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Atlditional local on secend page. Dr. E. Wells ia inuch better. Col. Crawford is in the city. Deputy clerk Wade is back from Boston. CoUDCÍl meeting next Mouday eveuiug. Deputy register Carpenter is at his post again. A graat muny liulies kept open house Monda}'. The public schools will open next Monday. J. C. Bonteceou will addressthe reform club Sunday. Fred Hoopar paid his old frieuds a visit yesterday. Regular miel ing of the K. O. T. M., thu eveuing. Sunday night was the coldest tliis winter - below zero. Judge .Tos! in makes his headquarters at Cthe St. Jaines. Dr. Douald Maclean lias leturned from his western trip. County trcasurer Seyler sent $:!." ,000 to .Lansing i uesaay. J. W. Msynarl is able to apend a few hours it the store. Dr. Miclean of Howell, is visiting his friends la this city. Mis. VV. II. Hicks has relamed from Avou, New York. The board of education will meet next Tuesday evening. "W. E. Sprague of Detroit, spent New Year's iu tbis city. Herman Krapf spcut New Year's with friends iu Saginaw. Wm. Jud'l, formerly of tliis city, died 111 UUICUO IJlUlSUay. Deputy sheriff Wallace went to Ionia Friday with a tramp. Many of the business places were closed Mooday atternoon. Several hundred pursons were skating on the pond Monduy. W. W. Whedon bas been troubled with a sprained ankle. Nichols Bro., of Saline, are doiog business in their new store. E. Terliune is going to Chicago to reinain several montlis. A new vault is to be be built n Forrest liill cemetery next spring. Final hearing next Tuesday in the estáte of Marlha M. Snow. The St. Lawrence benovolent society has a new $110 banner. The Uatholic mutual benefit association ulected officers last eveniug. Offlcers were elected by the Aun Arbor schutzenbund last eveuing. The Germán band is to give a concert in the course of a few weeks. The Carreno-Donaldi company rcuiaiiied at the St. James four days. The encampment of I. O. O. F., will elect offlcers Friday evening. Mack McCollum spent Monday visiting his mothei' on Cathetine street. "Felicia, or Woman's Love," at the opera house to-monow evening. R. E. Frazer spoke in Saline Friday mght, and in Charlotte Sunday. The Ann Arbor Jubilee singers at McJlahon's hall to-monow eveuing. Andrew Stimpson, a South Lyons man, isservjng a jail senteuce of 40 days. Washtenaw Chapter No. 6. Work on Mark Master degree, Monday nigUi. ine masons or (jneisea are mung up a lodge room in theTuttle block. The Walker Bros. are figjiim; on that contemplated society building. S. L. Woodford will address the laar students Washmgton's birthday. Wood & Son have just received 250,000 feet of himber frorn tne uorthern piues. Chas. Miunis has closed up liis shoe shop and gone to work lor Geo. Finer. The officers elect of Otsengo lodge, I. O. O. F., were instulled Tuesday eveuing. Mrs. Dwight Saxton of Clinton, a cousin of J. H. Hicks, was buried Thursday. D. Henning of Chicago, called on many of his old friends New Year's day- Monday. Fred Sipfly, one of Uk; live business men of Nervauia, is building a new saw mili. Lucas & Tesmer are doing the mason work tor Luick & Bro's. addition to their shops. The balance sheet in the office of the county treaburer shows $30,214.80 on hana. The dance by the hook and ladder company Friday evening was an eujoyable alïair. Buring the past six months Washtenaw lodge No. 9, I. O. O. F., paid out $300 in benefits. Next Tuesday J. Sprague will install the ofticers of the I. O. O. F. iu PlainSeld in public. Persons having business witlv The Demochat, should cal) at room 7 opera nouse block. Annual meeling of the Washtenaw insurance company nt;xt Weduesday at the court house. Charles Milla of Pittsfield, feil from a lo:ul of straw yesterday, and broke his collar bone. Thtre ia lo be a sriange meeting tomorrow evening at Trompera school house in Scio. Constable C'alkins of South Lyjns, was in the city Saturday on criminal business. It Is nol generally known that the late