Real Estate Transfers
The following are the transfers of real sstate for the week ending Wednesday, ?ebruary lst : WABRANTY DEEDS. Aretus Dunn to Win. Burke, lot iu Ann Arbor, $6,500. Wm. Burke lo Walter H. Jackson, jroperty in Ann Arbor, ü,500. Walson Soyder to Alouzo Bennett, jroperty in Ypsilauti, $1,500. Juo. J. Sliike to A. aud Cutuarine Fillinore, land in Ar.u Arbor town, $15. Gotllieb Mayor lo Jacob Luimee, 10 acres sec 30 Webster, $025. Jennii; B. Wallace to E. W. Wallace, 3-16 acres village of Saline, $107.70. Jas. F. Seeley to E. W. Wallace, land in Saline village, $575. Wm. H. Bruce to Jno. Nogei, lols 040 and 249 llauwoods adii Ypsihinti, $310. Joseph Beckford to Jas. F. Seely, laud in Saline yillage, $575. Lucious D. Walkins to Wm. Johnson, 49 acres sec 17, Manchester, $2,000. Delos Suowerinan to Geo. M. Stechsr, 80 acres sec 21 Augusta, $2,800. Louisa E. Polhemus to U. J. Ross, s 23 of lot 7 b 3 n r 6 e, Ann Arbor, $8,900. Michael Howard to Jas. Howard, land in Northlield, $1,200. A. W. Mortou to Washington D. Morton, 40 acres sec ÍS'3 Augusta, $800. Chnstina B. Kocli to Jno. Adam Koen, 120 acres sec 12 Aun Arbor town, $2,i00." Daniel K. Gibson to Penfclope H. baxton, 25 acres sec 3o Bridgewater, $4,S0O. Chas. Fantle to VVm. .J. tierkle, lot in Anu Albor, $1,404. Ansel Morgan to Fred J. Bartlett, 80 acres sec 30 Norlhfield, 4,500. Edward W. Coddington to Wm. Burke, 60 feet in width off fioin the o sido e 1-2 lot 5 b 3 s Hurón gtreet, excepting tlie east 2 rods in widlh thereof iiicluded in División Street. Margaret McPllilüpa to Win. Cornwell, e 1-2 lot 2 b 9 Ocio Ylllage, S. W. Koster's plat, $250. Frank Öchairer and Mary Stierele, formerly Mary Bchairer to Wm, Stieale, e 1-2 o w 1-4 and e 8 rods and 4-10 in widtli w 1 2 n w 1-4 sec 19 Scio, $1,253.40.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
Aretus Dunn
William Burke
Walter H. Jackson
Watson Snyder
Alonzo Bennett
John J. Shike
A. Fillmore
Catherine Fillmore
Gottlieb Mayer
Jacob Larmee
Jennie B. Wallace
E. W. Wallace
James F. Seely
William H. Bruce
John Nogel
Joseph Beckford
Lucious D. Walkins
William Johnson
Delos Showerman
George M. Stecher
Louisa E. Polhemus
D. J. Ross
Michael Howard
James Howard
A. W. Morton
Washington D. Morton
Christina B. Koch
John Adam Koch
Daniel R. Gibson
Penelope H. Saxton
Charles Fantle
William J. Herkle
Ansel Morgan
Fred J. Bartlett
Edward W. Coddington
Margaret McPhillips
William Cornwell
Frank Schairer
Mary Stierle
Mary Schairer
William Stierle