Real Estate Transfers
The followiug are the transfers of real estáte for the week ending Wednesday, April 6 : WARKANTY DKE1S. Orlo H. Feiin, by heirs, to Charles H. Kempf, 60 acres sec 25 and 26, Sylvan, $4,000. Lois T. Fenn to Chas. II. Kempf, 66 aud 1-2 acres sec 24 Sylvan, $5,000. Arden Sückett to Horace Lafliu, 60 acres sec 33 Ypsilanti, $3,100. Nelson liooth to R. A. Beal, propcrty in Ann Arbor, $20,000. Samuel Creelman to Caroline M. Clark, lot in Ann Arbor, 473. Julia M. Ellsworlh to Elizabeth Newton, lot in Chelsea, $800. John F. Spafford to George Hildinger, 20 acres sec 18 Manchester, $1,200. J. D. Corey to F. C. Hullister, lot in Manahester, $500. J. D, Corey to Geo. A. Iugraham, lot in Manchester, $G50. Euiraa J . Ilatch to Nathan Pierce, 40 acres sec 8 Lima, $2,200. Harriet E. Richardson to John Alabaster, lot in Aun Arbor, $1,200. Fred Graf to Jno. Lucas, lot in Ann Arbor, $350. Frederick Schmid to Chris. Lesimer, lot in Ann Arbor $1,000. David F. Farley to Juo. Crandall, 110 acres sec 5 Salem, $4,400. L. K. Slawson to Benjamin Atkinson, lot in Anu Arbor, $1,000. George II. Jeweu to Aaron H. lloward, Saline village property $1,800. Martha D. Gurney to Jacob Frederick Jetter, 2 acres sec 10 Manchester $650. Alpheus Felch to Conrad Finkbeimer, land in Sharou $16,000. Mary S. VanDegrift to Georse W. Bailey, property in Aun Arbor $2u0. George W . Bailey to Jno. Al. Gunnpper property in Mauchester, $400. Jno. Al. Gunnpper to Jno. G. Gunnpper, land in Manchester, $0,000. Geo. E. Nothrop to L. Gorton, land in Salsni, $3,200. S. Heller to Jno. F. Coon, property in Ypsilauti, $000. Geo. S. Kowson to R. Decker, 60 {acres sec 14 Manchester, $3,833. Jno. A. Smith to George Missley, land in sec two Saline, $147.25. Sophia K. Almendiuger to Barbara A. Almendinger, laúd in sec 40 Anu Arbar, $200. Nelson Sutherland to the Ann Arbor and Lodi plank road company, property in Aun Arbor, $500. Lewis S. Anderson to Joseph B. Steere, land in Pittsfield, $6,800. E. B. Lewis to O. H. Minnis, property in Ann Arbor, $1,100. I. N. Conklin to Henry and W. H. Richardson, 104 acres sec 12 Pittstield, $8,000. Isaac A. Brangwin, to Conrad Reile, 41 and 1-2 acres sec 5 Bridgewater $3,750. Julia A. Packard to Harvey Cornwell, 67 acres sec 17 Ann Arbor $4,100. Thomas H. Geer to S. H. Red man property in Anu Arbor, $5,000. James M. Elüs to Dauiel Letarge, land in sec 7, Saline, $l,20(). John H. Mower to George C. Reade, 40 acres sec 5, Dexter, $2,000. Edwin Crane to Seth P. Sumner, land in sec 15, Pittsfleld, $4,600. Ddward Depray to Charles F. Avery, 80 acres sec 34, Saline, $4,800. James Nixou to Michuel Heudershot, land in BridSewaler, $440.33. David Henning to Charles N. Jones, property in Anu Arbor, $3,500. George S. Kawson to Richard Decker, 66 and 2-3 acres, sec 14, Manchester, $2,833. Siaie Lazelle to Charles T. Caane, 20 acres sec 28 and 29, Bridgewater, $1,8. O. F. Stark to Morris S. Hammond, 40 cres sec 8, Augusta, $1,900.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
Orlo H. Fenn
Charles H. Kempf
Lois T. Fenn
Arden Sackett
Horace Laflin
Nelson Booth
R. A. Beal
Samuel Creelman
Caroline M. Clark
Julia M. Ellsworth
Elizabeth Newton
John F. Spafford
George Hildinger
J. D. Corey
F. C. Hullister
George A. Ingraham
Emma J. Hatch
Nathan Pierce
Harriet E. Richardson
John Alabaster
Fred Graf
John Lucas
Frederick Schmid
Christopher Lesimer
David F. Farley
John Crandall
L. R. Slawson
Benjamin Atkinson
George H. Jewett I
Aaron H. Howard
Martha D. Gurney
Jacob Frederick Jetter
Alpheus Felch
Conrad Finkbeiner
Mary S. Van DeGreff
George W. Bailey
John M. Gunnpper
John G. Gunnpper
George E. Nothrop
L. Gorton
S. Heller
John F. Coon
George S. Rowson
R. Decker
John A. Smith
George Nissly
Sophia K. Allmendinger
Barbara A. Allmendinger
Nelson Sutherland
Lewis S. Anderson
Joseph B. Steere
E. B. Lewis
C. H. Minnis
I. N. Conklin
Henry Richardson
W. H. Richardson
Isaac A. Brangwin
Conrad Reile
Julia A. Packard
Harvey Cornwell
Thomas H. Geer
S. H. Redman
James M. Ellis
Daniel LeFarge
John H. Mower
George C. Reade
Edwin Crane
Seth P. Sumner
Edward DePuy
Charles F. Avery
James Nixon
Michael Heudershot
David Henning
Charles N. Jones
George S. Rawson
Richard Decker
Slade Lazelle
Charles T. Caane
O. F. Stark
Morris S. Hammond