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Minister Hollinan, gives fresh asmiranco that nadar the direetion and at the exoonse of the KiKsian govermnent, all possible efforts are being mnde t' find and suocor tbe inissirjK members of the iil-tated Jeannette'8 crow. Tbe Lomion Times beiieves that the government will uot allow t!ie9U3[iect8 whoare members of Parliameut to be liberaied to oceupy theii1 eeats al tue oming stssion. It Is believei that Charles Bradiaugh, ihs Eufc-lish free-thinker, will at the appioachi-f; ssiou of Parliament, be prepared to take the oath, :md wiil be supported by the Liberáis. A Mi'. McCormiick iu Dublin, member of the land league, in default of bail for gooi bwhavior goea to j; -il. Parnell & Keliey have beeu reaianded to three moDthB longer incarceration atKUmainham jail. A terrible conflagraron occurved last week in a circus at Bucharest, in which many persons were killed. The howling of the wild animale, Borne of whish were burned bartly, added to the terrors of the scène. Au address has been issued by the executive comiuittee of the Irish-American national convention, aking the Iriflh in America DOt tr. spend nioney tor public displays on nrxt St. Patrick's day, but to sead the eam thus saved to their brethren abroad. Thenpri8ini in Herzegovina agains' Auhtrian rulo appears to ba widepread tbroughout the province. The insurgrnt forcea are well organized and supplind with arms and resources. Tonaiit farmers, two thouaand la nu.nber met at BelfaBt and declared rent reductiin s already made inadequate and opposed cjupenRation by government to lauilords. Cleere's magazine at Limerick, Irelaud, was broken into Sunday uight, and B200 pounde of dyuarnite token out. The robbevy creates consternation tbroughout Ireland. The National Bank of Mexico Degins business as follows: 18,000 Bhares subscribpd for in Mexico, 12,000 in New York and 50,000 in Paris. Ia all Catholic churches ia the dio&ne of Dublin last Sunday, a pastora! f rom the Most Rev. Archbishop McOabe was read, ia which heiDBisted that the faïthf ui should not listen to agitators. The mayorot Londou, in response to requisition signed by Cathoiie and Episcopal prelates, as well as by evanKotieal religioaists, bas ealled a mass meetiugof the peopie Feb. 1., to consider the persocution of the Bubsian Jews. Bussian peaaantp are incited to the deatruction of property and the resistauce of troops by the taking of the government cenBHS.


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Ann Arbor Democrat