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A terrible collicion on the PennBylvania rail road, near Lawrence Staiion, occarred Wednesday morniug,by whicü many were killedand wounded. The passenger train was run into by a freight train. Kansas bank deposilors are deteruimed to apply the heinpen argument to dishonest bank officials. Danford, the proprietor of a chain of broken Savings banks at Caldwelland at Osage City, tngether with his cashier, are in the hands of tho Sheriff, who eays he can not protect thera from the mob of creditors, who say that he must "eettle or swing." With ths eliminatioa of the Atlas, Hartford bas no fire insuranee company with a capital less than $1,000,000. Three of the six companieshave $1,000,000 eacb, one has $4,000,000 another, the oldest, hag $1,250,000 and one has $2,000,000. George Law's will cives his wife 25,000 cah, $100,000 of Uüited States bonds, ayearly incomeof $25,000, and the homeetead and all pertaining to it. The rest goes eanally to the ehildren. One can getsome i'.ea of tho wealth of the mines on tha Paciflic coasi from the tact that ia 1877 there was seventy-Bix inillion dollars ondepositintbo savings banks of California. ThiB is the largest amount of ïnoney ever held by the banks oí the state at one time, and lts accuinulaüon was the result of the mining prosperity that had prevailed for some time previous. In soinc paris of the Maryland península the following is believed to be a slight cure for chilla and fevers: A live epider is caught and placed in a thimble, and a cloth tied over Becurely to keep it confined. The thimble is suspended around the neck of the afflicted per8on until th9 epider dies, which not only cnres but prevenís the chills. The citizena of Cedar Rapide, Ia., gave a recaption to tho delegates to the Butter, Cheese and Eutr Oonventioa Wednesday morning. On the reasseinbüng of the convention the subject of oleomargarine was discusaed. One delégate aasorted that the adulteraüon was destroying our bulter trade at home and abroad. It was sngested that efforts be made to secure a law compelling dealers to put adulterations on the roarkatforjustwhat thsy are. The conven - tioQ passed a resolution recommending the pas?age of a law to prevent the adulteraüon of butttr and cheeso. Tho assessments on Nevada mines amount to ov. r $1,100,000 f or November alone. Over two toas of silver dollars were eliipped from the New Orleans mint Friday. Thcre was a white trost and a thin formation of iw in Sau Francisco November 19, and at the same timo orango trees there were laden with flowers and fruit. A niiilion of dollars in our gold coin weigh 3,685,71 poands avoirdupois, and a million standard dollars in our silver coin weigh 58,928.57 ponnds. The two great sheets of plate glass, each 12 by 22 feet in size, that were exhibited in Philadelphia in 1876, have been purchased by a New York firm, and will soon be placed in the front of a large retail store in Broadway. State Engiueer Seymour, of New York, whose term of office expires January 1, hss accepted the charge of 400,000 acres of woodland in Wisconsin from a Boston eyndicate and will move soonto Aoploton, Wis. Tha SiiEsouri River Convention Wednesday rsolved that appropriation3 should be made by Congress for the improvement of that stream, and appointed a committee to go to Washington to secure appropriations Adjourned sine die. The report of operations during; the month ofNovembarinall eections of the PennBylvania oil regions, to be published Thursday by the Era, shows that sixty-eight welh completed were yielding 7,230 barrels on the last day of the month. The postoffice department has issued an order providins that where tho health officers of a village, town, or city, by cfficial aotion, declare that mail matter from any other vil'age, town, or city is name to commumcaie a contagious diaease, whieliat the timeisprevailing in the place whose mail it íb thus sousht to quarantme; and such health officers shall furmsh the po3tmaster with a certifícate copy ot such declaration, it shall be the duty of said postmaster to ref ubo to accept said mail matter rom any carrier or mail messenger, and he shall f urnish such carrier or mail messenger wilh a copy of eaid declaration to De delivored by him to the office thus quarantined, with the mail matter so refuBed, and the facts shall at once be reported to the first assistant postmaster general. The pluralities tor the New York state officers, according to returns received at the office of the secretary of state, are as follows: Carr, 12,698; Davenport, 14,099; Russell, 12,799; well (Dem.), 20,908; Seymour, 0,566; Finch, 11,961. These figures will be changed Blightly when the board ol canvassers allow certain imperfect votes. James K. Upton, of N. n. has resigned the office of Assiatant Secretary of the Treasury. A through railroad line direct