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Ia regard to the killing of Jusse James it is sUted that there 3 no doubt that it was at the instíganos of the Kan! City authorities and Crittendea'a orders were, however, not to kill him unless it was found iinpossible to take him alive. Robert Foid was regularlj commissioned as a detective, with the promise of $1?,?; for'hto sbare of tha bonus effured. Tiie naral portfolio hat boen tendergd Wjn. K. Chandler. The Philadalphiii aad Reading Railroad Co. will pay off their mcrtgage bonda, amountirg t-o $19,000,000, ia July. Tire in Attleloio, Mass., de&troyed the Dunbar and Richardson block and burned out eight jewelry mauufuc urtra with loss of enployment to 233 men. A box started f rom Chicago to PLiladelpMa marked "Choice 11 wero" attracted attuntiou wheu near Van V ert, O. The messenger tx mnined the box au4 found the leg of a íuau. Feariug robbery be stopped the traiu and called help. The box contaimd a man equipped with a tl.iek ot whisky, 12 bottles of beer and a few biscuits. He said bis telenda chose that wsy of getting hlm' through cheaply. The man Is held for further investigation. The vote to pass the Chinase bilí over the President's vetojwas lost by 29 to 21. Senator Miller of California ímmedlately prestnted a bilí changing the 20 years clause to Uu yeaiB. The President is waiting to hear from the Supreme Court, as to the legality of Ssrgeant Mason's sentence. bef ore he interferes. Scoville, Guiteau's counsel is very 111. The miscreants in Missouri who made the murderouB career of Jesse James possible propose to aveDge his death, but öovernor Crittenden has glven orders to the müilia to carfully protect the Ford brothers. South Bethlehem, Pa., has at present 149 cases of pox. Fire at Salem, Mass., deetroyed a railroad station. Loss $60,000. AtKearney, Missouri, the burial of Jesse James was marked by notable demonstrations of curiosity.and grief on the part of bis family. Senator Teller oí Colorado Is to be sf cretary of the interior; Mr. Wm. E. Chandler of New Hampshire, eecretary of the navy; Secretary Hunt of Louisianp, minister to Russia; Mr. John J. Krox of Minnesota, comptroller of the currency. Mr. Teller was confirmed. Other names heM for future action. The Humony milis, Coaoep, N. Y.,have posted a notice of 10 per cent. reduction in wages. The hands contemplated asking an increase of wages. Fifteen thousand people depend upon the Harmony milis. The naval allairs committee recommends the appropriation of f500,000 for torpedoes. Capt. Ford brother of the young man who shot Jesse Jame?, has been arrested for the murder of Wood Hite, and taken to Richmond, Mo., where the murder was committed. Sf. Xaviei's catholic church Cincinnati burned at a loss of nearly $160,000. The gold and Bilver ornamente were saved, but the fine organ and new chime of bells were destroyed. Insurance light. The fire is supposed 'o have originated from a lamp at the altar. The Western Iron Associatisn at its recent session in Pittsburg, decidcd to reafilrm the card rate of $2.50. The burning of the Kastern railway station at Salem was caused by the falling of the patent signal torch into oil waste in the baggageroom. The storm which Bpent its force in Clyde and Highland, Michigan, Thursday night, began in Raymond, Rice Co, Ark., moving northerly into Michigan. In Raymond, John Wilson's house was blown down, and Mrs. Wilson killed, and Mrs. Parkar, a visitor fatally injured. Flve other large and substantial houses wbre prostrated. In the town of Chase 20 buildiuRs were demolished, leaving only six standing. Mr. Reed, hotel keeper, was killed and hls wife füally injured. A woman and cnild, names uiikaown, were killed. At the farm of E. B. LawreLce the water was sucked out of the wells. A waterspout ayparently accompanied the cyclone, and coudtry was deluged. Spires' atore was leveled to the ground. All the inhabitantH of Chase were more or less Injured. Peoplo are living in box cars, and many families are in a destitute :ondition. Seventy-two deaths are reported from small pox at South Bethlehem, Pa., with new cases coming to light evcry day. Jessie James had a $500 coíliu. Ben Holliday has been sued in Waahiogton o recover on a note for $L,000 given by the ate General Cuater and endorsad by tiira . C. J. Vanderbilt willed $120,000 to hla faithul f ciend and companion Qeo. N. Terry. SeVral other bequests to friends and relatíves aggngatedtwenty, thirty, forty and fifty thouBand dollars each. The will has been admitted o probate. George Biovíd, of Newark, N. J., lost bis situatloD as coupon clerk inthe Bankof America in New York City because he took f 17,009. Hls bondflmen made t good and he got off wlth dismission and a chance at some other bank. The smallness of his stealings is attributed to the fact that he was only aa organist not a Bunday school superiutandent, in a Newark charch. Arthur Mueller, teller of the Central Buik, Indianapoli?, lias converted to tiie own uses some $ 80,000 or more. Mueller is out of town takiuK vacation. Major Edwaris, tli Missouri editor, who was presented by James wlth a gold watch for "deoent troatment of hiin," and who seems to have had a singularly intímate acquainUnce wltb his movementiï, does not bejieve Jarues is dead. No on., hesaye, exoept thoseengaged in the work have absolutely identified the body. HIe inother, wbo is a very slirewd woinin, has played her part well; and so has bis wife. Tbere's nothlcg strange about that Ejenthefactthat a funeral has been held proves nothing. When ÍJhepherd pretended to kill Frank James a colfia wa aeut on for burial in order to curry out tne farce. It was takcu to the housa of Mrs Siimuels- tbe inother of the James boys- and then disappeared. Tlie theory is Ihal the farce, if farce it is, was perforineJ to cover up some ubusually daring and muvdefous exploit, whKta will shortly be executed, after the p,nbl!P is satisfied that James is dead and bsgins to teel (juite secure froin furtljer diiturbanae and roMjary. Another sonsation ha occurred at St, Joseph Mo , by a telegram from New York to the ef fect that two men have been endeav )rinK to negotlate f103,000 ia Si. Joseph four per een city bondB. It is known bonds have been stoleu and the miyor, ci'y register and marshal are en route to iw York to invesli ;at the matter. The men attempting the nego tiation are under arrest. Judge Wylie decides that the star route in dlctments re gopd and sufh'cient and ove rules the motion to ij'iash them. Jnuibp, tbe Ux Lindou ciupbünt liaa ariived in New York. The aanouncemeut Ib made, that the eecretary of the treasury will not Cdll in a:y csntinued fife pjr cents, unlil the continued six per cante hava baen c illed in. It. is estiuiated that $15,000,000 wor.h will b# celled each moath tier atter. It is said that Scovllle bas abandoned the Goiteaucase, that Reed probably wiil argue the exceptions iu tb.0 general term, and that Mrs. Scoyille has tiltil a petitipn }n Chicago for the appoiutment if a conservator to take clwrge of the aesasejn, on the grouoi) of bis insani'y, The salary of the Utah comniúeioners is Cxed at f 5.0C0 a year. The manufacture of oleomargarme in St. Louis has been iavesügated by the Ba;d of Health, and proof was obtained of the use of fat from horees and dogs. New York officials state that the largest imuiigrationyet known is sitting in, and promises that the rxf two uionths will show a record without preoednt, Teo thopsand forelgners were in New York port at ene time last week. There will probably be soine very important changes uiade in the treasury depatlment this week. Assistant eecretary French will have a chance to cífer I1Í3 resignation. The circuïatijn of staaard Bilver dollars for the week ecding April 8, was $15ï,000 Rgainst f224,909 the correspondlig wesk last year. tórs. Nicholas Smitb (Ida Greely) daughtf r of the late IJoraco Greely. died at the famlly homettead lu Chappaqu, JJ. Y, on thellth. Mrs. Smith was ill but ono weelr, and leaves three young children. t'lauits durirs the month of March lapped up sofnalcicg üke 17,00(1,000 worth of property. S. F. Bouida is conflitflud p-itlic printer. Mrs. Scoville'8 request for R aonsoryator for the insane Guiteu is dlsregarded by the Chicago conrt. Teller will tako charge of the Interior departiaeut on th9 17tb. The Red lirer is boomiugand at Grand Fork, Dak , the Ponlosn bridge has been carrled aw&y with lnrgenumber of logs; 200 families have been obliged to ieave t)9ir homes, till water subsides. Reports from six ttates produciag winter wheat give promise of a íarely laige and excellent erop. McMaster Jk Co. of Montreal have entered another snit for f500,000 against the tamporalities board of the Presbjtei(an church to compel thst body to render an account of its stewardship.


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