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To tlic Editor of the Ann Arbor Democrat : By a nolice iu your last issue, itappears as iï Mi. Daris, superintendent oi the poor of tilis couüty bad loaued the money ut the couuty to cerlam raeu, on the pro mise of rc-paymeiit. Tiie facls in toe case are as lullows: Five nieu who had worked ior the Ann Arbor, -To edo & (irand Truuk railroad compauy and to whom that companj' owes $tiS, placed their claims into my hands for collection; during Christmas week these men with their lamilies were reduced lo such want thut I cal led on Mr. Davis for assistaoce, Mr. JJavis responded by giving $5 to tauh. Öupt. JJavis did not loan the mcuey to those men, but the men iusisling to me, tha'. they were neither beggars o'r paupers desire to re-emburse the couuly as soon as 1 sould be able to make a collection trom the railroad conrsany. I have not yet collected a cont. However, as soon as I sball receive any moiiey from that source, the wishes of the men will be cairied out. F. Pistobius. Kalamazoo, Micb., Feb. 2, 1880.- I know Hop Bitters will bear recominendatiou houestly. All who use them confer upon tliem the hignest eucomiums, and give them credit lor makiug cures- a the propiielors claim lor tUem. 1 hav kept tnem 3iuce they were first ofïered t the public. Tliey look high rauk fron the flrst, aüd niaiutained it, and are mor called tor ihau all otüers combiued. ö long as tüey keep up tlieirüiH;ü reputatio for purity and usef ulness, 1 süaü coutinu to recomuiend tüem- sonietning I hav never before done with any olher paten medicine. J. J. BABCOCK, AI. U. In good oíd Bible times it was consid ered a miraele for au ass to speak, anc now nothiug short of' a miracle will keej oue quiet. Refined ani educated women will some linies suffer in siloace for years from kidney d'seases, or constiparon and piles, wüicli could easily be cured by a package of Kiduey-VVort. ïhere is liardly a wo man to be round that does not at some time suffer from some of tüe diseases f o whieru ibis great remedy is a specific. It is put up in liquid and dry lorm, equally efficiënt. - Springfield Uuiou. An old bachelor asked an authoress if she could tbrow any light on kissing. "1 could," said she, lookiug archiy at him, "but I think it is botter in the dark." Bïïckik's Akkica Salve.- The best salve iu the worla tor Cuts, Bruists, Sores, Ulcera, Salí llheuni, Fever Sores, Tetter,' C'happed Hauds, Cüilblaius, Corns, and all kinds of skin Eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction iu every case or the nioney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. l'or sale by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Micli. Pólice Justice (to wituess -with bandaged beatl)- "Uid he have auy provocatiou when he struck you?" fitness- "líe uuiy have had something of the kind concealed on Jiis person, but it was a brick he struck me with." Wümun that have beeu bedridden for years have beeu entirely cured of teníale wcakness by the use of L'dia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Corapound. Senil to Mis. Lydia E. Pinkhani, 233 Western Avenue, Lynii, Mass., for pauiphlets. A posttnaster askiug the cause of a disaRreeable smell, tiie faeetious office-boy replied, "Perhaps it comes f rum the dead letters." Exbaustive diseases that lead to insanity, consumptiou, and a premature grave, are quickly cured by using Browu's Iiou Bitters. It streustliens every part of the body. It doesn't look well for a deacou to take au umbrella to church, and carry it into nis pew and hang to it. lie shouki leave it out in the vestibule, with that suprema conüdeuce that a man haswheu he bets ou four aces. Mr. Chas. B. Wayman, Erie, Pa., w rites: " My physieians had giveu me up to die. They told me my lungs aul liver were all decayed and goue. I was very weak, pale, and emaciated. By chance I saw Brovvn's Iron Bitters advertised. I immediately realized that without iron in the blood, life couid not exist. With trembllDg anxiety I sent a servant, who procured for me a bottle. I must have taken it with great faith, for almost immediately I feit itj beneficial effect. Öoon all dyspeptio syinptoms disappeared, my lunga grew strong, pains in the región of the beart vanished, my urine became tree of sediment, and in a word I have regained perfect health. Now I feel able to thrasb the doctor tliat attended me, and really believe I ought to do it.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat