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The Care Of Our Eyes

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following observatioiis on "The Care of Our Eyes," by Professor Thomson in "Our Continent, ill be fuuml in, teresting : "To care ior oar eyes is to ba ware that any syaiptoms ot' faligue or pain may ba due to mechanical causes which may lead to r.hauge of forru or structure, and which should be corrected by the use of glasses seieeted with the greatest care, to obviate auy individual poculiat iiies of form either congenital or acquired, and to beused even in childhojd. No prolonged near work should be done in a light, either natural or artificial, which is feit lo he too feeble, nor in tiailly ventilated or close roomg. ' Since fatigue is usually due to the sirain upon the muscular apparatuf ,aii(l as this is greater in propwtion to the nearnesa of the work from the eye, care should be used to avoid bending over or placing the head. nearer to the work thau is requisita for f-leaï visión. "The early ufe of glasses ior persons passing beyond iniddle 1 i fe, and their aerease in power as it may be neuled, is also s.rongly advised. "The avoidance of a!l irritaiing gasts, sruok.! or dust, wbioh aiö feit to produce pain, and the susp ssion of near work wheu it givea its danger signal of fatigue.are Sálf-evident. ''Assumiug the fact now admitteq that the most educateJ nations present the higbest average of diseased eyes, and that the cause and eflect are now clearly porceived iu the overtaxing of the visual apparatua duriog the educational period of life, it becomes requisite to consider huw iu-truction may be as efficiently transmitted to the braia though the orgaus of hear ing as by those of visión, - - ■ ■ A soene of the wildest disorder prevailed around the quarters of Adam Forepaugh, the circus manager, on the 5th inst. the occasion being the transfer of 500 animáis from their winter quarters to cages, preparatory to being shipped for Washington, where the season opens. The animáis were loth to. move and during the tumult occasioned by the removal a tragedy ooourred. In the same den with two liona were kept two tigers separated by a atrong wooden partition. One of the. tigers was worked up to such a piteh of ferocity by his removal that he threw his body against the partition with so much force as to carry it away, and in less time than it takes to nárrate, had flxed his fangs deep in the throat of the lion, A torrent of blood guashed forth, and the king of beasts attempted to throw his adversary off, but it was no use, the tiger's grip had done the work, and, in an instant, the lion feil back. Half a dozen employés beat the ferocious brute, whioh stood gloating over his victiro, and drove him into a close cage, A gentleman stayiog at an Eaglish country house, hearing a great clatter below one uiorning, looked out and saw a couple of groonis holding one of the servant-maids on a horse, whieli they led with difliculty once round the yard. In auswer to an nquiry aa to what it all meant, came the reply: 'We're going to take the animal to market to be sold, and we want to be able to say that he has carried a lady.' "The trade" distinguiah seven varieties of sulphur, assiguing the brightest yellow to the grade of '■üret qnality." In Sicily the total quanity aunually melted is estemated 't about 390,000 tons, and the value of the sulphur when diatributed at the various ports'of Palenno, Catania, Lienta, Patio, Empedocle, and ïerranova is nearly 8,000,000.


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Ann Arbor Democrat