Real Estate Transfers
The following are the transfers of reu] eslate for the week ending Wednesilay, Marcb 1 : WiWIAHI DEEDS. Kiug minera (by guardián) to B. F. G i)od i Dg 37 acres sec 21 York, f 433. 33. The Ann Arbor Printing and Publishing Co., to Geo. E. Frotuingham, lot in Ann Arbor, $2,000. EUza Coe to Gordian Dunsmore, 10 acres sec 31 Augusta; $525. G. J. Parker to Chas. Lambrit, 16 acres Sharon, $600. Angeline M. Darling to Chas. Stnne, 2 acres sec 28 Ypsilauti, $155. Andrew J. Leetch to Jas. Scotney, 160 acres sec 32 Superior, $12,000. Jas. F. Smith to Christopher ïessmer, 10 and 6-100 acres seo 31 Ann Arbor Henry Paul lo Nelson Sutherland.rjroperty in Ann Arbor, $2,000. Nancy Hendricks and Jennie E. Hendricks to Robt. Marshall, 120 acres sec 29 Superior, $0,000. Walter B. He welt to El iza Cornwcll property in Ypsilanti, $4,750. James II. Davidson to Geo. Beltger, 2 acres, sec 15 Saline, $450. Byion W. Cheever to Wm. L. Lord, 40 acres sec 22, Sylvan, $600. Wm. Day to Lester L. Hayden, property in Ypsilanti, $800. Christian Walz to Jacob Wilder 20 aeies sec 34 Lodi, $1,150.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
B. F. Gooding
Dr. George E. Frothingham
Eliza Coe
Gordian Dunsmore
G. J. Parker
Charles Lambrit
Angeline M. Darling
Charles Stone
Andrew J. Leetch
James Scotney
James F. Smith
Christopher Tessmer
Henry Paul
Nelson Sutherland
Nancy Hendricks
Jennie E. Hendricks
Robert Marshall
Walter B. Hewett
Eliza Cornwell
James H. Davidson
George Beltger
Byron W. Cheever
William L. Lord
William Day
Lester L. Hayden
Christian Walz
Jacob Wilder