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Dr N C. Hal!, the wiíe uiur lerer, has been genteneed to stat prison tor Ufe, and has been taken Trom Pontiac to Jaekson in pursuauce of "ihüflab commismon U1 ptant 1,000 carp at Sturgis and Vicksburg. The Port Hurou cuncü decides to bonow 5000 and pay therailroad judgments rendered against the city in the üniied Svateu courte. A s,ven.year-old son of Capt. W. E. D ckm„„., „Hrert from home in Menominee coun ty a w-k ago, and it is frared baff perohed of hunger and rxposure in the woods. EïBheniECiet'' H.bÜhrb, ha lost slx cbilcion ty diubU.-a. DunuK the paat Bi-ason the Calumet ar,d Hcla copper uiiaes have yielded ab ut l,uOu tons ot uiiDeral per momb, or upwards of 1, 000 toDS for the jear. They have twelve jears of coppef'm 8ight,"and are putting in pumping mcbinery to cost ;tu,mu, tuu o". - 4,700 horse power aaü ihe best in the world. Ou November lst ñve inches of Bnow teil in thfijiEper i'scintulc. ""Theoffice of the cnunty ueasarer at Ontonagon wa8 breken open Monday, the 24th or Octobr, acd some ot the b(K,ks stolen. The Calumet and Hecta will pay 500,000 in divídeos November 15. Ibis will brintf it. total divide! d to tLal date up to 20,850,CC0 ;,PDbiDZ Eeuublican on the AsricuHural college affair: Dr. Kedzie on Wedneeday moiLinitalkedto the studente of hw class aboutthed!fficultiee,and from wbat he said the Btudents judged that there was a misunderBtanding on both eidef. DnrinR tbe afternoon thtough the exertlonn of Messrs. Howe, Holli day, and Rogers, the faculiy met with some of the student to compromiso the matter. In the evening, at a meetiag of the faculty, as a resul i oí the aíternoon sesBion, resoiuuou =" pasBed restoring the committeemen to eood standing on the signing of a paper accepting the pa, ment of 9 to Mr. Hiscock. The othtr coinmitteeman was put on good behavior for one year Bigninti the same paper. His bemg put on good behavior was because of "contessed duplicitj in signing a lormer paperOn Wedneeday alternoon cearly aU the studente signed a paper promising not to concert i„ „ onnarnt vil en masse, and not to eert in action in opposition to the faculty. Hon. Jas. G. Angel), D. S. minister to China has delWered an address at HoDg Kong, at which the bigh dignitaries of the government were preeent. At the examinatlon of candidates for the racantcaedtshlp in the sixlh congresBional district, held at Lansing, the succeísful candidate is Thomas H.Eeese of WUliamston. He is 18 years ot age, 5 feet 0 inches in height, and weighs 140 pounds. He is pronounced by the suraeonthe most perfect, physically, of any Derson he ever examined. Mr. Beeee ated írom the Hougnton city schools in 1880, and is a student in the agricultural college. His per cent in the examination was L8.09 The alternate is M. R. Hyan of SU Johns. He is 19 years of age 5 f eet 7 1-2 inohes high, and weiRhs 145 pounds. He is a gradúate of tbe St-Juhns high school of the class of 1880. His per cent. was 85.83. Dr. John M. Leonard, who has been a practising phyeician at Burlington, Calhoun Co., for ferty years, has been arrested tor counter feiting. He was taken, with his dies and other evidencee of his guilt, to Detroit for trial. Telegrama nave been received to the effect that Mattison, the ïnurderer of the Morriss family, has been arrested in China. Mr. Chas. T. Pagetson of Grand Haven, vice codbuI of Norway and Sweden, drs sent over $10,000 to the old country for Norwf gians and Swedes since Jnly. The brewers of Detroit have resolved to ra se thepriceof beer, and the retail dealers will raise their prlce from three to five cents per glass. A number of valaable hounds have been poisoned in the north woods. Settlers object to hunters using them to chaee down the deer. The Protestant Episcopal conventiou whicb met laet week at Muskeon deposed from tfee mlnistry Rev. W. W. Fellows. 'lhos. McLee and Warren McQoeen were eentenced at Charlotte by Judge Hooker; Mc Lee to two jears at Jückeon, convicted of bnr Klary; McQuen to four months at Ioaia, for jail breaking. Salt well brinn ia being convered to Oscda by the new pif .ld down, and parties have contracted wlth the differeut mili firma In thai vicinity to furn fh brine enough to maki l.OUO barrels of Balt per day, at the average price of ten cente per barrel. While handlmg a package of rags in the paper factory a Mies Malla at Three Blvers, founá a Eoman coin of the year 288 and the reign of Diocletia-, wrapped in a paper showIng that it had heen presente! to Robert Morris, the Masonlc lecturer. The Tittabawa88ee boom company have rafted bo far this eeason about 48!000,000 feet of logs. Probably 20,000,000 to 80,000,010 more wül be rafted before tbe river is closed by ice. Last year 580,000,000 were rafted. There will be left in the river till next spring probably about 300,000,000 feet. Track layerü engaged in putting down the new steel rail on the Chicago & Grand Trunk Eailway between Port Huron and Lansing have reacbed Flint and are rapidly pnshiug on toward the capital. Kalaouazoo Telegraph: Two gentlemen of this placa have called on us and say they can give