseiflt In the Drosecution. , Vandorblll holds $80,000,000 ft govercment bF?ancis V. Shoal3 ot New York loaves 2B0.000 to charitable insiilutions. Henry Ward Boecaer retires trom the editorial management of the CbrfrtUa Union. Tyner lias resigned the first assistant postmarter generahh.p, which has beea acoeptod. Hattnn ot the Burlington Hawkoye ia said, willboappointed. ArowbetweenCoap'3 circusman and ei zens of CirtersTille, Ga., rosulted in the k.lling of ons man and serkma injury of severil others. A Bon o9caped from U cajje, and at last accounts was still at largo. Judge Lawrcnca has decided in the Guiteau matter that tliecourtat Washington has power toBummon witnesaes living more tliin 100 miles outside the district, and their expenses must be allowoíl. In his note to the President aeoumng me ecretarrship of the treauary Mr. Morf?an gave his own a'e and the engrossing onaracter or he dutie9 ol the office as reasons for his ref uslof thehonorsand responsibUitirs nf the P Thé GoveiBor of New Mexico wrlte that thera is uo prospect of lastins peace witii the IüdiaES in that territory and ad joinlng regions. Ths Pennsjlvaaia railrorid annoancea a limted expresa betweea CMeago and New York, tho run to be made in 25 hours and 40 minL utes. For th3 ycar-ending Septemper 80, the ex cesa in ?n!ue of exporta of merchandiso was $240,270,615; exccE9 of importa of gold coin and bullion, $77,821,C63. Hon. John A. Bingham oí üino, uow uaueu States minister to Japan, has bean tendered the appoi.itaent oí judge by the Japanese government, to Admlnteter a new code of laws. The staanier Jenaie Gilchrist, at Davenport, Iowa, broke a part of her machinery onFriday, becauie aniaanageable, acd the swollea riyer daehed ber r.gainst tiie Uutinent of a bridge. She sank sorne üistauce below tbe bridge and seventeen of the passengers and crew were drowned. The officers aro fliarged with drunkenness and ufflkiancy. The Sny lvee on tb e Mis3Ï3sippi ncar Hannibal, Mieeouri, broka Friday, doin darnage to tbe aaiount of hal.' a uiiilion doliare. JudgoFolger will assame Charge cf the Troieury assoon asciiMsalreadyargued befare tiio Now York court of appeals tiave been con Bidered, wkioh willbemaboatafornight. Nine ciüzens of the JJntted States while diggiug nud ccïlcctioe guano on the island of Key Arenas, last we.ek, viere arrestad and taken to Camyeacíi7 by the Mexican nutiioriues. Aceording to Adjatant General Drmn's report, during the past year tho United States army haa lost by deaths 248, oischsrgeB 6,564, ; ons 2,361, total 9,173; aud has gained by recruits 3,WM, b renHctwroat Mi il 5,7H9. The eftlmates ior the postal servica for the next fiscal year is $43,661,300 of which the revenncs will furnish $42,71,722 löaving a deficiency to befiuppliwl by the genera! totftaaf of $920,078. Stratham has been appolnted postmastr n.t Lynohbur, vice Wilsou suspsaded. Cannon, the Mormoa congressmac, has been declared an alien by the courts ol Utah, hls certifícate of natnrallzatlon being nuil and TDid. Conn8cticat hfia adoyted a constitutloaal amondinent that nll judges of thesupromeand euperior oouris shall be-nomiiiated by tho ernor aud oonflrmed iy both house In general ssembly. Cowie, a treasury departinent officia!, has esigntd by roquest. He "passüd" a claim for 2,000 afterward found to l;e ilegal by the first ompttoller. Pennsjivania loeouiotive works are doing uch an iminonBO busiaess that tbey wiil aot ccept ordera for engities to ba dclivered beore January 1, 1883. The Dist box of cheeee wan Bhipped from mericato Europa ia 1830. The shipments uring the year euding Sspicinber 1, 1881, mounted tol27sSll boxes. Although the total property valuatlon ol the Uuitad States ia far boiow that of France or Great Britaio, the aanual accumalation of wealth ia greater tbau in any other nation. 'bis country is growing tich at the rate ol $2,00,000 a day. The Mecbanics' national bank ol Newark, . J., haa susgimded business. Cashier Baldwiu was the manager o{ the bank, and be has oen arreetod uiid charged vrith the Iraudulent misuse oL more than $2.000.000 of Ita funda. A crauk from fennsylvania, who givea the ame of Noetliog, though kaown in Washingon as Woliug, and who was arrested at the apita! last May and sent home, reappeared Monday af ternoon at the White House scoking 0 enter and exercise executive authority. Ho was secured and locked up after a struggle. Chan Choo Yu is the name oí the nojyly appolated minister of China to the Uoited States. In bis home govemment he has held tho important post of chief of maritime