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Kalamazoo, Micli., Feb. 2, 1880-1 kiiow Hop Bitters will bear recommendatiou honestly. All who use them eont'er upoü them the highest tucomiums, ao'd give them credit lor makiug cures- al the proprietors claim lor tbern. 1 have kept them since they were first offertd lu the public. They look high rauk f rom the flrst, and maiutained it, and are mort, called tor than all ethers eombined. So long as they keep up tlieirbieb reputatiou for purity aud useiuluess, I shal! continue to recommend them - somethiog I have never before done with any other patent inedioiüe. J. J. HABCÓCK, 31. D. It was hard on a celebrated physiciau to say that when he went buntiog dui ing his holiday it was the only time iii the year when he didn't kill anythiDg. The kidneys are nature's sluice way to wash out the debris of our coustautly changing bodies. If they do not work properly the trouble is feit everywhere. 1 lien be wise aod as soon as vou see signs of disorder get a package of Kidney-Wort and take it faithfully. It will clean the sluice-way of sand, gravel or slime, and purify the wbole system. Druggists sell it, both liquid and dry, and it ís equaüy efficiënt in either forui. - Independent. A horse that can walk flve miles in an bour is wortü more thau all the íast trotters put togetlier. Walkinif is Ihe gait aod tlie solé gait for the farm. Woinen that have been bedridden for years have been enürely cured of female vvcakness by ihe use of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Bend to Mrs, L) dia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. Whenever you fiud a poor man who is Iruly grateful for tbe pittance you give liim, you may be Bare thut he would himself be geuerouB if he had mouey to give. Bucklin's Aknica SALVE.The besl s.jlve in the worla for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salí Rheuin, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cliappd Hands, Ohilblaius, Oorns, and ■ I I I II I l, . 4 i . , t:f Iti I A -- B . k ■ ... ' I I i au nmua ui fttviu Jil upilülis. llilS SUlVe isguaianteed to give perfect satisfaetiou iu every case or the money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Por sale bjKLierbivch & Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. liaying fowl need bone constantly, hs it ia largely made up of the material which enters into the composition of egga and shells, and besides contains animal matter of great value to the fowls when freshly ground. Do NOT be Deceived.- In these limes of quack medicine advertisemeuts everywhere, it is truly gratifying to fiud one remcdy that is worthy ot' praise, and wliich really does as reeomuiendcd. Electric Bitters we can vouch for as being a truc and reliable reruedy, and one tijat will do as recommended. They invariably cure Slomach and Liver Gomplaints, Diseases of the Kidneys and Uriuary difficulties. We know whereof we speak, and can readily say, give tljem a nial! Sold at flfty cents a bottle, by Eberbach & Son. A poor young man remarks that tbe only advice he gets from capitalists is ' 'to live wilhiu his meóme," whereas Ibe dif ficulty he experiences is to live without an iticoiue. Mrs. Lucy E. McC'ormick, Coviuu-ton, Ky., writes: " My constitution was"c:oinpletely shattered by rheumatism. I suffered iuteasely; stimulants only gave me temporal y relief. I tried Brown's Iron Bitters. Il hascured me completely, aml I believe permanently. After using tvvo bottles, I felt better and stronger than ever I did in all my Ufe before." '


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