what they think Is indisputable evidence that driven wells were in use at least 30 yeais ago. In the case of the People vs. the would-be Voskamp lynchers, at Grand Haven, the jury were out 19 hours, and tlien standing 11 to one for cenviction were discharged. There is no doubt expressed as to their guilt, but public sentiment is bo severe towards Voskamp that no jury can be found to convict the lynchere. Tbe dry-kilns at Bonesfields' wooden-ivare factory at Bay City, burned. Loss $12,000. Peter Roach, a highwayman who escaped from Bay City three yetrs ago,bas been arrested at Duluth, Mían. Ui ram Crewel, a woods band, was found dead on the steps of a house in East Saginaw. He had been drinking hard and marks of foul play were about bis head and face. It is thought he was murdered for his money. Judge Folger has entered upon the perormance of his duties as eecretary of the treasury. The commission provided by the legislatura laat winter to revise the tax laws have agreed to report to the legislatura at its first seesion 1q favor of the county system, similar to the laws of Ohio, wbich provide for the assuinption by countiea of all lands delinquent for taxes, and the repeal of all laws now in torce relativa to assessment anJ collection of tsxes anu the return to the auditor general of quant taxes. Qeorge A. Fitch, for 15 yeare editor and proprietor of the Kalamazr.t Telegraph, state printer two years, and noted politidan till 1865, when he move1 nway, died in Washington Sunday night of cáncer ia the etomac aged 51. Smith Sanford ot Grand Eapids, has been genteneed to pay 50 and be sent to the Ionia house of correction for three monthe, for permitting gambling in hls saloon. In the drive well case pending ia the U. 8 court at Grand Rapide, the defense has two weeks to put in two more affiJavits, showiug previoas use. The complaiuaut ha two weeks to anewer, and the argument is set dowu for he 15th of December. Prospector have discovered a vein In Ontonagon county which assayed tO per csnt. lead and 15 ounces of silver to the ton. The vein is on the Burveyed line of the Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western railroad, and capitalistB have purcliasea 121) aerts The uniun school building at Corunna was destroyed by fiie Moudaj evening. Ljbs Si3U,000. Insured for 815,000. Josph Mars!.!')!, bridge tender of tho Flint and Pera Ma q i-ue lway t Sagina wfeil into the rrl was drowne.1. On Sunday n.o'.nkg a terrible explosión occurred at Hamilt n sud McC'ure's saw mili on the Saginaw river. The boilers were 10 m I nniBiH.r,nln measmtog 22x5 and one 14x6. 1 hese hoilers wero all flue formed, with irn i-.yage of 26 üupb eacb. They wero 16 yaru m use, but bad been overhauled, rtpaired and pronounced safe. Low water is ttiought to have been toe cause of the disaster. The forco of the explosión has never been equaled froin a hk cause, nine of the boilers beine Uterally torn to f,a2menta and O'.o rlWH-d the whole length of the body. The mili badly .sa,d as is also the aalt bloeit. MUI the Luwte of' the loss ha been Kigtff atert I the footto not extending over U.o00 Four men were killed, aEd as th.y we the only persons about the premises ït will be ditficult to aseertain definitely the real cause of I the explosión. Muskegon Chronicle: A partly demented f ello Fojourninghere tlilsBummr nnrier the non de plume of "Dharley Kiug, theownerof the world," last evenin purchaaed a ticket for Washington with money ho badsavedup. HeBajshe goes there for the purpose ol properly settling the cause oí Üuileau, Garfield's assaesin. Michigan is amcnK the states vhoM post ! , ffica epartmeutKOi-ii'ts are in exwss f expendituress her excess beiD? $192,871 21. Five priBoners in th MaListiau 3al1 locKed theBheriflintoacell and Bjaped the other 1 (llj . mv?_t.IH.MVh TbelSthannual meeting of Uie miomiiiu. beekeepers' aasoolaüon will beheld In theci.y baü at BatUe Creek, on Thursday and Fnoay, the 8th and 9th ol December. The Michigan Central, Chicago & Grand Tronk, DM Grand Haven & Mi.wankee, and the Grand Rápida Indiana railroads WUÍ Bell tickets to members at excursión rateB To secure reduc ed fare all must have certificaU-s, chichean be furniihed by the president, A. J. Cook, U sine, Mich. . (irèat cltement exists at Hastmgs over the trial of Trego ior the murder ot Martin Texter i„ a „ril ht. The town is iull of people; the regular jury panel Ib exhausted; and 50 tatemen have been ürawn. Jas Cunningham was arrestad at Bast Tawas, charged with BeiDg oue oí a gang of sllver coin counterleiters in tüe vicinity oí Alpena. The Women's auxiliary aid scciely has tak en mensures te support two hoepitals at Minden A-donationoí $100 has boen received lor the fund from Mrs. Uaraem. Willie Steaga!, the Sagiaw City ichool boy who was Btruck on te temple with an odging by Charles Osborn, died Sunday, and Ortom was at once lodged in jail on a charge of murdor. He is only about 15 years oí age. Willie Allen, ol Flint, aged 8 yeare, bied to I death, on Friday, from the eflecta of an accidental blow ou the nose byaplajmate.


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