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ïhursday evening as Queen Yictorioa was returning to Wiudsor, a crank fired a pisto! shot at her carriage wbich she was entaringNoone was hurt neither could mark be found upon the carriage. The criminal was imraediately arrestad and would have suSered yiolenc f rom the spectators had he not been immediately removed to jail by the pólice. The queen had been in London for some days where she had just giren a drawing room reception in honor of Princesa Helena of Waldeck, who is to marry Prince Leopold. The Queen hal no sooner arrived at the Oastle than he sent mes sengero to assertain if others were hart The miscreant gare his name as Roderick Mac Lean . He is a native of the South Sea and is 27 years oíd. He ata tes that he ki a grocwr's assistant The doctor's prononnce him sane. The revolver is a six ehambered CXlt's, American make. Two cbambers were found loaded and two recently discharged. Fourteen ball cartridges were found on the prieoner. No political Bignificance is attached in any qnarter to the outrage. Resolutions expresslng horror at the attempt to assasBinate the Qaeen were passed at various meetings held ia the erening, both in London and the provinces, Dcluding a meeting of Irishmen. The ezar, empresa of Austria and Emperor William of tterniany, telegiaphed messages of gjmpathy. The (kabinet sent a dispatch to Windsor expressing gratification at the failure of th attempt at assawinntion. ïhe Queen was not visibly isturbed by the attempt but held her dinner party as usual. MacLean relt "iuepired" to annihilate the 'blooded aristocrac" ao he began by firing apon Qaeen Victoria. Special thanksgiving serTices bav been held in Wladeor for the escape of the queen from harm. China is increasing her armamento with a view of anotber war with Japan. At a banquet giren at Rome tbis week, in honor of Walker, United States Consul-General at Paiis and delégate to the monetary conference; Walker laid stress upon the value of silver. Sir Charles Tupper, the Csfnaditm Minister of Rail waye, in an address before tbe Dominion Parliament stated that a protective polier was the best f or Canada. Four bundred rifles have been discovered in connection with a plot in Catalonia, Spain, believed to be the property of Carlista. Two persons have been arrested at Ragusa for asBisting the correspondent or the Manchester Guardian to spread false news of lnsurgent victories. Strong eartbquake shocke cccurred Saturday in the Chuton of Ticino, Switzerland. The iustiian soldiere, ia enfercing niartial law in Bosnia, shot au inakeeper at Kt sano for concealing arras. The house oí coiumons reafflr;iiB Ha resolution "that Mr. Bradlaugh be not prm!tted to go tbrough the forin of repeating the wordsof tb e oath." Special services of thankpgiviug fov Queen Victoria's preservation from assassinalion were held in the cburches nnd chapela of England on Sunda,-. The queen rtturns thanks for President ArthmV telegiain of coDgratulation. Gen. S. Skobelofi's speeehes have so stirred the Ru9iau, Üuü war is .Volared imminent, tíeraiany has complications which she would 1 b pleased to shift The romors that Mr. Gladstone will soon retire from the Premiership are reviyed. He is said to be worn out by work and anxiety, and looks pale and wan. Customs cfficers at Moscow discoyered hats contaiiiiag djnamite in cases remaining unc'aimed. The disastrons effect of Suudny night'd storm s reported f rom all parts of the City of Mexico. The principal market is a total wreek. The corrugated iron roofing ftave way, palli'g down all the stone support. Two Indiana were killed.


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Ann Arbor Democrat