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Bald Mountain in the Allegheny range, Tennessee, hassuddenly evinced earthquake syrnptoms and its top has settled into the ground greatly to the consternatioa of lookws on. The Union Trust Company's officers recognize the photograph8 of Navin and Jewell au the parties with whom neffotiations were effected for Adrián water bonës. The New York Graphic publishes Naïin's picture. Senator Ben Hill is very low trom surgical operation for cáncer in the mouth. He is in Philadelphia. Tho Kelley tlsmocrats at Albany, N. Y.. voted with the republicans this gWing them control in the state legislature. John McDonougb, the actor, tüed on the 15th frem cáncer in the throat. A bank in Terre Haute, Ind ., was robwa at noen on the löth of $1,500, by.oue man engaging the attention of the cashier while the other abstractEd uwney. The stool pigeon was caught bnt the man with the money got away. H O. Kenyon of Chicago, board cf trade dealer In wheat and corn, fails for a quarter of a million dollar?, or more. The coroners report on the Park Row üre, New York, that it originated f com a defectWê flue They censure Mr. Potter and his employés for noglecting to apply for a proper permit forrepaire, and the carpenter for not gmng the alarm of fiie promptly. A railroad collieion at Akron, Ohio, kUled one man and Berkrasly hurt three othere. Jacob (ieissert, late snperintendentof pólice, Cincinnati, has juut committed gnlcide. Mr Shaw, the United States consul at Manchester, has been inTestigating the fraude practiced on English bnyers of A merican cotton and reports that sand and water areused liberally to increase the weight of cotton exported from the United States and urges that efiorts be made by American cotton dealers to put a stop to such praetice. Star route proseontiens at Lincoln.Nebraska, stopped short on the lSth npon witoess whose testimony was of inaportanoe to the govemment being excusad from making disclosaree. A hotel at Suspension Bridge which riginally coat $250,000 has been bonght by Dr. R. V Pierce of Buflaio for 12,000. Orlando B. Potter, owner of tUe destroyed World building, New York, has been euminoned to appear betere the coronor, nd turnished bail to await the action of the grand jary. Three boilers in JeweU's flour milis, near Faltón ferry, New York, explcded on the 16th The feiTy boat Fulton with a load of passenoerB, was reaching her slip at the time, and Ohas. Baldwin, pUot, had a leg broken by flying timbers. Several othar persons were injuied. Hon. Joseph E. Sheffield. projector of the New Hayen and Northamptoa raiiway, aad founder of the scientifio school at Yale, died at New Haren, Conn., on the 16th. He leaves an estáte valued at f2,000,068. Antipolygamy biU was passed by the senate af ter a prolonged debate. Justice Hunt's renignation is accepted. The nomination of hls successor is expected next week. The navy hope to secure an appropriation of $10,000,000 for the building of their new war ships. The military acadmy at Chester, Pa., butns at a loss of $200,000. It will be rebuilt. Mr. George I. Seney of New York has made another gift of over L2,000 worth of books to the Long Island Historical Society. An eight-yearold boy died at PointSt. Charles, Quebec from exoessive nw of liqaor. The Coroner's jury has brought in a Terdict of wilful murder against person or pereons nnknown and an effort is being made to ñnd the persons who gave the Doy the liquor. lt is estiinated that bilis presentad for caring for the late President during hU last 111ness will aggregate $09,000. Everyone who did anything for his oomfort, anless it be Boynton, wants a cengressional appropriation. Cabell, Dickson and Minnix, Washington star routere, have been eemmitted for action by the grand jury. A fire in Ehrman fc Co's Wholesale notion nd confectionery stor, Louisville, Ky., ireatened at one time to destroy the entire lock, one of the finest in the city. Loss over 1100,000. The conference, the seeretary of navy, house and senate naval committees, Washington, determined upon the construction of a steel cruiser of not less than 6,780 tons; of two steel crulsersof notless than 4,050 tons; two steel cruisers of not less than 8,060 tons; one steel ram; one torpedo gunboat of 460 tons; one steel cruising torpedo boat, 126 f eet long, The boats to be provlded with 6, 8 and 10 inch guns. Mrs. Sccmlle, Guiteau's sister, has written and pubhshed a long letter to Mrs. Garfield, aeking her to intercede to save nis Ufe. The Wholesale grocery firm of Cleveland, ïigelow & Co. hare suspended, owing to ,he orookedness el the senior partner, who ïas absconded. Liabilities are sald to exceed 26,000. TEBBIBLB CATASTEOPHE, On the 17th, the day followlng the bcrning oí the military academy at Chester, Pa. an explosión and fire took place in Professor Jackson's Creworks manufaoturing, by which it is known that OTer 20 llves were lost. The building was formerly the homestead of admiral Porter, but has been for some five or bíx years devoted to manufactory purpows. About 8 o'clock in the mornlng there was an alarm of fire which was immediately respond ed to by the Grenen. An explosión of gun powder shattered the building, but it was supposed danger was over and the firemen proachedthe building and began