from San Francisco to New Orleans will be in operation in the near future. The courts oí Indiana have decided that the faculty of a college may expel members of Gre;k letter societiea at discretion, if membership be in violation of college rules. Twenty tbousand pounds of public documenta went from the Capítol to the junk Bhop on Saturday, the public treasury being enriched f500 by the movement. The poa'.inaster-general has isaued an order prohibiting tho redemption ty po3tin asters, after the lst of Febrtiary next, 01 po3tal cards that mny have been aecidaatally spoiled while f n the hands ol private parties. Prasideat B. A. fliasdale of Hiram, has pub lished a letter in which he saya: "Mrs. (iarfield has appointod me editor of General (Jarfield's works, with instructions to collect, edit, and carry them through the press as peedily aB is consistent with completeness and I have acoepted the trust, and shall mmediately set about preparing the material; in due time the name of the publishers will be announced, and tull information as to the time and manner of publioation given. The arranRemeuts touching theso matters have not yet b'jnn made, and cannot be for some timo to come. The commission that Mrs. Garfield bas given me covers the speeches, addresses and publisbed papsra of General Garfield, but has notbing to do with the life. When the lime come?, inforraaüon touchiug Iho Ufe will be given to the public. Su'mg a newspaper for libel 'm printins a mere newa item, is not always remunorative; some Brooklyn partios have just tried it ngainst two Boston dailie3, and got verdicta ior I ages to the auiount of one cent. Ia the Republican Caucus on Saturday, the i coctest for the speakership resulted in taror of J. Warren Keifer,'of thoeighth Ohio district,J. L Habbell, of Michigan called the caucus to nrdor. and Mr. Bobeson, of N. J„ was made chairman. On balloting, Keiler led from the start, aud on the lGth ballot, many votes were changed, the votos of Michigan which had been given steadily for Burrowe, going over to Keifer, with those ot seTeral other states, end tha re'sultwasas tollows:-Keiter 93, Hiacock 18 Kasson 10, Raed 11, Barrowa 1, Otth 8, Dunnell 8; total 144. McPherson Pa. has the caucusnominütion for clerk of the house, Hoolter, ot mont, for Sergeant-at arins, Brownlou oL Tennessee, for Doorkeeper, Hirry Sherwood, of Michigan for Postmastor, and Rev. F. D. Powers, of Washington, for Cbaplain. Referring to adispatch in the N. Y. Herald, to the effect that on the 22d of September, last ] I Mr?. Christlancy want to Hartford and registeredunderher maiiien name of Lugenbee!, the Washington corre spondent of the Post and Tribune quotes Judge Christiancy as sayins: - ML the time uhe wai there Oeo. Hoight, v?ho was her companlon to Peru, was making a nosition relativa tn waai uaa udiub woi u.= obBBrvaUonwbUeln Llmi. He testified to witnessisg aU the troubla batween Judge ChriBtiancy and his wife, saw him strike her, j etc Judge ChrMiancy said to your correspondent that he was glad hia attention had been called to the dispatoh. He wanted to say that Mrs C. was at Hartford all the time and was staying with Hoight,and that he was sweanng t„ .11 =hO tnld hira to. He also wishod to say thatif it bad not bean lor Hoiffht there never would have been troublo bstween them at Lima, as Hoight himaelt had bronght all the trouble with him. Whon Mrs. ChrlBÜancy started for Peru all was peacelul. She mot that manHoigUt on thostcaroor, and was witb hira daring all ot the journej-. He never eft her Bidé ia Lima, ana their ñames . ""■- together in commen scandal for miles around the place. Juige Chriatiancy saya that hall has not been told about the actions of lus wle, and at the proper time no will teil ït all. On Sunday, Minneapolis sufíered a nwst Utoastrous fire-ihat te, the loss ot tour flouring milis and one cotton iniü, amouuüug tof 52S,000. Gour persons were also killed by the explosión of gas or flour dust. The Tennesee State penitenttóry on Mónday, suffered the loss of tbs mamiíBcturing establishment operated by Imbss. Loss, over insurance a' out $25,000. Six paisoners escaped, bi-t many tbat rnight have gained their libeity turncdto, andhelped to pave the preperty. C. H. Reed, of Chicago, now sjiares the labora and reponsibiliües of Guiteau's defeBse with Scoville, Anumber of "experto" were examined on Monday a3 to Lyinptoni3 of iüsan ity and hypothetieal cases of such a soit were put tothem that sevoral were moved to say if thepriaoner wa3 as represented, lia must ba insane. The Danford bank matter at Caldwell, Ks, has been compromised on a basis of 50 cnts on the dollar, cash, the balance in one year, eecurtd by real eetate. Information is reseived of the death of Gen. Kilpatrict, minister to Chili. He died at Santiago on Sunday last.


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Ann Arbor Democrat