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The senior class in Hlllsdale college are ' greatly put out, by the eDtrance oí Clinton Durgin, son of the President, so near the close of the coUege year. They have petitioned the faculty and await an answer. Edw. Butler of Marshall, brotuer of W. A. Butler the Detroit Banker, has just (lied. The Algoinah did aot atteinpt to cross the traite on the 22d. Snow is terribly drifted aud Ice is piled along shore ten and fifteon feet high. SL Ignaee and Cueboygan are "near and yet so far." O. D. Hopkins of Detroit, a liagsageuian on the Ü. T. B. B. was arrestad, and bound over for trial on the charge of sending obsceuce circulars through the mails. Adrián is lntormed by letters trom the absent Naviu that Messrs. Jewell and Stanton were not concerned in the water works swindle. The Communications were called forth bythe Jewell-Stanton investtgation now in progress. St. Clair proposes Í9suing $40,000 bonds to pave the principal streets. Henry Hurst of Fenton, agedabout 24yeare, was married on the 22d to Mrs. L. Lacey of Holly. The bride is about 40, so says gosslp. Niles boasta of having a genulne business Doom. Mor buildings will go up this spring thaa for ïnany years past and everythlng looks encouraglng. The Detroit Y. M. C. A. has just sold its old site on Farmer street, 80 by 185 feet, for igl5,000. Property was purchaeed for the Detroit Medical college. The Canada Southern rallway will coustruet a cut-off between Essex Junction and Detroit. This will enable it to cross the Detroit river at Detroit instead of at Amherstburg, as at present, and will shorteu its line about tweiity miles. The Detroit Boarii of Eslimates places their figure at fl,132,87K. Ainong ttie leadiug tems; Board of Kducaüon, per capita - $183,045 ('5 follce Oommlssloners' fund 158,065 00 Fire Commissioners' fund. . . . , - 131,985 b Water CommisBionerB' fund 75,000 00 Board of Kducatioa school buildiugs 08,000 00 Poor Co'nmis3ioners' f uad 25,000 00 Belle Isle Park CoinraiBsioners1 fund 20,000 00 Library Commission fund 17,525 4 The celebrated Hillsdale B. U. bond case hae boen decided, and wlll liold Yppilauti for priuoipal and interest tisgreKaUngnearly $100,000. Bonds were issued In 1869 in aid of the D. & H. B. K., by Ypsüantt, HUIsdale, aud otlier towns along tha line. Xhe following year it was decided tuat the aiú voted was unconslitutional, and the bunds voted In otlier places were generally returned by the railroad compauy. Owing te the decisión of the Suproine Court in the Balein case, and in order to give the aid that Ypsilanti had proinised the ïoad, the latter city made an eflort to raise $20,000 of Capital stock by subscriptions anioug citizens, and of this amount $ 19,500 was eo subscribed. At thia polnt, however, it became kuown that the company had sold the city bonds b New York capitalist named Taylor, and that an effort would be made to hold the city llable f or their fnll auiouiit. He brojight Buit as an iunocent purchaser, against the city, and obtained judgment. Xhen the counctl asked the company to give the city credit for f19,500 stock, and refused otherwise to pay anythiog further on the bonds. Taylor instituted a secnd suit ia the U. S. Oourt and the city obtaind a Judgment in its favor. The case was apealed to the Snpreme Court souie months ago, ad the latter has held Ypsilanti responsible $50,000 and eight years' accrued interest at ight per cnt. The decisión will undoubtedly reate somethlug more than comment in Yplanti. A destruotive fiie vlsited Tawas City on aeaSd, begining in the Arcade hotel. Mcean's store, Cnrry's ice house and S. G. Tayr's residence were burned. A new passenger coach that is to be adopted as the model for all future coaches constructed for the Lake Shore road is now being constructed at the shops of the company in Adrlau. The locatlon and maintenanceof a harborof refute at Ludington, wili be pressed upon the attantion of cougress tinüugh tbe committee on commerce. (ieo. H. Bruce, ex-mayor of Adrián, dled iu Detroit on the 28d of erynipeias. He had but recently settleá in that city. Mm. Hemy Jennings of St. Joseph died on the 24tu trom vaccine blood-polseniug. Sbe leaves three chlldren. In the case of the cause of the Coldwater tires many facts in favor of the accuBed, exChlef Engineer Drake, have been broughfout. Drake tells a plausible story, and Mayor Tibbets's testimony helpsto dispel suspicion. Ia the Adrián bogas bonds case vain atteinpt was made to get copies of Navin's telegrams to New York from the management of the Western Union. Henry Stenton sawed through a door ol Pontlac jail and made escape. He bad plead guilty ol burglary at MiUord. Mrs. Stenton has been employed aa,a eervaut at tbe jall tor a few weeks past, and left somewhat mysteriously on the mail traía eaBt. Sheriff Lewls had been away f or f our or five days and catne home at