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Rusnian public journals are ir-.cenaed at President Arthur's reference to the trea'inont of Jews in that country, and want to know whyhedidn'tsay something about England's traatment of the Irish. Egan says that tho ref usal3 to pp.y rent amount to $50,000,000. Tho man who placarded Berlín wi h copies of tne editorial in the Freiheit for whioh HeiT Most was imprisoned in London, has been genteneed to three years penal servitude. AVienna dispatch, Dec. 8th, says: The Bing theater, formerly a comió epera house, where Sarah Bernhardt recently performed, took üre at 7, just beiore the beginning of the opera "Les Contes de Hoffman." The firo was caused by the fall of a lamp on the stage. The audlenc nambered abeut 2,000. Mauy persons were injured Sixty were saved by means of ladders and by jumping iato clo!hs held below. The greatest efforts were made to save life. The scène was terrible, the flamee Bhooting up throush the roof, and evo tually gutting the entira building. The chief cause of the catastrophe was that in the confusión the iron portion separatiag tlu stage frotn the auditorium was not lowered Tliousands of people assombied in the neigh boring streets, where they could hear the cries of agony of people at tha wiudows of the i tet praying to be saved. The rapidity of the j fl imes prevented people from takiag i tige of the ordinary exits. Only a pmall 1 ÜOQ of the audience saved thomsolvea by 1 mg frnm the Windows three sio"ie3 high into 1 cloths held below. It is estiinatel tuat 800 persons perishbd. Soma bodies are fearf ully disfigured. Ssveral persons were iojured iu springing from the wiaduws of the theater. Among the misiDg are Herr Fife, c urt musical director, and Herr Holinersprger. Most of the bodies identifid up to the present time are those of tradosmen and minor offijialg. On the spreading of the news of the disaster the performances at the o'her theaters stopped. Many persons were trampled to death in the panie which ensued. As soon as the fire was seen there was an explosión of gas and the audience were plunged in darlcaess. Minister Lowell participated in a meeting of distinguished men at the chapter house, Westminster Abbey, caüed to consider the subject of a memorial to the late Be in Stauley, and was given a cordial and respectful hearing when be expressed the regard and admiraüon feit by tho people of the United Statea for the lamented dead. The absenoe of news from the balloon in Iü which Walter Powell was carried to sea fromLondon,Saturday, causes a sensation. Powell had a project to cross the Atlantic iu a balloon. ___ ___


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Ann Arbor Democrat