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The chuiches in Port JerviB were all closed last Sunday by order of the Board of Health. About thirty cases of smah-pox have been reported, six of whieb, thrae adults and three children, proved fatal. A rigid quarantine is maintained against the infected district. An explosión of fire-dainp in a coal shaft, near Lansf ord, Pa., where 2Ü0 hands were at Vfork, resulted in tbree deatlis several others injured. A rumor is abroad at Washington that collector Roberteon, of New York, wiU De supereeded this week. Reporta at the Postotlice Department at Washington indícate that small-pox is spreadinK rapidly throughout the country. The witness f ees in the öuiteau trial amount to nearly $7,000. It is stated that teu inches of snow feil at Petersburg, Va. on Sunday last. At Baltimore thirty-two Pullman palace and sleeping care have just been sold under a decree of court, as a result of the 6uit between the Pullman Coinpaay and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, They averaged f5,000 web. The 'teinporary embarrassment" of the Sieïnans Auderson steel conipany of Plttsburg ig announced. Liabilities, $1,000,000; aesets, $1 00. Ilünois reporta small pox lu 51 place in the state. Dëlano A. Goddard, editor-in-chief of the Boston Daily Advertiser, is hepelesuly il]. Mr. Goddard's first experience in journalism viaa in Paineeville, O. A restaurant in Syracuse feil on the 9th, while guesta were at dirmer, killing flve persous. Twelve others were more or lees Geriously injnred. The Atlanta cotton exposition buildings have been snld for $25,000. The purohaBers will at eace organize a joint stock company to fill the building with mgcoinery for the manufacture of cotton. The Westminister Preshyterian church, Baitiinore, has been injured f80,000 worth by fire. Indians of the Omaha tribe petition CoBjiross to grant them clear and f uil titles to the lands which they have worked. President Hinsdalo of Hiram College wants to be Consul lo Honolulú. A son of Olivar Wendell Holius is a candidato íor the MassachusettsSupreme Court. The policemen of Troy, N. Y., h:ive received no pay for eix tnoüths. At Newark-, N. J., Assistaut City Clerk PowII liaB been arroBted, eharged with complicity ín thecrookednesa ot Auditor Palmer. A firm of R-ck Island, III., has secura! the contract for building the state capital of Texas. Their remunernüon is to be 3,080,000 acres of public land. A drunken man nf Bradfurd, Pa, fired three Bhotsiuioa liowling alley, and wounded.oue man fatally. No crime iutended, only the iuBplraüon f n dranken mau. Mr. Viüard of the Northarn Pacific Bailroad, exuects lo secure the gettlemont of coloniea of Scaudinavians upon th Use of bin road. Bostón university held a jubilee on tlie 13tta in view ot the receipt of 2,000,000 bequeathed tothe institution twoyears ago by Isaac Bich. At Spuyten Duyvil on the Hudson river, nine miles north of New York, the Tarrytown special rau int an exprese train íroin Albany. Several cara wcra set on fire.severalliveswere sacrificed and maay passen gerswere injured. The treasurer of the United States will not edeemfmutilated silver coin, and the uiints will not take it in any ainouut ltss than $100. The largesl single eale of cotton made in the ünited States was made Thureday at Dallas Texas, by M. D. Cleveland, who paid cash f290,000 f or 5,275 bales. General rant and U. S. Grant, Jr.,each paid i,OOOforapewatthe auction sale oí pews n Dr. Newinan's new chiireh. Putnam Huut also paid 1,000, Shepherd Knapp, 650, and Busselt Sage $550. Fire on the Ilth deBtroyed the business porion of AlbtoD, New York, involving a loss of f250,000. Fifteen Brooklyn, N. ï., alüermen have twen fined 250 each and sentenced to imprisonnient for froni 10 to 30 days tor takiug actiou in deiance of a court'a restraiuiug order. Ariselnthe Cumberland river, Tena., at Nashville, drove 310 families from their homes and great damage was done to houses and other property. Later advices concerning the railroad wreek at Spuyleu J)uyvil N. Y. add to the horrors of the occurrence. Itis now definitely Unown thatight pasoeugeis were killed, and the cbarred reuiaias of all save onehave been identified. Senator Wagner, of palace car lame, was amoug the killed, LouiBville announces the iuteiiued establishment of new locomotiva works ly a coinpany whose capital is 1,000,000. Over 11,000,000 pounds of. cheese aud U6ariy + 000.000 nouufls of Imtter were sold on the giü (111.) Butter and Chee?e Board dariner the past year. Real estáte transfers in Chicago for the last week ainounted to 850,777. The Health Board ol Pittsburgh and Allegheny report ttiirty uew cases of small pox the past fortyeifjht hours, n?ten iu eaoh city; one death. The anthracite coal tonnage the pastyear was 28,500,016 tons. Tho Diamond Ink Company of Milwaukee bas faileü. LiabUities about üö.OCO. A lire on the 16th deBtroyed the teiuporary wiug of tke insano hospiUil üt (.„Peter, Minn., built to acoommodate the patiënte uurneri out of the building a yeur ago. Forty iumates were got out without iujary, and the loss will not exceed 10,000. The atWntiou of congrcss is again directed to Mrs. Liacoln's ueed of aid. Senator Logan favors giving her $15.000 as arreáis of pension. Heports etate that she will neod constant atteudaiice of a physician aa loug as she Uves. An appropriatica is waulsd of f250,000 to construct lireakwaters above the 13 bridges on tho Mississippi. Tbs wreughfc üon bridijo near Mexico, Mo., feil at a loss of $ 25,000. Sbc cars went down witb the bridge. Seventy-four cases oí sniall pox are reported in the New York hospita!. No opposiüon has beon raised to the bill favoriiig a fund for the relief of Mrs. Abraham Lincoln. The trial of the Ashland ïnurderers bas commenced in Kentucky and the Malley boys and Blandie Douglas have been indicted in Connecticut for causing the death of Jennia Cramer. Senator David Davis wlll probably b permitted to returD, owiug to physical disability. The breaking of a wheel threw two cars down an einbankinent near New Albioia, Minu. Twenty persons were injured, sonie fatally. The Galt House, at Louisviile, K.y., bas just been sold to a new company for f300,000. It will be conünued as a hotel.


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