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The Anatomy Of Panic

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The phrase "the anatomy of ruelancholy" amply justiƱes "the anatomy of panic." The mental state designated panic is, psychologically, a paralyzing perception of peril. The power of self-control is suspended. The judgment caunot inhibit impulsive or emotional acts. The processes of reason - in its higher manifestation - are in abeyance. Panic spreads from one individual to another, as well as affects many in coramon. The saine impression which is produced on one sensorium may be produred on any number simultaneoiisly by the primary cause of fear; but there is nothing else so calculated to produce panic as the evidence of panic in the mlnd of another person, espesially one or many with whom the mind impressed - in tbis secondary way - may chance to be in habitual or occasional sympathetic relation. It matters little to the general result whsther the impression be produced or extended through the senseof eight or hearing, or even general sensation. It is sufflcient that it can be produced and propagated in either of several ways. The true remedy for panic must be, in great part, preventive. It is a capital suggestion that a permanent notice, which all can read, should be displayed across curtain and act drop, "writ large," and plainly stating the time in which the auditorium of a theatre can be emptied if only the audience will individually determine to keep their wits about tnem, and stating the number and looation of the the places of exit. Again, tbe managers and chief performers at a theatre should make it a point of honor to keep their self-possession and preserve smiling faces above the footlights if any hitch occurs. It is useless to speak or shout: notning eau so rapicuy reas sure a theatrical audience in a panic as het sight of a self-possessed and smil ing face instantly presented on the stage. One man may do more in this way than can be done by half a dozen in any other. Another point of moment is to express the mind throngh the sar. Let the orchestra instantly strike up a chesrful tone. We heard the other day how an organist saved hundreds from panic in a church by playing a tune which instinotively brought the audience on their knees. On the same principie the orchestra in a theatre should cali the panic-stricken spectators back to their seats by a bright spurt of music. Surely managers and conductors might contrive these "effects" and train a few faithful followers to support them. Another matter of the highest practical moment is to make the ways of exit ways of common ingress. It is impossible to lay too great stress on thisobviousprecaution. It is worth while to study panics at leisure, and devise means for their prevention or prompt arrest. - The Lancet, The average depth of the ocean is a little over 2,000 fathoms, and is nowhere greater than 5,000 fathoms. It is not often that a depth of more than 4,000 fathoms is found.


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Ann Arbor Democrat