throwing water vigorously, when another explosión of terrible force toek place throwing flremen and spectator iate the air. Maseeb of torn humauity and bloody corpses were removed trom the debria and houses in the vicinty were turned into haspitals receiving wounded and dying victima to the number of about one-hundred. J. H. Khode, Becretary of the Garfield uoonunient committe, and near f riend of Mr. Garfield, statos that Sira. (Jarfield received a letter f rom Mts. Scoville on the 17th and will inake no formal reply, but that he is authorized in her behalf to Bay that. tow&rds the elayer of hor husband she choriislied no malice. He must answer only to God and Ibe American people. For the eibter and all niembers of his family she feels only prolound pity. Further than this sre asks to be lef I alone wilh her sorrow. the Iudiana dele&aüon is reported to have preferred tor Mr. New a foreign nppomtmeut rather than a treasury office. Oïer f5,000 have been Bubsciibed to aid the UusBian Jewish refusces at a public meeting in thiladelphia. Navigation is open on the Hudson and ice men have given up getting any more of a erop this year. At Catekill 8,000 tons have been housed. Kev. Lawrence Walen of Waterbury, Ot treasurer of the Irisb. National Land League, reporta tUat he haa forwarded to Ireland $50,553 ainco Iaat October. The HaTerhill, Mass., fire burned over six acres of ground and throws 2,000 peopls out of employment, and destroyed f2,000,000 woith ! of property. Seventy eigbt large firmswere burned out, besidcs a number of amall establishinents. The Grand TruBk railroad ha been tued by the Northern TranBportatlon company at Milwaukee for $600,000 damages on account of alleged breach of contract in failing to nisu sufflciant care. Sainuul Weir, the builder otthe World building, New York, gave bail m $5,000 to await the I action of the grand jury, and Chas. A. Barton, the mason who built the defectm fine, was held in 2,000. The Controller ol the Cumney has authorizad tho Olney National Bink, Illinois, to begin business wilh a capital of 60,000. Thomamageof aCatholic priest to oneof his former parisbioneis is reported from Connecticut. Several large cartridees hare been picked up in the Ticlnity of the Penmylvania military academy, Chesiar, Pa., Bince the catastrophe. Prof. Jackson assertthat none of theai were in hiB works. The question to be answered is, "Wheredid the eome f rom, and for what were tbeythere?" A memorial has been presented to congress from the Utah legislatura asking that a committee of the "just and wiee" be sent to that people to investígate and coneider the ways of that polygamist district. The memorial was referred. A petition at same date froin tne American Baptist Home Mission Society, representing one million perdone, asking tha abolition ef polygamy was alse referred. The Georgia Car works at Oartersvill, near Atlanta exploded, killing instantly five negroes and injuring a number of other persons, two of which have eince died. Twenty-three deeds conyeying property aggregating $160,000 have been recorded in Butf aio, H. Y. f or a new depot site for N. Y. "West shore Buffalo B. K. Co. A list of 17 railroads has been handed to the FennsyWauia altomey General with orders to proceed againit Ihem, because ol their failure to make out and return to tbe Auditor-General an annual report within thirty dajs after the expiratiou of their finaneial year. Tlie penalty for each road is $5,00. The estáte of the late Henry D. Dursnt, fouHder of Wellealey College, is valued at 941,877 17, of which nam f 57,000 only is vested ia real estáte. The Spragae divorce case has been ainicably settled without trial in the snpreme court. Pliilaáelphia was vieited tiya eevere fire ou the 20th. Lo3s over $250,000. Some lost the?r lives. Fire etarted in th rag warehoase o! Berge & Meyers. Senator Edinunus ia suggested aB probable snccessor of Jastico Hunt. Next Monday will be observed ss Garfiold memorial day in Washington. Both Houses of Congress will assemble in the Houes of Bepresentatives and hold exercises commemorating the lifs and inartyrdom of the late President Ex-Secretary Hon. James G. Blalne will deliver the principal addreas, which it is belieTod, will ba the grandest oratorical effort cf bis life. The assrtion that ex-Postmaeter-General James caused the government to pcy $250,000 to aid Philadelphia newspapers to get ahead of New York, is too unreasouable to gain credence. Director of the mint Burchard has decided that mutilated coin must be considered as bulllon only; that refillingthe holes with silver or gold does not mate the coin fit for circulation as legal curreucy. Tho aggregate product of all cereal lo the United States last year, were 2,063,029,570 bushels, a decrease of 24 per cnt. as compared with the product of 1880. The Ohie is still rising at Cincinnati, and cellars are filled tor sereral blocks. Trains on some of the roadscannot enter the city as high water puts out fire In the eneines. High water in Southern rivera is repoited every where. At Col. Ells' plantation, six müea below Helenn, Ark., bíx childrea were drowned, and others eecaped only with their lires. ThoiuandB of horaes, mules and cattle are drowned all along the iiississippi.


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