Dr. fleoree A. Foster was iusured tor $'5,000. The Correno-Doualdi company gave a sacred concert in ihe opera huuse Suuday ovening. Geo. r. Bañe, t he eloquent Kentuckian, will speak in tliis city Suuday, Jacuary 15th. Jas. Le Van hu sold bis farm of 140 acres in Norlhfield. to Frankhn Parker for $8,400. Special meeting of Frateruity lodge F. & A. M., uext Slonday eveniug. Work on tbird degree. Circuit court commissioner Pistorios j of Saginaw county, was in the city the last of tlie week. A house in Y"sl]anti owned liy Mrs. M. A. Hosmer. was destroved bv tire Thursday morniug. Mrs. O. M. Maltin, Jr. , has been ppointed administratnx of liie estáte of Jeonie E. Polbemus. Kev. J. T. Suuderland conducted the fuñera! services of tbe late VV. S. George, in Lansing last week. The Keek Furniture Co., have completed their yearly Inventory of the arnouut of business trausacted. R C. Glover of Saline township, is about to engage in the manufacture of albums in Battle Creck. O, H. Jewell, formerly of tbe Cook imd Gregory houses, has renttd Ihe Titylor house in Öairinaiv Citv. Wm. B. Martin bas sokl his plic-(; iu Ypsilanti, and will take up his residence 111 Jamestown, üakota. Richard Phelan jumped from n load of corn stalks Tuesday, on to the wagon longue aud broko two ribs, Kitredge's wagon broke down Tuesday from the weiglit of a stone whicli was buing drawn to the university. Manager Eeech of the telephone ixchaüge, has put in a new switch board, tlm nutnliers in 1011 Mr. E. E. Payne and Misa Lizzie Snell are to be tnarried ibis aftarnooa at tee residence of tke bride'í párenla. George Darrow was tried byajuryof hi.s couatrymen and convicted of assiuilt and Thursd&y. He paid $9. A portion of the oíd Wood farm in Lodi, owned by ü. Heunin?, has bccu sold to Mrs. Wheeler of the sixth ward. ín justice !o constables Imus, itaiily and Loomis, il is proper to stattlihat these offlcers do uot beloug to the " ring." Fred Wurster manufacturad 19 cutters f or the winter trade, but .t looks as if he would be obhged to keep them over. Miss Pauline Widenmauu was favored wilh a serenade Monday evening by tlie metnbers'of lüe Gesangverien society. The Bceihovan Qesangverien society was hamisomely enteitaineil Monday evening at the residenee of Mayor Kapp. The Ana Arbor Savings bank msikes a splendid opening. The statement in another column wili teil you all about it. Prof. C. K. Adams who is to deliver a course of 'ectures at Coruell UDiveroity, will leave for the east the last oJ the week. The Methodist society Monday evenïng elected Joe T. Jacobs, S. P. Foster, and C. B. Cook, trustees for three years. Jeff Davis will have his examiaation Saturday befare justice Frueauff. The complainaut in the case is policeman Porter. The Atlanta Suuday Phonograpu, published at Atlanta, Georgia, is oft'ered for sale. A great bargain for a cash eustomer. O. W. Ruggles succeeds the late Henry B. Wenlworth as general passenger and ticket agent of tlie Michigan Central railroad. The VV. C. T. U. of Saline has been in existeuce five years. The fifih aunual electiou of oiüeers will occur next !saturday. The Rose of Sharon, not John J. Robi son, as he ia sometimos called, but the senator of thut name, was in the cit; Fnday. Tuesday was the busiest day in tlie history of the Ann Arbor Savings bank. The receipls uut disbursemenls were $147,069.67. At a meeting of the Baptist society Monday evening, V. ÍÍ. Spaulding, F. Branted and N. "W. Beman were eiected trustees. Elmer Bowers was thrown trom his carriage Baturday, at the Hiilsdale depot in Manchester, and sustained quite severe injuries. . Cbief Clarken drew on the contingent fuud in December tor $138.49, whieh sum was divided aittong the indigent poor in five wards. We are indebted to J. E. Henriques for a copy of the Marsliall Statesman, Marshalltown, Iowa, which give.s a summary of the business for the year. Mrs. Charles Whiting of ;this city, had a visit Sunday and Monday frutu her sou Charles F. Whiting, salesman in tbe