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Circuit Court Proceedings

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Russell Congdon vs. Wra. Kingsley; jury trial, for defendanl. K. P. McOmber vs. Theo. Taylor; verdict for plaintiff, and dumages assessed at $200. Defendant granleii two weeks to move for a new trial. Samuel T. and Albert II. Guthrie vs. Geo. Taylor; verdict for plaintiff, $8. i'he People vs. Thos. Honey; seutenced to pay a fine of $10 and $20.85 costs. Kahoka, Mo, Feb. 7, 1880. I purchased five bottles of your Hop Bitters of Bishop & Co., last fall, tor in y daughter and am well pleased with the Bitters. They did her more good than alï the medicine she has taken for six years. WM. T. McCLURfc. Jlen's heads are like wagons; they rattle ptodigiously when there is nolhing in theoi. The tonic effect of Kidney Wort is produoed by its cleansing and purifying actioQ on the blood. Where there is a gravelly deposit ia the urine, or milky, ropy uriue from disordered kidneys, it cures without fail. Constipation and piles readily yield to its calhartic and healing power. Put up in dry vegetable form or liquid (very conceutrutsd). tilher acts prompily and surely . - Troy Times. "Alcohol will clean silver." Yes, alcohol will clean all the silver out of vuur pocket. Womeu tbat have beeu pronouuced incurable by the best physicians iu the country, have been coraplelely cured of female weakness by the use of Lydia K. Pinkbam's Vegetable Coinpound. Seud to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynu, Mass., for pamphlets. Excessive drinking of water by farmanimáis is said to increase the consumption of fat in the body. Too watery fodder and too much "drinking are to be avoided, especiaily in fattening if we wish to attaiu the most rapid and abundaut formation of flesh and fat. Bucklin's Abnica Salve.- The best salve iu the worla tor Cuts, Bruisc-s, Sores, Ulcers, Salí Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of skin Eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction iu every case or the money refundud. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Mica. The only jokes women like to read are those that reflect ridicule on the men. Henee, wlTen a woman piuks up a paper, the ürst thing she looks for is the marriage column. A general STAMPEDK. - Never was such a rush made for any drug store as is now at Eberbach & Sod's for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds. All persons afflicted ivith A.sthnia, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, or any alïection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a trial bottle of this great remedy free, by calling at the above drug store. Woman barbers are tuultiplying. If they have prelty mugs, they wiil no doubt, keep their customers iu hot water all the time. A PHYSICIAN'S ADVICE OF HOW TO GA1N HEALTH. Harrisbuiig, Pa., Alarch 30, 1881. - Nothing is more charmiug and attractive than a thoroughly healthy, peïfectly formed woman; a bright-eyed, rosy, laugtiing, joyous, happy-taced girl, one who finds keen pleasure in merely living. An iuvalid wife or mother is a constant object of sympathy in an otherwise couteuted household. Happy the home whose womeu folk enjoy perfect healih. In my practice I havealwayBiecommended sickly wouien to use Brown's Iron Bitters.' In case of irregularities, dyspepsia, indigestión, heartburn, nausea, sour stomach, nervousness and exhaustive debility, 1 fiud it exceeds all other remedies ts a true medicinal tonic. Il never fails to gently t-ootho.refresh and strengthen the treneial system, and especiaily those parts made weak by continued distress; and what satisfies me most is, that the cures, although in some instancei gradual, are alwayg


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