customs. Secretary Hunt announces that hereattor oificers of the navy and marine corpe must apply directly to the hoad of the depavtment for aspiínments to ;'uty, andnot through "persons 01 influence." Total amount of ünited Statos paper eurrency now outstaudin?, $362.518,121. The Merinnica' national bank at Newatk, í. J., haB been taken posaession of by the governmont, it having beea discovered that O. L. Saldwiu, the cashier, is a defaulter to the amount of upwards of $2,600,000, whlch he has lost in outside speculations and garabüng. I Baldwin covered up bis transaetions by reportïng deposits in other banks, where he had nona. The lossoa wiil fall upon the city of Newark, and iusuvanoe and manufacturiag companies wlio were depoBitors. The steamer AlUaaoe has arrlved at Halifax af ter fruitless efforts to fiad tho Jeannette. The imerican missionary assoclatiou held ita thiity-fifth aunual inaeting at Woicester, Mass. Total receipts of the past year, $213,795; expeaditures, L;2,060. Silver certiScates iu eirculaüon, 68,327,680 standard silvor dollars iu the treasury 66,57(5,878. Animal latarest charges on Uaited States bonds uow outsiamlintc $60,962,245. The debí statement is3uad Nov. lst Bhowa that while the puölic debt less cali in the Xreasury was reduced in round numbers but $13,300,000 duriüg October there was an actual reduction ot the total debt ta the ainount of o?er $23,O0u,oQ0. The reJucdon of the interest bearing debt was over $22,500,000. It cjnaisied oL iuterest bearing bonds redeemd and destroyed, and eome i$3,500,000 were transferred to the table of debt oa wtiich Interest has ceaseü. The toal caeh in th TreaBury was reduced uearly $10,()U'J,000 during tue montti, and tlie available cash balance wa reduced over $15,50j,O0O. Keferenee to debt stateineut for uctober of Ia3t year shows that the cxsh balauca avaiiable to-day is lesa by over $5,00J,00i) than it WM November let last year. Mr. Scovüle, counsel for Guitoau, under t:ie recent order ot the c jurt allowing htm to summ:in20 viineSB63 at thï guvemiueui'd exppa, hid ttieclerkof ihecnuiiual courteubooua tlio io.iov.iüji nersons: Mrs. nUKuata fitrker, Jas. liuniru, Geo. ï. Burroughs,FranCi3 M. SisoviUe, and J. Lavvis Lei.all olCliic--i(,ro, 111.; C. J. Joaljn, of the Onelda Communie, N. Y.;Everett O. Fosa, of Dover, N. H.; John A. Eioo of Morton, Wis.; E. O. Spitzfce of New York; H. B Amerling of Willianwport, Pa. Slnce the deinand for confedérate bonds has sprung np, it ia siid ons enterprising New England fiím has begun töelr manufacture, with a Tiew of supplylag Eaglish bankers all they want. It ïa estimatel that the oofntry hu i-ist. f9,000,000 by Ihe star route frauds. The treasury has been urged to sM fifty millions of confederata bonds captured at the fall of Richmoad. At tbo present price pv.d they would briDg $200,000. In the Christiaacy divorce rase, the court sustainsd objection of Mrs. Christiancj's counsel tothe admwsion of the teatimony oí Chester, who swure that Haight had eonieesefl improper couduct with Mre. C. while on the voyage from Peru. President Atthur will go home to New York to vote. The mail routo between Helena and Miseoula, Montana, is reduoed to the origiual contract price, $6,215, froin f18,739; the route trom Butte City to Chicago, Montana, t $1,215 írom 12,627. The tax collector ot the District of üolumbia, who is a coiored man, cauie int.o office in June, 1874, aiidfrom thatdato to ttie presanttima he has collected over $15,003,000. An aadit shows thitf there 3 a deficit of over $5,001. Tais the collector has made good and has suspended hij cashier pending investigation. The navy departinent has advics fraai ttie Alliaaca that she reafihed fto.k Javik, IcelanJ, on Oei. lth, all well. She ia makinf? a thorough search for tlie Jeanette, giving a Ittll description to all vesseli met, and throwiag overboard the vessel's positioa each day ia a sealed bottle. Tho Raik Jarik authoritios roport a large mast, copper studded, found on tbs shore Ia9t Jua This will bo cloüeJy exaniined for doatiflentioa. Information ia also sent that the ehip Jamaatowu, of Boston, loaded with Iumb3r, was bsachtid near Cape ReikaDeo on the 26tti of las i J un9. Sho had bosn deserted by tho crew. Her mizzanmast had bsen cut away, and siie was a complete wreek. Tho whereabouts of the er w bas not yet been disco vered. The couainander oí tbo Alliance reporta the ice flow much heavier and further to the p.outhward this so?, son than usual.


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Ann Arbor Democrat