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News Of The Week

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In thu Supreine Court at Lansing this week, the applicaüou f Hugh S. Peoples for a wnt of hateas corpus was argued, Mesure. ('. 1. Walker and E. F. Couley nppearing for Peoples and Attorney General VanRiper and Prosecuting AUorney Caplis for the people. The decisión held Peoplea but will probably allow batt. Grand Lodge of Royal ArchM.tsons of Michigan has just held its anivnal sesMou in Detroit. Officers were elected, an í Kalauiazoo was chosen as the next place or meeting. The postofflce, barl)er shop, Kneveli's hardware, etc., at Chase, burueü ut a loss of $600. Mrs. Sarah P. Hogers of Grand fiapids, has begun suit against the Michigan Centrail railroad for $ 20,000 dama){es for being put off a train near Chesauing, and injured in consequence. She feil in a culvert in trying to reacli the depot at that place. Wesley P. Fairchild, eldest soh of Beuj. Fairchild, late of Sturgis, died at Cedar Spring of congestivo chills. Mr. Fairchild wan a member of the commou council. Geo. Wylde, book-keeper for the Detroit Lead & Color manufacturing couipíuiy has been arrested for inisapiropriatioa of fundu. He was so under the influenceof liquor at the time of arrest, nothing definite could be leanied. Anna Dickinson's Hamlet was greeted witli an immense audieuce iu Detroit, standing """ room being at a premium. Tb critics found their occupation gone, it wou ld Beem, for her acting was prooounced superb. Thos. Byrne, one of the most prominent lumberman of Grand Rapids has just died at 45 years of age. A deficit of S18.000 in the accounts of the County Treasurer at Marquette, resulte iu his resignation. He bas made an assignment of his private property to protect his bondsmen, and it is thought that bad management and not actual dishonesty, further than borrowing the county funds for private business, is the cause of the trouble. A f5,000 fire is repoiW iu Priostly & Bacon's tove works, Grand Rapids. The President of the Lenawee County Agricultura! Society, Geo. H. Horton, has sold the timber on his farm in Fairfield for $10,100 to Canada parties. Ruel.Freeman, a farmer of Ogden, Lenawee county, has just marketed a dressed porker weigbing 610 pounds, and received f7 55 per undrcd weight therefor John McEwan, the prominent saw mili ownc and salt manufacturer of Bay City, died of congestivo apoplexy, after an illuess of about a week. Mr. McEwan carne to Bay City in 1853 and commenced the aianafacture oí lumber, aud at the time of his death was considered one of the most suecessful luaibernien in the valley. He leaves a widow, three claiigh tere and three sons. Col. D. B. Parker of the postofflce department bas raised $500 for the family of Ira Humplireys, the faithful mail carrier who lost his life in the fire near Mailette. Lewellyn Parkhurst f Fentnn, agad 17 years and Lillie Dippe of Perry, aei 15 are reported married at Linden. The state teachers' aseociatiou at Greenville is reported a suceess. The agricultural coilege was represented by President Abiiott, Frofs. Kedzie, Beal and MoEwen and Secivtary Baird, all of whom gavethe iristitute practical knowledge in agricultural pursuits. H. Mather of Tecumseh has sold his farm of 120 acres to John Garlinghouae of Raisin for $100 per aere. The asylum for the insane at Kalamazüo has esiaülished a tolephoiie exchaLige frum which point telephone wires connect with 32 stations. The strong gale Thursday night set the fishermen on Saginaw bay flying for shore, abandoning their shanties. Luckily the ice did not move, aud they returned Friday when the storm subsided. Grand Rapids papers complain that the electric lights there, the wires for which are on poles, are apt to grow dim or go out in windy or rainy nights. The liabilities of C. B. Ackley, the Adrián toy and notion dealer, who has madu an assignment to Capt. O. K. Miller, amount to an even $10,000. Charles Randolph, who is believed to have been engaged in robbing freight cars on the Central between Kalamazoo and Jackson, has been arrested at the foriner place. The pólice found 13 dozen knives wbich he had deposited with a party in town. Commissioner of immigratioD Morley reports an increasing flood of inquiries from all directions. M. Sargent, agent of Canada Southern R. R. at Monroe, has just died of consumption aged 58 years. John O'Hara of Ann Arbor holding a government position in Washington has just died. Typhoid fever prevaüs to an alarming extent at South Lyons. Dr. A. S. Knapp is seriously ïll with the dinease. The doctor was formerly a member of the legislature. Dr. Cox and Mrs. Schneider have been released from custody, evidence complicating them in the Peoples-Whitla murder case praving inadequate. The bill to appropriate $10,000 for a survey of the proposed canal route co ctiug lakes Michigan and Erie, has been iresented in the house and sonate. Elias i. Stuart for 40 years a resident ot Marshall, has just died. Jas. M. Dodge of Concord, a well known Citizen, has just died. The Clarion printing office at Reed City has just burned. Benj. Verity, a horse thief from Paw Paw, has been sentenced to five years at Jackson. Nora Wood of Cheboygan, in trouble for a forgery on Nelson & Bullen, attempted to commit suicide. iue enuri 10 sins a pau wen ai uneDoygan has been abandonad. Tbe nleamer Algomah' provea its ability to break ice bt-tween Uiíb pointand St. Ignace making regular trips. The Hoq. E. O. Rose, of Big Bapids baajBold .hisjonebalf interests in the Daily aud Weekly Pioneer-Magnet to M. W. Barrows, ,i newspaper man of extended experience. Charles Bradley, a luualic, escap-d frpin the Kaïamazoo asylum, and went home to Marshall, but his friends returned him to the institatlon. The funeral services of the late Maiy Cass Canfield, were held in Detroit this week frora the old family reèidence on Fort Street. The services in New York were conducted by Rev John Hall. The meu who stole $10,000 worth of silk. from Camp, Morrill feCo's store Jacksoa, have been discovered. It was asoertained that E. H. Xhoinae, a young man who had been engaged in the collection anü insurance business, Jackson, had disposed of severa! pieces oí silk to W. B. Crane, of Albion, upon learning of the misfortune of Camp, Monill & Co., Crane notified them. One of the firin on goiug to Albion was able to identify the silks as part of the lot stolen. Thomas had held officw relations with James M. Welcb, a young lawyer, whose office was at once shadowed. A brother of Thomas driving in Monday afusrnoon from Calhoun County to take some things home for Thomas, led to an investigation of the office of Welch, with the result of finding mucli of the property. Welch was arreBted but procured bail and was releaseri. E. H. ThomaB' whereabouts are not known.


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