jvwelry store of S. il. Ivés, Detroit. Sophia Lyons was arraigned in the circuit court yesterday. Slie pleaded not guilty to the charge of larceuy, aud her trial was set down tor the ltith inst. D. Heumng is to have an auctiou sale of fariniug utensils, hay au i graiu, and düü Merino sheep; on the okl Wood farm one rnile trom Saline, Thursday, Jauuary 19. Robert L. Geddis, a wealthy farmer and stock raiser of this county, ditd Thursday last at his home in Geddesburg where he had lived for 49 years, of typhoia pneumonía. Agricultural society No. 2 consisting of JLen memberg, met at the court house öaturday afternoou, aud afler talkiug malters over, wisely coucluded to adjourü without action. Tlicre was a family gathering Monday at the residcnee of Kooert Campbell, ou Packard Street. Some 40 relatives were present, including Aaron Childs and wile of Augusta John Frank who kept hU saloon open in Saline on December 2(5, a legal JioliUay, pleaded guilty to ihe charge in the slrcurt eourt ïuesday, aud was iined SSö and 18.97 costs. ïuscola AdvcrtUer: Por a local iievvspaper the ANN Auuoii Democrat " scoops" Ihem all. lt has fiom four to six columns weekly of local news, Dotes and items. M. C. LeBeau, traveling agent for the Dash Co , of Culumbus, Ohio, received f rom the finn $100 for a Christ mas present, and an advance of $300 on previous years salary. Officers elect oí Otseningo lodge 1 O O. F., No. 295: N. G., O. Powell; V. G., O. B. Davison; R. 8., Wni.G. MillerP. S, John Walir; T.. C. J. Durheim; R. to U. L., C. J. Durheim. Why don't the township treasurer send the money collected hom taxes to deputy treasurer Seyler and tUus save interest to the eountyt The state allo we interest for money taus paid iu. A rewaid of $25 has been offcred by sheriff Wallace l'orevidence that will lead lo the conviction of the person who flred Harrisou Merrit's barn in Uie towu of Salem, on the night, of December 6th. Mr. Royer, who owns the old Wells place, corner of División and Ann streets, is preparing to buijd a briek addition 36x 28 feet, and two stories higii. John H. Fogarty has the contract for the masón work. VViishlenaw lodge No. 9 I. O. O. F. elected the followlng offleers Friday evening: N. G., David Almandinger; V. G., J. J. Hansey; R. S., lloward E. Gidley P. S., ü. Krapf; T., II. T. Morton; lt. lo " L., C. Krapf. S. D. Clay who lias been at Ihe 6t. James for the past two weeks, and who Bubmitted to an operation for cataraet, "ia able to see and will soon bc around again Mr. Clay is loud in his praise of Dr. Frothingham who performed the operation. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Noyes of Chelsea, celebrated their crystnl wedding laai Wednesdtty evening. Some 40 couple were present. Mr. Noyes was presented willi a üandsoine gold lieaded can e, and Jiis estimable wifo with-a aucuber of preseots, 'l'lie farm residente of Jj. H. Coon, iu tin; townahip of Manchester, was destroytü by Bre aaturtlay. The huildiog and contenta were insnred in tliu Wasjimnaw mutual for $3,100. Tlie loss will nol exceed $800. Oliicers of Saline reform club: President, Alfred Millnr; vice presidenta, A. h Ctark, G. J. Nissly. Cnarlea Cdbb; secretary, S. S. Tripp treasurer, J. Sturm; flnancial secretary, W. P. Carson; marshals, üeorge II. Jeweli, II. A. Jewett. At the animal meeting of the First Presbyterian churcli Friday evening, H. ji. í aoor was eiectea trustee in place oí S. P. Je welt. B. W. Cheever was re-el eeted. The soücitine committee repoited the debt $0,030 fully provided lor liy way of' subsciiplions. A fight took place Mondar near the office of the agriculturnl cotnpauy in thu fourtli ward, betweeu seveiai Jackson roughs and gome Aun Albor Ixiys. Jackson was ïnosi btautifully clenned out, and one ctmp froui tliis place bad ]iis t-yus draped m mouruiüg. Five men in the employ of Ihe Toledo road as track repairers, who have $80 due tiiem trom the compaoy, were obüged to cali on L. Da vis, on of the superinteudents of ihe poor, for assistauee. Il