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S W Due combe, the druggist ol Paw Faw, Mich., has been nominated by the Prest dent lor register of the land office at Aberdeet, Dak. The young man bas been txeasurer of Van Baren eounty for several yeare. A new block is to be erected on the corner ot'Larníd aud (iriswold Btreeta, Detroit, at R coflt of 1OO,COÜ. It is to be eiRht stories including basement and mansard roof. TneschconerClayton Bell was suok in Lake Huron by collision wilh the Thos. Parsons Four of the crew lost theirllves: Capt. eolna,of08wego,N.Y.,wholeave„ a wife and fainily; First niateN. BrothertoD, wbose t„„„„„=niir HattlaCreek.Mich.; D. erton, son of the mate; and Mrs. (iifford, eook, oL Cheboygan, Mich. The cargo of pig iron beloagod to Havenport, Fairbalrn & to., 01 Eris and was valued at $16,000. The National regatta Is to be held in Detroit, August 8lh and 9 tb. Chae. Colballi has been sentenced to 14 jcara at Jackson for shooting Cannon, the Deerfield farmer. Tüe soap manufactory of Tolford, Goodrich &Co.,of Qrand Eapide, barned on the 12th, with ai out 8,000 Iobb to insnrance companleB. The Board of Tnwteea of alamazoo have orderad tho marsbal to remove certain teleS,hone poiss erected by the Detroit Telephone Conetrueúon Company, Detween miuniKumuu inorntu?, agaiast the orders of the marshal and af tor the company had agreed to await the action of the villag board. The autborlty under wbich the company claims the ight to erect poles In the street rtquires it to ba done .under ta e personal supervisión of the marshal, and the marshal had forDtdden the erection of pol-? pending action by the Board of TmsÍOÍ'B. Oontraet bas been let for 50 convicto at eighiy.;, n(i nn-half cents ner day, to a Mr. Winter botham, at MicMgnn City and Joliet for cooperago work. Mr. H. W. Sage of Bay Oity, has announcad inteu io i Cl iving a pntüic iörary building w oost $18.000, rad o! pupplyiafï It witb f 10,000 worth ef books. W. 9. Bond, of Detroit, han laam sent to the cnuBty iiou9o. He srved euveral terino rb alderman. ha' ben at various times acting icay or and was In 1868 a tnember of thastatt Itg'lature. HoiEï froin bid to worso resalta a nbove. The Peoplos and Hlljwood case U set down fot May 8th In th Becorder's court, Detroit. Three huadrod dwedish emiRrants paseed thriagu Detroit on rfday en route io luaimou íir.d Dakota. Naïiu, the ftigitive Mayor of Adiian. narro ly ftBCap!l arrest Rt Denvtr the other ilay, Tbo officia! íeport show Michigan cropa to be iü Rood coud i ion. A. mecüag of liqaor dealers was held In Deiroil, which leRal oplaions were eubmitted to the (eot ttwt the present tax law is constitutional and tbat, the only hope of relief trom H la to eient legtelators who wiU repeal it i s-TO.tflft fire is reoortfid at Chase; 4,000,000 ;et oL lumiw were deseroyed, wlth loss of 920,000. A bad fire s reported at Harrison. The Clave County Cleaver (newspaper) office Is burned, n large number of business houset and some ten resldences. Oaly two buildings on the south side of Main streot remaia ütandni;. Gradlnit for the new rallroad on the line of tho Port Huron fe Southweetern rallroad near .Jmont, wiil be beRun In a few days. Work 11 &!bo be vigorouBly pushed on the Nortbwestorn from Palms station to Port Austin. The Hanison 6reaggrgated i. lose estiinated at f80,000. A collisiou on the G.R.