Real Estate Transfers
The íollowiug are the transfers of real estáte for the week ending Weduesday, November 10: WARHANTY DEEDS. Robt. C. Glenn to Bdward Doody, 20 acres sec 12 Lyndon, $600. JereiniahH. Boyie to Richard Bilbe, and iu Ana Arbor tovvn sec 9, $3,200. Abiaharn Stefïen to Salimine Youug, land iu sec 8 Aan Arbor towu, $480. Geo. A. RuDciman to Emiiy J. Runcimau, 1G0 acres sec 6 Sylvau, $5,000. Carne A. Braithwaite to R. Kempf, lot in Aun Albor $450. Adam Mueller to Admoral B. Camp, 75 acres secl Aan Arbor town, $5,500. Jidward Campbell to Adam Mueller, 160 acres sec 17 Superior, $10,009. Joseph H. Perry to Andrew J. Boyce, 80 acres sec 10 Lodi, $6,400. Amariah Couklin to] August Hoffruan, lot iu Manchester, $000. Chauncey L. Broek to Harriet L. Whitney, !auü in sec 36, Aun Arbor, $10,000. Jno. S. Ounn to Wm. O. Jacobus, lot in Ann Arbor, $000. Piüley B. Whitaker to Jacob Slemmer, 82 acres sec 19 Lima, $7,790. Jacob Slemmer to Jno. M. Alber, 155 acres sec 32 Freedom, $11.750. Mary Slemmer to Juo. M. Alber, land in sec 31 Freeeom, $1,000. Jno. il. Alber to Jno. G. Burkhardt, 80 acres sec 32 BVeedom, $4,000. riidney 1). Harringtuu to Helen O, Suttou, lot in Chelsea $000. JMicbael Shankto Sarah J. Wines, land in sec 24 Sylvan, $5,900.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
Robert C. Glenn
Edward Doody
Jeremiah H. Boyle
Richard Bilbe
Richard Bilbie
Abraham Steffen
Salimine Young
George A. Runciman
Emily J. Runciman
Carrie A. Braithwaite
R. Kempf
Adam Mueller
Admoral B. Camp
Edward Campbell
Joseph H. Perry
Andrew J. Boyce
Dr. Amariah Conklin
August Hoffman
Chauncey L. Brock
Harriet L. Whitney
John S. Dunn
William C. Jacobus
Finley B. Whitaker
Jacob Slemmer
John M. Alber
Mary Slemmer
John G. Burkhardt
Sidney D. Harrington
Helen O. Sutton
Michael Shank
Sarah J. Wines