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Walter B. Bouriie, Whitehall, treasuwr ol S O. and W. M. railroadgives place to Chu. L öann wU üm been appointed ift bto titead. Mrg H Bandall, the young wife of a farmer nSln the towBBhlp of Wriihi, Ottawa Co., Aubarb. Henry Covey die here lt night, aged 63 ver $10,000 werefound In bis tronk, whioh aWlpoor. He was not known to be woll öanday nigbt Henrf Tracy from SturgU teoke out of the Kalamazoo insane asylum iind Went in bis stockinit feet three mllee ia the „nowbefore he was recaptured. feweetland f Clinton Co., who eecaped about a week ago bas not yt been recaptured. ,.,,,,,, Acompanyhasbeenformed to establish a SOOOOnxandtoolfactoryat East Saginaw, withC W. HUI, president, T. B-íDorr, vice praident. Pbess Assooiation.- At the State press association which convened in Lansiag on the löth, memoirs of John N InKersoll, late of the Corunna Amer?ñn Wm. S. George of the Lan8mg publican, and George A. Fitch were ícad ; also an article, How to make the association permament and useful. The election of offlcers for the ensumgyear resultexl as f ollows: Preeilent-Ja8. E. Scripps. Vice Hreficleiits-Jaï. V. Hcae.H. B. Rowl on. D. 0. Henderson. iJBPtetarr- S. HoskiDB. ïhe following resolution ofteral uy J. E. Scripps was adopted : Wliereae, For thre yeare past thls associarea)nabl statute RovemiDg sniU üiought iTTptí" ir on8acu legisUlion haBbeousecured. Resolved Therefore, Xhat the execmive eoSIee to be elected at thia meeting be inucted to properly Dring the matter before , the tegUlatureat ita next sseaion. and do all in thtir power to procure the passage of an enlightened act on the subiect. Allegan Journal-Pon C. Henderson; HilUdateStandard-H. B. Bow .Ibod : ;W Sentloel-J. M. Fotter; LansiQjt Repubhcan-J. W Klng; W. M. Clark, Win. Van i Buren ; Lang Journal-Geo. P. Sanford; Detrm tornSnit Nevre-J. E. Scripp?, VV. H. Brearly; Wadwfn Record-Ensene Foster; Mason Newt.T.J.Teftt: Eaht Baginaw Herold-O.V. DeIand; Clare County Oleaver-J. V. Rasse, Nashville News-O. SUong ; Grand Haven Hei ftld- D. H. Kedzie; Fowlerville Review- ■ % Adams; St. Louis Leader-Edwla S. Hosklns, F.M. Vamlercook; Qreenville IndependentE.' F. GrabUl; Kalamazoo Telegraph- W. L. Raton; Ithaoa Herald-Robert SinithjLowell Journal-J. W. Htae; ƒ?" tírW ne-J. H. Stone; Vicksburg Monitor- 0. W. Balley; South Haven Sentinel-W. E.Stewart; BatonEaplds JourHal-K. Kittredge; Hastmgs Banner- Ueo. E. Bowns; Stanton Herald- Ï-. K Powell; AlpenaBepablican- B. B. Bissen. Thre are ninety halls In Michigan owned by , the (ranges. One of them is valued at $3,000, anotber at $2,000, several at $1,500 each, thirty-elght at f1,000 and over, the balance ranging from J200 to f900 each. More copper has been haaled from the mines in Lake Superior tbis week than in any corresponding period during the winter. By the fallingof the biiekcornice onWelch's newhote!, Portland. Mrs. Fagan and Mrs. Kennedy, who were paseing were severely cut and bruised, the former euffered a broten collar bone. Isaac D. ïoll well known in Souhtern Michigan was re-elected pretident of PetO3key. For the last fourteen years Miss Kate McDonald, of AJpena, has been unable to speak. Miss McDonald suddenly recoyered the use of her vocal organs tbis week. Mrs. M. McHugh has obtained a verdict of 1,525 against Marshall for iBJarles caused by a defectiva eidewalk. A sltght excitement ocourred on the 17th awong the neighborB of F. Wetmore, the well known Detroit erockery merchant One of his Bervants waa removed to the pest house haviag been taken with small-pox. Mr. Wetmore ísaneíghbor of Mayor Thompson, ex-Oonjtressman Newberry, Jas. McMUlaD, and other high-toned Detroiters. Two more forged inortgages, the work of Mayor T. Navin of Adiuc, have come to light. One trom Thott. Monahan of Medina, to the late E. L.Clarke ef AdriaD.for $4,000;the other from John Moriarty to K L. Clarke, for $1,060. The forgery was discovered by Clarke's agent attempting to collect interest The ownerB of the land knewnothing of the mortgages. PreTiouBlyNa?in has paidthe interest. It Is feared yet others will put in appearances. Narln's name appears on the raortgages as witness and notary public. A bai-n belonging to 3. Tobias,near Lansing, was buraed on the 17th with 17 cowp, two liorses and other stock. lt is suggested ttiat as the consütutlon limite the pay of members for an extra session of the legislatura to twenty days, therefore more work was done with Ie3stalk. A council of Baptist churches met in ürenvtlle this week to consider the action of the Baptist churcn in expelling Mrs. Barnard fcr her eonnecüon in the Lapeer tragedy, and death et Mis. CurtisB. The council declared the action of the chnrch well groundod. Congressman J. O. Burrows has secured f ree delivery postal service at Kalainazoo. J. E. Janiieson, a prominent lawyer of Muskegoa has jast áWd, The oíd Case mili near Ithaca