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JÜST RECEIVED FROM THE Niágara Filis Brewini Co, Of Niágara Falls, New York, Bi Best Lip Ever manufactured u the United States. Far superior to either Cinoinnati or Milwuukee lieer. You will find this beer ALWAYS ON DRAUCHT yp IIEIVItY BINDEB'S, NO. 50, SOUTH MAIN STREET. Cali and test it and satisfy yourself. Respectfully, HENRY BINDER. Watches and Jewelry ! J. latei Si, 46 South Main Street, Dealers in the Leading AMERICAN WATCHES ! In Gold and Silver Cases, in Stem and Key Winding, Manufactured by the Leading Watch Companfes. GOLD WATCH CHAINS ! Of Standard Quality and Various Patterns. A Laisr'J and Complete Assortment of Lace Pins, Ear Rinss, BracoletsFinger Rings, And Studs. Silver Platea Ware, From the Most Reliable Manufacturers at Bottom Prices. The Repairing of Fine Watches is in Charge of Competent and Skilled Workinen, at Fair Prices. To The Public! We Iiave niade every etfort this winter in inanufactitringa tull line of Parlor Cüood tor the spring trade, t h uk staving the people of Ann Arbor the trouble and expense of going to some largor plaee to f urnish their houses. Our assortmcnt is complete and the work is done by experienced workmen only. The best material is used so that every pieoe that lesivos the store can be warranted. We also have increased our stock in Bed Room Set, Slatrasses and Spring Beds, Writing Desks, Secretarie, and Book Cases, IHarble Top Tables, etc. All goods are sold at sanie price as in the eitiesand somestill cheaper, om ini; to lighter expenses. Prompt and careful al I en f ion is given to all special Orders in ii phols tering or in cabinet work. Respectfully, Koch & Halier, 52 South Main St.. and 4 West Liberty St. P. . - Agents tbr the celebrated Whitney Baby Carriage. MRS. LYDIA E. PiNKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. DliCOVERER OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VESETABLE COMPOITND, ThePositive_Cnre For all Female Complaints. This prepara tion, as lts name elgniftcs, consista oí Vegetable Properties that aro harmless to the most deiicate lnvalid. Upon one trial the inerits of tbla Com pound wül be recogied, oa relief is immedlate ; and when lts use ia contbmed, in ninety-nine caseB in a hun. dred, apormanentcureiseffertcd.astliousandn will testify. On account of its proven merlts, it is to-day recommended and preserJbcd by the best physlcians in the country. It will cure entirely the worst forrn of falllng of the utenis, Lcucorrhcea, irregular and p&inful Menstniation, all Ovarían Troubles, Inilammation and ülceration, Floodings, all Dlsplacementa and the consequcntspinalweakness.andis especially adapted to the Change of Life. It will dissolve and expel tumors from the uterusin an early stage of development. The fcendency to canceroua humora tb?re ia checkod vcry apeedily by Ha uw. In írxt it has proved to be the ffreatet and best remedy that haa ever been discovered. It permeates every portion of the yatem, and (fiveS new lif e and vigor. It remorea f aiutness,flatulency, deatroys alt craving for stünulants, and relieves weaknes of the stomach It cures Cloatlng, Headaches, Nervous Prostratlon, General Debility, Sleeplcssness, Depression and Indigestión. That feeling of hearing down, causing pain, weighfra ;d bactaoho, in nlwoys permanently ciired bj Ususe. It will at all time, andundcrall circumstances, act ín hnrmony with the law that governa the femnle system. For KidneyComplalnls of eitlK-r sex ttia compound is unsurpasied. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Iü propnr-d at ?":t and 230 WeoUra Avonue, Lynn. Mass, PHce $1.00. üix Iw'ttlf tor $ó.W. Sentuy mail in the form oí p11h, aiiu In tlu1 forra nfI.ort!DKe, on receipi ofprice, $1.00. ]wr ■?, for eithfr. Mrs. PINKHAM frctly ausweni alt letterv oí Inqulry, Send for poiaphlct. Addrts as above Mention tfiin paper No famíly sbould W without LYDIA E. PINKHAM' LIVEh PILLS. They HM Constipation, fiüiousiui and Torpu ty of the Llver. 25 cents iör box. Soldby C. E. Holmes LCook hotel block Livery Sale and Boarding Stable I have opened a Livery, Sale aiid Boarding Stsible opposite the Court House on Fourth 3treet, where livery rigs can be obtained at any time of the day or night. A fine lot of new carriages and good horses, at reasonable rates. Breaking colts and handling track horses a specialty; good references given. P. IRW1N, Ann Arbor henry matthews, " Hasj the pleaBure to informthe public that he ib reacty to receive thein in his new bliek MEAT MAKKET! ONE DOOE EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything in his line wiil be flrst-class, and At Reasonabie Rates. He returns nis sincere thanks to all his old customers for their generous patronage, and cordi ally invites them, and all new customers 10 his new quarters, where he hopes by fair dealing to dnlarge his already growing business. O DOO OW TH i OLD HAT." 3" o a 5 o ME &) í x ■ C o f$f 3 O c I ■l w o 0 a HAT8 "f? ïï ANN ARBOB, w ö" f" D H MICH. TTWAGNER & BRÖ7 MANUFACTUEEES OF FIRST-CLASS WORK ONLY, CARHIAGES. BUOGIES, WAGONS. CUTTERS, BOB-SLEIGHS, ETC. Bepairtng of all Kinds Done in 1he Best Marnier. A.W Work Wari-antod I Particular attention given to Horse Shoeing. SHOP ON SECOND STREET, Between "Washington and Liberty Streets, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. ALL WORK SOLD CHEAP FOK CASH. eberbagh&son; Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And a fine lot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brushes. i-all special attention to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicals of jur own mportation, A full line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list pricos. ST-CTDIEISnriS Are eordially invited to examine our stock as quality and pricefl. EBERBACH'&SON. Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now taking the Best Class of PMoeiÉs In the City at Prices to Suit the Times, Ground Floor Qallerj'. GOODRICH BLOGK, East Side of the NEW COUBT HOUSE. FRED SORG, Dealer in PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES BRUSHES, -WINCOW OLASS, And all Painters' Suppliea of the Best Quality SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington Est. ANN ARBOB. - MICMIGAN. R1NSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington t., Have on hand a complete stock of everything in tita Grocery Line. They buy their Teas, Coflees, audSugars In large amounts, and at Casli Prices And can sell at Low Figures. The large invoice of Teas they Buy and Sell, is a good prooi that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roast their own Coffees every week, au; none but prime articles are used. Their Bakeryturns om excellent Brea, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. Genuine Milwaukee tti y JOK ?t O o -p Hl -Sjwi i"i - w Lager Beer Depot.


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Ann Arbor Democrat