midnlght, bat knew uothing of lt unÜl mornlng. The turnkey, sleeping some two feet away, thlnks he innst have been cliloroformed, as he knew nothing of it. Manager James ï Oooper of the Western nlon, had been serred with a subpoena to prooe all the messages sent to or recelved f rom Marin, Jewell and Stanton. He apparently bad the ; papers in court, but was accoinpanled by the Hon. A. L. Millard as counsel. They stepped into a back room In the Justice's office tor consultation and returnicg it was developed tbat whlle in the back room a transfer af the papers trom the manager to bis counsel had been effected, and the most perelstent pumplng of the witneBS by the prosecutor failed to develop very muoti more thau the fact of hls entlre ignorance of the contenlsof the dispatches and their dates. At Grand Rápida Saturday night Harriman of Massacbusetts won the 100 hours' walking match over Krohne of New York and Horrigan of Michigan. Score, 852 miles. Thlrteen prisoners escaped from the Wayne county jail, Detroit, Saturday evening, by sawing off tbe bars. AinoDg the number was the notorious bank robber, Emannel Marx. A petition to the state board of control ing (or the inimedlate conatructiou ol the MarQuette, Houghton and Ontonagon railroad f roin L'Aiisa to Ontonagoo, haa been signed by a large number of the business men of Detroit. (Jltlzens of Niles and Grond Bapids petitlon congresa to reduce duties on cigare. Prof. Beal, at the Michigan agricultural college, has 1,000 dlffarent grasses and dovers growing, eacb in a separate bed, in the garden attached to the college. It has taken severnl yeara to make the collection, to whioh additions are eonstantly bting raade. The reunión of the Ariny of the Potomac will be held in Detroit June 11 and IS. Kalamazoe, Grand Bapids and Lansiug would like the next Republlcan state convention. The spring-tooth harrow worke, Albion were damaged by fire Monday to the oxtent o 25,000. J. S. Bacon, son of the late Judge Bacon of Miles, died on Monday aged 50 yeare. He was a man of considerable wealth. There wlll be two weeks vacation at the Orchard Lake military aoademy owing to the prevalece of dlphtberia. Nine of tbe prisoners who made escape froin the Wayne Co. jail are still at large. Turnkey Kdmnndp, who knewof the sa wed bars, bas been dismissed. Represen tative Hubbell of the ninth district has been elected chairman of the Bepublican congrassional oampaign committee. The Central Michigan Rpring fair wlll begin May Sist and continue f our days. It is intended to make the exhibitioa and sale of agricultural implemente and machiaery a prominent feature at thls meeting. The society alse desires to inaugúrate a system of sale9 for live stock, and have conoluded to make the sala or exchange of live stock a feature of prominenee For the purpose of developing speed, and to encourage the breeding of good horsep, the society has decided to offer f8,000 in premiums for trottinsr, paciDg, and running horses. To enable the sociuty to issue a programme containing a catalogue, the entiiea 1d the farm lui plemwnt and machinery etc., should be sent early to the superintendent, R. J. Emery, Albiou. P. W. Uoodwln of Maule Ridge, acouipanied by a Dr. Flyno, pieBented nt tho bauk of P. Richards, Eaat Tawas, a draft for $1,900 on New York, payabie to his order, drawn by the Citizens' bank of Petersburg, Indiana, on which he received f580 aud a certifícate of ieposit f er tho balance. The draft Is a forgeiy, and offlcers are in searcu of (ioodwin. Sand Beach reports a big business boom with the opening of spring. L'Anse is to vote on the jueation of iesuiiig f 10,000 in bonds for a court house and Jail. The editor of the Sentinel has been appointed a notary public. Regenta ol the Michigan unlversity have voted to confer the degree ol bachelor of laws on t 170 members of the class of '82 otthe law college, and Uih degree of doctor of dental surgery on 82 members of the same claes of the dental college. Duriog the exainiuation of Jewett and Stautou for consplracy Ín counectiou with the Adriun water bouds.jt was developed that Navin had wrlttsn a letter to Jewett on the 3d of Mfirch from Chicago, which is devoted to consoliug Jewett over hiB arrest and vindicatlng Mni from any connection with the Uansaction exceptasau iunocei tageut. Naviu, on paper, offers to come back and go U state's prison rather than allow Jewett to suffer wrongf ully on his accouut, and to pay every cent he owes, regretting that he will be unable to repair the wrong done Jewett and Staoton in lying to and deceíving them. IuvestUation of affairs at the Wayno county jall hrings to light weapona in the possesslon oftheof th prlsoner?, whisky bottles and knives, etc. Ida Smilh of Grand Bapide, aged ltyearc, in anger ut reproof froui her mother couiinit'nd suicide by taking oréame.


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