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.January 26.- In the house the folio win? bilis were reported: By Mr. Vage, chairman of the cotnmittee on comnierce, appropriatinji $100,000 for continuing work on the Davis ialand dam. Referred to the oointnittee of the whole. By Mr. Neal, chainnan of the coinmittee on district of Coluinbia, appropriatin? $1,000,000 for the i eclaraation of marshes iu the harbors oitl. lies of Washington and Georgetown. Ber ed to the coimnittee of the whole. In the senate Mr. Miller, from the comuiittee on foreiyn relations, reported with an ameadinent tli bill to enforcu treaty stipulations relatiug tn the Chine ce. He gave uotice thut lie would ;ink to have the bill taken up next Wednemlay. Mr.Allison iutroduced a bill to pro; vide a reserve f und for redemption ef United States notes, aud for other purposee. A reso-' lution offered by Mr. Pluinb was adopted, di - recting Ihe secretary of the interior to furnish information concerning riamagee by the raid of northern Cheyenues through Indian territory, Kansas and Nebraska September, 1878, and action neceBsary to secure th paymtnt of sufferers therefrom out of funds of the offending: tribe. Jan. 27. - In the Senate bilis wern introduced by Mr. Logan for tiie distribution of pure vaccine virua to the people; direcüng it to be furnished to the National Board of Health to all persons pplying for it, at cost ptice. By Mr Edmunds to prevent and punish countevfaiting within the Unitfd States, of not s, bond, and other securities ef forelgn govemiiients, The bill 18 tte one introduced by Mr. Davis of Illinois, in the last congress. By Mr. Beek, to provide for the eiection of a public building at LexiDgton, Ky. Mr. Morrill from the Committee on Education and Labor, reported favoraMy, with amendinents perfecting it ia minor details, tue bill to establlsh an eijucational fund, and apply a portion of the proceeds o public lands to public edueation, and to provide for a more complete endowment and support of collfges for the advancement of scientific aad induetrial education. In the House, Mr. Townsend offered a resolution rsciting the charges that certaiu resident8 of Territorles knorn as Mormons are inciting the Piutw and Navajo Indians in Arizona to outbreaks and lawlessness, and calling upon t! ie Secrotary of the Interior for an information upon the subject on file in hls depart inent. Adopted. Mr. Orth asked that further cousideration of the resolution reported by hini from he Committee on Foreign Afifairs rcquiating the President to obtain a Ijst of American citizens confined in English prisons, be poalpoaed nntil Tunsday next. Jan. 2K.- The President has signed the Census Detii'iency bill. The Sub-Committee of the Wajs auii Means Committee will report to the full committee iu favor of a tariff comMiissiau. The President, at Senator iJaiione's request, has wítbdrawn the nomination of Nichols, for Postmastee at Norfolk. The new upportionment bili is likely to become n law. Mr. Willis, of Battle Creek, Mich, before tie the Committee on c.uials to urge an appropi iation for a Saivey from Saugatuck to Detroit, claimed that there would be less than 100 rods of rock excavation, and that 385 lakes would afford abuudance of reservoirs and feedere to theeanaL He asked $10,000 for theturvey. It is tbought the committee is disponed to gtaut tliin, an well as a likeamount for the survey of a route with the eastern terminus at Toledo. Jan. 30.- Tüebill for a public building at Peoria, III., was reported favorably. Mr. Edmunds, from tb.9 JudiCiary Committee, reported favorably with amendment Senate bill re-establishing acpurt of commissioners on the Alatama claims, and fer the distribution of unappropriated moneya of the Geneva award. Mr. Ferry introduced a bill to provide a water route to facilítate transportation between Lake Michigan and Lake Erie. The Sherman funding Lili was discusscd without taking a vote. In the House, Mr. Cobb introduced a bill repealing all laws granting lands to certain railroad companies and states for the benefit of sacb companies, declaring the right and interest of siicli compauies to said lands forfeited The committee on Education and Labor reported back the bill to regúlate, limit and suBpend the immiijration of Chinese laborers. Making it tne special oider for Feb. 7. A resolution calling on tbn Secretary of State for a list of all promotio;s, remováis and appointments made in the consular service since Maren i, 1877, was adopted. January 81.- In the senate the funding bill beingunder consideration the Vest amend. nient was defeated by a vote of 28 to 32. Mr. Plumb's proposition, reducing the greenbaek redeinption fund to 100,000,000, was adopted, though opposed by Edinunds and Sherman. BilJs were introduced by Mr. Harris for a bridge across the Missiesippi at Mempbis. By Mr. Morgan, granting the right of way over public lands in Alabaroa and lands in said state in aid of the Chicago Air Line railroad compaoy. In the house Mr. Springer, from the committee on postoffices and post-roads, introduced a resolution calling on the posttnastergeneral for all the porrespondence in the dpartinent relative to the necessity of mail weighing on the trunk line railroads between New York and Chicago. Adopted. Mr. Bobeson' resolution to declare certain lands heretofore granted te certain railroad compauies forfelted to the United States, and to restore the same to the public domain, subject to set tlers, was amended and referred to the committee on the judiciary.


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