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HENRY MATTHEWS. Hasj the pleasure to Inf orm th public that bc h reaoy to receiTo them in hisnewbriclc MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOK EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything in his line wiil bo flrst-olaa, and At Reasonablo Ratos. He returns ni sincero thanks to all his oia coatomers f or their generous patronage, and cordi ally invites them, and all new customera to nis new quarters, whero he hopes by fair dealing t nlarge his already growina business. _ lte. öend for oui SPMBi nrEJi New IllustraB S U tcdPrice-Lifit JkV wh dif 3Of für BB9 Q&r FallandWinter of 1881. Frce to anj addrcs. tains full description of all kinds of good for personal and family use. We deal directly with the consumer, and sell all goods in any quantity at wholcsale prices. You can buy etter and cheaper than t home. 3 TÍiOMESY WARD & CO. 2 , : ■ ' Wnbafh AvenRP.Cliipipo.lli FRED SORG, Dealer h PAINTS, ÖILSJIIISHES BKUSHES, WINDOW QLASS, And all Palnters' Supplies of the Bert Quality SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington Eet. ANN ARBOR. - MICMIGAM. "rinseyXsëabóltT" No. 6 and 8 Washington t., Have on hand a complete stock of Tythinginthe Grocery Line. They buy thoir Teas, ColToes, and SvLfgtirM In largo amounte, and at Caslti. IPz?cOs And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of Teas they Bty and Sell, is good proof that in Qjality and Price they Give Bargairs. They Roast their om Cofïees everr week, ni none but prime articles are used. Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Oaket and Crackers. Cali and see them. MCKSÖFTrRË"CLAYCa Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND - All our Drain Tile are made of Flre Clay, r of unxtsual sstrengtb and light weight, -whlch mlterially reduces the breakage and xpen 01 transportation. The ditching for this class of tiling is lens expen aive, as they do not require to be laid below from, but only deep enough to escape the plow. Whilé this is more ceonomical it alo Ida m obtainingiabetter "fali" or grade to th drain. A full assortment of all sizes, for tale iH qnantities, or car load lot?, at the FSRDON LUiBER TABU JAS. TOLBEET, AgHt. FTTfowsT VEGETABLE BALSAMiC -J Is a sure cure for Cought., Colds, M Whooping-Cough, and all Lung R Disease, when taken in eason. I People die of con&untptioii simpïfc ly becaase of negtect, when the Sc timel use of thib remedj would k have cured them once. JFtfty-one years ot conE3 stant use pruve tt. fact that no ffl cough retned ha stood the teel llike J)otin' L.tZir. Price aöc. 'ilio iirirt 5l.(H. pel bottle. Fut 3"! Fver wherc. ESI ailll Uil 1 1 Ui llllffl'l "W"H. JMIBMVMAl Drjkxter's Mandrake SglTTËBÜI Will curt Jaundice, Dispepsia, Liver Comijlaints, Indigetion, and all diocasts arising from Biliousneto. Pnce .15 perbottle. Foi Sk Eeirywhere. tiUMK JOHNSON' ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENT For .llaii and. Beatt. The most perfect liniment erer compounded. Price 5C. and joc. For Snf Kvrywhere. - ) THï, i Chicago & Western Is tho OLDEST! BEST CONSTRUOTED! EET EQUIPPED ! aiid hcuco the LEADIHG RAILWAT, OF TUK ■ WEST AND NORTHWEST! Itis the short and best route between Chicago end allpointsm llorthsrn flHiiota, ïoto, Eaiota, Wroai:, Natrasïi, CaUfaala, Orejoa, rtana, Utah, Colorado, Iihs, HcaUta, Nmda, aal fot ÖOUBTGIL SLOFFE, OMHA DENVER, LEADVILLE, Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEADWOOC, S1OÏTX CITT, Celar Baplds, Ü8B Holnes, Oolaalua, eni all Peïnf s la tï) Tsmto:ie, saJ ths West. Also, fcp KltamSee, Orcea Esy, OJhioik. Shcïorgaa, Karaustte, "oai ia Las, WatertSTi, SoaghtoB, Neenii, üinasïs, 3i Eanl, Uinssapolis, Ea?cs, Volji, Targo, Bismarck, Winona, LaCrosta, Owatonas, tui all poiat: ia Biansioti, Daïot?, Wltconsiu aad the KetthAtCouncil Bluffe tho trainsoftho ChicgoA North-Western and tho V. P. E'ys depart from, sjrive at and use the sanie joint Lnion Depot. At Chicago, closeconneitionsareniadewitn tno Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Baltimore & Oh..Ft. Wayne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago A (irand Trank R'ys, and the Kankakeo and fan Handle Routes. Close connectlons made at Junction romtE. 1'. Is the only line runnig Pullman Hotel Dining Cai'g CHICAGO AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. PULLMAN SI.EKI'EBS ON' ALL NIGHT THA1K. Insistupon Ticket ARcnts sellmpt you l:cktt Tia this road. Examine yuur tichete, and refus.-. to liy if they do_ not read ever tho Ctteagoi N.irih-WesternRailway. If youwishthe Ii Ft TravelinijAccoinmoaations Touwill buyyourtit kets bj this route, uní wilt Isko none oltior. AU ïicket Agsnts scll Tickets by this Lino, and V. S. & aea'lMaug'r, CMosgu. ' i


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Ann Arbor Democrat