hasbaeu foand to be a place of rendezvou for thieves. EtIdence of a regalarly organized gang was bocured. E. O. Cranson of Springport, wuo jumped trom an expres train running about 40 miles an hour near Marengo some weeks ago, while being taken by Dr. Winslow to the insane asylnm at Kalamazoo, and who so miraculously eacaped death f rom the f rantic act,has entirely recovered. The shock seemed to have expelled all insanity, as since then he has been perfectly saoe, and is able to do a good day's work. The secretary of state has isaued a report of the condition of the crops on March first with retama froni 1,041 erop correspondentB, representlng 750 townships; 649 of these returns are from 428 townships In the southern tiers of countiea. The eetimates show the condition of wheat, the condition of catlle and sheep,and the prospect tor apples and peachea, better than a yeai ago. In only tbree connties - Alpena, Delta, and Glad win - the wheat prospecte seern to be iess promising. The condition of wheat in the southern fonr tiers of coantles ia estimated at from 12 per cent better in St. Clair, to 111 per cent better in St. Joseph eouuty. where the erop in 1881 was almost a failure. The average for the 28 connties in the southern foor tiers is 48 per cent, and for the entire state 33 per cent. The quantlty of wheat marketed daring the nionths of January and Februari' at 131 elevators and flouring milis was 2,885,235, of whicli 669,487 bushels were uiarketed in the flrst or southern tier of coanties; 915,338 bushels in the second tier, 432,767 bushels in the third tier, 607,505 bushels in the remaining connties of the state. The meterological table shows for January the higuest temperaturo varies f rom ti at Yp sllauti to 38 at Alpeua, the lowest froin 9 above zero at Hudson, Lenawee county, to 27 below at Alpena. The haaviest snow fal) was at Alpena, 40 incoes. The burning of the New Eugland f urniture factory at Grand Hapid?, Moudaj night, 20, caused $25,000 damajf e and deprived 75 men of employinent. A majority of Adrian's aldermen oppose offering a reward for the capture of Na vin, their run-away mayor. Frank L. Weetover hos been appolnted postmaster at Bay City. The mlnlng Journal aays if Maruette isn't the salt of the earth it ia not for want of faciU■ Viesas there Is not a city in Michigan of equal síze ttaat can how aa inany fina chinches, or whose churches have as able and devoted past0IA tornado passad o?et the Bouthern portion of Lexlngton, Ky., ou Monday.unrooüng many housee aud demolishing the roundhouse ot the Loulsville & Nashville Bailroad Coinpany. One man was severely if not fatally mjured. There was great destruction of farm property in the track of the tornado and rain feil nearly 3 Inches in depth In two hours. Donglas Bycraft charged with an assault with attempt to kill Miss Hobson at Ann Arbor has been bound over to the Circuit court, wlth bail at f6,000. ñis párente were suretles. T.ïenorefrom Chicago and more recently froin Muskegon wan4ered upnn the Btreets of rand Eapids on Mondoy tr.lking with many persons. From the fact that he was Just comiag 4own with the gmall-pox, hig visit was nftt ÉgrettDM. A maas of coppr, estlmated at 10 tons, han just been uuearthed at the Wolverine mine, two miles northwest oí Calumet, L. S. It in oasy to open a mine wlien the rock comes ont n $4,000 chunks. J. Boyce'a camp bain near RoBCOinmon, Wltu seven horses, ic.t butned with all its contents ataloasof 5,000. L. A. Baker, oí Lanaing, who made an Bignment a few days ago, has been arrested ou complalntof Jotm Pettit of Jackson, who charges Baker with olitaiulüg aoods by false pretensas. A party of 10 young men with their families and farming ntensils left Howell on the 21st for Pakota. They íntend to take up land and niake permanent hornea. When Mayor Nañn of Adrián, üt out, the handsome residence he was buiitiing was promptly seized on mortgages and Hens. The titleof the property in now veeted in Mrs. Eliza Navin, the mayor's mother, she having paid off all the indobtedneas, and receivlng an ancloudedtitle. Clisby, of Cassopolis, wbo was appointod one of the reading clerks of the Honse, WashIngtoo, will be unable to keep the poBition. his Toice haring failed him. Mrs. Kate Sparrow of ttrand Bapid?, died on the 22d. A sister of the deceasei is the wife of general passenger agent Hulburt ot the Canada Southern railway. As the lumber cutting se&son is abaut to begin, speculation iu Muskegoa runs high as to whatwill be the result ot last season's strike. Men who are zealous members of the workingraen's society fttrongly at'here to the old motto: "lea hours or no sawdust." Moet of the mili owners are engagiag their crews bywritten contract, withthe understanding that ten hours constituí a day'a work, but they will opérate their milis longer and pay the men for the extra hours.


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