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Hawthorne's Wife On His Death

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Beloved: When I lee that I áeserved, nothing, anci that, roy Father gave me the richest destiuy for so umny years of time to which eternity is to beadded, Iamstruck dumb with an ecstasy of gratitude, and let go my nortal hold with anawful subraission, and without a murmuv. I staud hushed into an ineffable peace which I canaot raeasurc nor understand. It therefore nmst be that peace which "passeth all understawding." I feel that his joy is such as "the heart of man cannot couceive," and shall I uot then rejoice, who loved him so f'ar beyond myself'? If I did not at once ahare his beatitude, should I be one with him now in essential essence? Ah, thauks be to God who givea me thia proof - beyond all possible doubt - that we are uot and uaver can bo divided! lf' my faith bear this test, is it not "beyond the utmost scope and visión oí'calamity!" Need I ever fear again ny possinle dispcnsation il 1 can acd sereno wben tUat presento is ei't f rom me which I believed I nuist QStantly die to lose? Where, O God, s that supporting, iuspiring, protectns;, entrancing preseuce which surouodf.d me wiih eat'et.y aud supreme ontent." "Ií ia with you, my child," saith the jord, "and seetueth only to be gone!" " Yes, my Father, I know I have ot lost it, because "I still live.'' I will be glad. " Thy will be done." '"rom a child I have truly believed hatGod was all-good and all-wise, and fe't assured that no event could shake ïny belief. To day I know it. This is tli e whole. No more ess nasked of God. There eau be no death uor loss tor me forevermore. I stand so far within the veil that the light rom Uod s countenance can never be lidden from rae for one moment of the eternal day, now nor ihen. God gave $ne the rose of time; the blossom of the aes to cali m y own for twentyive yeais of humau life. God has satisfied wholly rny insatiaale heart with a perfeut Inve that ;ranscenda iuy dreams. He has decreed this eanhly life a mere court oí "the house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." Oh, yes, dear beavenly Fathei! "I will be glad' t thatmy durliug has sutldenly escapea from the rude jartian'l hurts of thi outer court, and when I was not awarn that un augel gently drew him within Ihü palace-iloor that tur.ned on uoisele6g golden hinges, drew hira in because he w8 weary. God gaveto liisbeloved sleep. Aud then an awaking which will requir no more restoiing slumber. As the dew-drop hoids the ihiy, io ny hoait h(lls the preaence oi' th glorified freed ppirii. Ho was bo beau liful hert, that he will uut, nt(l much uhange to become a "shiniuji Mie!" How easiiy I shall know hint whcniuy cbildreu have done wii'h me, and perhapa the angel will dr nv me gently also wiihiu the palace dóór, f I do utit f'aiiit, but trui; live, " Th y will be doue." At thai festival of iii that we tiK celebrated last Mouday, did nut tbte myriad little white lily-bella liug in for him the cterual year of ptace, na t'üey öluatered and huug arouud tho majeslic tíiu 'e, in whiob he ddcb lived witli God? Tutj rang out, too, that lovely inceuse that eau come o:ly froiii t lily, large or small. What lovely ivory sculpture round the edge. I saw it all, even at that breathless moment, when I kiiew tbat all that was visible was about to be ihut out from me for my future mortal life. I saw all tho beauty, and the tropical gorgeouauess of odor that, cnriched the air from your peerkss wreath in Paradiac. We wfre I he oew Adaru and ncw Eve again, and walked iii the garden in the cool of the day, and there was not ye' deatb, otfly the voice ot'tho Lwd. Bul indeed it seems to me that now again thcre is no death. His life lias swailowed it op. Do not fear for me, "dark hourn." I think ihere is nothing dark for me henoeforth. I have to do ouly with the present, aud the present is liüht and rest. Has not the everlasting 'Moruiog spread over me her lich surprise?' I Lavn no more toask, but that I may be abletu comfortall whomouru as I am comforted. If I could bear all sorrow I would be giad, because God has turned for me the'filver lining, aud for me the darkest cloud has brokeu into teu thousanil siuinji birds - as I saw in my dreani that 1 told you. So iu another draara long ago, &od showed me a gold thread passing Üirough each mesh of' a black pall that seerned to shut out the san. I comprehend all now, beíore I did not doubt. Now God says in suft thundeis - Even so! Your faithiiil l'rieud,


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