advauced üjcui (5 snel orders -ju the above rond for the ainount. Wm. Sherwood, an o!d Citizen of this counly, who had resided in Bharon and Manchester some years previous to bis death, was buried yesterday. Jle was bom in Conneclicut and was 69 years of age at the time of hls death. In politics he was a thorough democrat. F. Wagner & Bro., whose advertisenieut appears ia to-day's paper, would be pleased to show those who contémplale purchasing a new carriage, through their stock. This flrm does not propose to be undersold. During the omlng season they intend to turn "out 100 lamber wagons. The followingadditional jurymen were drawu yesterday: Charles Alban, Ypsilauti town; Ansel Williams, Ypsilanti city; James Haukerd, Lyndon; John II. Kingsley, Manchester; Haskel Laraway, Northfield; Jefferson C. Rouse, Pittsfield; P. II. Minray, Salem; Benjamin Monroe, Saline. Company A elected the foilowing offlcera Monday evening: Captain, C. H. Maaly; flrst lieutenant, J. P. Schuh; second lieutenant, C. E. HisDOck; board of director, S. B. Revenauirh, L. F. Hoban, J. Farreir Z. Koath, Chas. Grossman. The treasurer's report shows a ou nana. Aun Arbor lodge, No. 17, A. O. U. "VV. elected the following officers lust week : P. M. W., Jolm J. Fisher; M. W., Jolin Lucas; F., John Keebler; O., Charles Tesmer; K.Johu Krauss; financier. G. Luick; receiver, A G winner; G., E. Luick; I. W., W. Neithammer; O. W. C. Roth; R. to G. L., A. Garner. Adrián Press: The VVaslitenaw couoty people tbougbt tliat a man wbo wou Id steal items frona otber newspapers and not give credit, was no credit to tbe agrieulturai society of which be was secreta ry. so tbey quietly gave him permissio to devote more tmie to buuting up somt thing readable from otber papers. Detroit Eveuiug News: The A.NH Ar bok Democrat ís still industriously punching tbe officers in tliat city wh make themselvea so' remarkably busy ch telling tramps and sending tbem to lonia. It uow is sbown tbat au inabilily to speak tbe English )anguai;e was about all tbey could flnd agaiust one poor devil wbom tbey sent up. Manchester sent a delegation to this city Tueslay, eight of lier citizens coming over. In ihe party were senator Rose, Hons. J. J. Robison, E. B. Norris, super visor Burch, superintendent of the pooi Case, A E. Hewett, A. F. Freeman and Theodore Bruegal, the last mentioned, traveling salesnjan for J. Keek. The galaxy, headed by the Kose of Sharon, stop ped at the Leooard house. The animal meeting of the Forrest bil] cemetery sompany was held Tüesday. The anieles of as.-.'oc;atiou were amended so as to correspoud with the atatute. The treasurer reported the receiptsof the yeai at $8,786.67; expei.ditures, $1,641.54; balance on hanti, $'3,OÜ5.54. P. B; c'i, E. B. Pond, aud J. A. Bsott were elected trustees for three yeara, E. Manu two yeara and il. S. Dean one year. The trustees will meet next Monday and elect offleers. Enterprise: Al a regular meeting of Manchester Lodge, No. 52, A. O. U. W., the following obleera wereelected tor the ensuing term: ]J. M. W., James L. Ötone; M. VV, Ed. E. Root; G. F., J. C. Mahrle; Ü.. B. ii. Lovejoy; Recorder, Georüe J. Hajussler; Receiver, N. Sehmid; Financier, WHliam Kirchgessuer; Guide ureui-ge iMsie; i. o. w., jami-s ïerdon; O. S. V., H. L. Rose; Trustee, Jolin L Sp&fard; Exumining Physician. C F Kapp; Kepreeontative to Grand Lodge, Jalliei L. Stone. Observer: E. Ilelber the proprietor of :lie Saline tiiunery bas evidently beeu seizud with a inania for improvementB, ns he is lilerally transforrniog liis tanuery, i lis flrst slep was to put iu au engioe, since wbicb lie has been constantly adding new labor-saving machiuery and appl anees, amoug tlieia a new bark rui]], a machine for washing the hides, another for oiling thetn. wlule bis latest is a larire machine ior "splitting" leather. He now bas workmen engaged in constructitigan apparatua with wuicu the exbaust stesm will be utilized fnr the purpose of heatiiig the liquor in the vats. He also iuteuds to have the e ir. i re building heated by steam. In view of the peculiar danger to whieh Ann Arbor is just now exposed of having small-pox ioiported b)r the return of students fiom all parts of the country, and especial ly from Illinois and the northwest, where tae disease is prevaleut, the board of heallh urgently recommended a thormgh general vaccination of all persons not now protected by recent successful vaccin ition, and particularly of those atending the university nr public schools, l'he board do uot deern it necessary to nler enforced vaccination, believing that UI eitizecs, aud universky and school au horities will voluntanally co opérate tu secure the protection thus afforded to public heallh. That none niay be di-bared however, the board will furniajh to hose knoMn to be indigent on applicalion 0 any of its members, pure bovine virus and gratuilous vaccinatiou. Win. Notten who hid been a resident of the lown of Sylvan for inany years, died at his residence Friday, leaving a wife and three children He was boni in New York city in 1840 and wheii nine years old came with his father to this ounly, and had since that time lived on he farm which formerly belonged to his ather. During the lato rebelhon he was i private in the 2()tli Michigan regiment, ind was mugtered out at the close of the war. At different times he held positions )f trust, and was uonored aud respected y all who knew him. The fuueial was leid at the cliurch near his late residence 1 was conducted by the Independent Jrder of Odd Fellows, who were accomanied by the Chelsesv cornet band. A arge of persons were in attendmce to pay the last sad tribute to their deceased friend. Tbe entire community nourn the untimely end of a wórthy and louored citizen. The following is the report of the condition and aftairs of the Southern Washenaw farmer's mutual insurance company or the j-ear ending December 31 1881: JSumber of members December 31 of previous year, 225; number aiided present year, 39- total, 274; number withdrawn lunng the year, 8; number now belootrng to the company, 200. Net ainount at isls by company, $029,285. Of this imount $lüü,750 is for uew risks. Re ourceb- in bank, $00.71. Liubilities, ïotlung. Amount received from membeiship or policy fees, $30; received from irr oentage on [ncreaned or decreased surance, $100.75; received frotn casli bülance of previous year, $33. 1 1- total increase for the year, $159.89: paid officers and doctors k-es, $88; other expendi tures, $1418- total, $89.18. D. W. Palmer, secretary, per diera, $85; postage, 48 cis.; stationen-, 50 ets. ; printin aunual Btatetnent, $3; blank books, $4; binding applicatious, $1.25- total, $24.18.' No assessments wère rnadc durinir the year. High and noble morality i.s not to be sought in the sweet and soit and uarrow ways of lile: il is to be souglit on the broad litghwaya, amid llie vast experieuces, among the intricatc founda'ions of our passiobale humanity. "Le Fils de Coralie " is, tlierefore, a thoroughly mor al drama, and, whatever toree of motive bas bui-n drained l'iom ibis drama by tbe constructor of "Womnn's Love," the latter is also an esaentially moral work. Felicia, as conceived by llie American playwrigbt. is a brilliant woman of the world wno uas made a single misstep; to alone foi tUis misatep, sbe secïudes herself and dcvotes her uew life to the future happiness of her son. Tliis son falla in love wil li ihe daughter (jf a respectaWe provincial bourgeoi, who does not cjnseul to their unión until bo learaa that Felicia bad buen the mistreBs of liis own broiher. 'J'his bolution of tlie couiplicaliou is ingenious and tbeatricul, anü Ihe moral of ihe play is enforced by the promise made by 1( elicia that she wil! do penance for her luisdeeds in a convent. Il is a plaj' of considerable nierit ana interest, and one ihat pre.sents in the relation of the lovers H pure and'syoipatbelio picture of liighueartüd ilcvoiion.[ -New Vork Times.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat