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Whsat field in the vloinity of Sand Beach aro reportad in excellent condition. The late freeze, and enow loUowing it so closely, wül benefit next year's erop immensely. The St Ignace Hepublican saya that the telephone is daily used In business conversatious between Marquette and St. Ignace, and claim tbat this is the Ion! in the world in constant use tor througli buaioess. Mr Lord of this state, becouiea chairmau of the fóreign relations sub-conimitlee in charge of Nicaragua affairs. and in the committee on railways and canals. All mattere pertainmg to „aasmtrer and freight tarifts are MfMTOd to Alviu V. Jones oí Delta, while crossing the rand river in a small boat, near Grand Ledge, on Snnday, was capsized and drowned. A body found near Kiníjsley has been ïdentifiedasthatof Louis Hanimel, of New York, toreman of a large jewelry establishment. It is thought be was foully dealt witb. Mrs. Nellie Bailey.iujured by falliug thiougb a detective sidewalk in Ann Arbor, asks damaes in the sum of $2,000. J. W. Krupp, a farmer in Fruitland towusbip wastbrown froni bis wagon while in Wiiiteball, and instantly killed. Mr. Krupp was a pmminent borticulturist, and forinery lived near Detroit. James Marvin, foreman for Crosby & Collins, wbile luinbering neur McBrides, five miles northof Stamon, was killed by a fallingtree, He leaves a wile and severa! childreo. J. Kincaid of Quincy, and Z. 'i inkhaui of Niles, oíd residente of Michigan, dieil this week. Two horses, worth $300 havo tieeii stolen from tke barn of Henry Baytham, near Vreeland, one a light gray, tbo other a dark bay. Battle Creek had 21 flres and fire alarinB, destroying 68,895.77 worth oí ptoperty, durmg 1881. John H. Welen, of Ionia, has sent a lurkey to Hon. Geo. W. Webber at Washington. It was a male and weighed 25 1-2 pounds. About üve years ago Barton Babcock was clearing BOine land on the river liats, and ou setting fire to a brush heap a wild tnrkey flew out. He pulled the fire away and fouuii about a dozen eggs, Bouie of which he took home and put under a hen, which hatched out several youug turkeys. One of these was the gobbler now flve years old, sent to Mr. Webber. Mr. Babcock bas raised a brood of wild turkeys every year. the hen going away in the Bpring and returntug in the f all with her young. The gob bier was tuoroughiy domesticated and always reinained around ttie placa. Mr. Baiicock shot five, all he had, and distribuid thein amone Mb friende.tlie old "patriarch of the flock"going to Mr. Welcb. The lamber product of the Saginaw river mülB for 1881 was 971,320,000 feet, 304,000,000 ahiuRlès, 47,000.000 barrel staves. The total lumber produce of the Saginaw valley and Lake Huron ebore 1,381,000,000 feet. W. W. Manker & Co. oL Morgau cuunty, Kentucky.Iost $250,000 ty thebuniingoïtheir planing, saw, giist md woolen milis, it was the most disaBtrous fire ever known in the mountain región ui that state. Mrs. E. CuBter oL Monroe, mother of the late late Gen. beo. A. Custer, died on the 14th. A large, toe deel rusberi through the streots f Fenton a lew riajs sinee, fleeiog Iroui huntets in pareuü. It made good its escape. Four pertions havedied ot small pox in Grand Bapids, three others are afflicted with the dis ease. The Review and Herald office at BattleCreek was entered by burglars on the 12th who took f 20 in mouey, a revolver, a watch, several gold pins and a lot of poBtage stampa. Kent county has 40 insane persons in tii asylum al Kalamazno, at an expense to th county oL i?,0U0 per jeiir, Niles is to have a $50,000 íactory to manu facture butter and other platee, boxeB, etc trom wood pulp, for the use of grocers. Walter Goodenow, the proprieter of at on time the Albion House, has killed ninetee deer, six bears, one lynx, sixteen minke, an Bold $100 worth of f ais, brought home wit him to Manistee, 800 weight of venison ham and eight gallons of boai's oil. Jackson increased its populatiou over 2,00 last year; expended ueariy $1,000,000 m blocks, residences and other improveuients; enlarged its manufacturing eetablishments; bas larg coal fields; issurrounded by arich agricultural country; has fine schools; and is a thriving, goahead city, so says a local paper. Sleighing is excellent in Kalkaska, 4,500 feet of Norway pine lumber were hauled from Kidder's mili to the railroad at one lorá and by one team. Hugh S. Peoples, of Detroit, has buen ai raigued on the cUarge of murdering Martha Whltlfl and held without bail to appear Lor exainiaa tion on the 15th of L'eburary uext. Chas. Martin, the morderer of Chriatian Ternes,has been sentenced by Recorder Swif t to imprisoninent for life. Mayor Thompson's veto of the Brush electric Ught ordinance waa sustained by the nnanimous vote of the Detroit common ceuncil. The Brush company sent iu a new petitiou f oían ordinance permitting them to opácate lights in Detroit under suitable conditiom and restrictions. Prof. Langley of Michigan univenáty, has just buried bis father in Boston, Mass. Ex-Gov. Felch, at the request Of the law studeuts, delivered an address Wednesday on Daniel Webster. Gov. Felch and Daniel Webster were members of the United States Senate at the same time. The ice harvest has begun at Marshall with a erop 6 inches thick.


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