& I. B. B.near Grand Bapids threw the engine and five care into Rogne river. A. colusión on the Chicago & tí. T. E. B. at JFllnt telesciped the englae, caboose and passenger coach. The passenger coach was empty id the engiaeer and fireman jumped from the train. No liveB were lost. (om. Jerome esignates Aptil 27th as arbor day. Li-t Michigan people lay plans to make the day eomethlng more than a name. Mr. Reeso's only son, Bdttle Creek, aged 20 years, met with a serlous accident thls wek. His knee was bo badly cut by a buzz saw, that the knee pan had to be taken out. If the llmb Is saved, he wl)l be a crlpplefor Ufe. A four-year-old chlld of Geo.H. Marta, cy, was fcaocked down and severely tojured by a tone. PiDkrton's men are reportad npon Navins trall. Hd left Denver just before the detectives arrlved. The Hancock uiining Journal states that from 1888 lo 1882 oat ot 3,491 persons who declared iotention to be some American citizens but 835 ever went any ínrther. Thlsis as bad as the Cuiaese, fallureto Americanlze. The Kslamazoo telephone pole wargrewout of a mieunderstandlng, yonlcnow. Superintendent Jackson visited tbe big village, pat the poles np on another Btreet and all is rene. Tbo venerable Mrs. Armstrong, aged 96years, bas just died at Charlotte. She was one of the first srttlers Ín Eaton conaty and leaves descendaute tnghiy respectad. The Traverse city water works proved thelr utillty in extinRUishing fire In the depot oí the place which otherwise mlght have resulted in serlous os3. Lamber ratea have dcopped 25 cents per M f rom Bay City U Ohlo. Bates to Batidlo are 2. Frank Dnnnelly ot Hudsonwas shot Juf-t bulow the rigbt eye by a plajmate. The hall has not yet been tsxtracted. Froperty holdurs ou Main street, Hudson, yurpcBi) thking leKH' step to prevent pavicg that street. A m streiuarkable dlaplayot aurora borealís wan visible la tnany stoteson 8'inday veiling. Altbough electrlcity was very apparent ia the tsltgraph wiresthroughoutthestatp, batteries Wore used. Operators further west worked their Unes north and west witboot the nse ol Innal batteries. Trastees oí Oliïol college decide U robulld ,ii(l will immtillately begin ralulng f anda tor the purpose. (en. Grant bas aceptd the Invitatlon to be present at the June, Detroit, reunión of the army of the Potomac Extensivo preparatlons are on foot tu make the occasion memorable. Manke i burgUrs are doinz on extensive business. They rohbed a hackster and his wift, Dstroit, of over $1,000 Ín nioney, watcbes, et, one nlgM this week. Entronca was eflected throuísh an unfastened wlndow. Fruit a opa ia the state ar reported to glve promise of abundance. Afl yet belBR unlnjured by the frosts. The strike in MuskeRon continúes Th. men demand $2 and 10 hours; the proprie t jra offar $2 and 11 honis. An $18,000 loss resultad trom the bnrnin of Cobb's & Mitchell's saw-mill Rauad Lak e near Cadillac. A newly patented railroad velocipele ïnvent ed by S. H. Watts of Three Rivere, is to biinauufactured by a stock company in whicb are stveral heavy capitallsts, among the num ber Mayor 3. W. Frenen. The company pro pose3 erecting extensive buildings', rhe Protestant Methodist church near S Clair was burned on th 18th. The nre .hought to be iucendiary. There had been no fue in the building for some days and tbe par sonagu had been unoccapieil two weeks. CadetChaB. Dickay, of ÍUciae,Wis..died a OiChaid Lak military academy on the 18th o iuflammatory rheumatism. He had but ju recovered trom BCarlet lever. Chas. Pierce, of LexingtoD, was riding a fractioushorsewhenitreared and feil ever backward, killing him ïnstantly. Burglaries are beceming alarmingly mon. Ou the 18 th the bouse ot u. m. nuwaiu of Kalamazoo, was robbed of various valuablee among which was a gold watch and chain. At W-8t Bay City, on the same night a store was robbed ol $100 worth of cloth. The Ovid & Tnwerse Bay H. B. corapaDy has oreauizedwith 1,000,000 capital President, Chas Farmer; escretary, Adam Beattie; treaeurer, K. De Camp. Notes wi!I be given along the route paysble when cara are running. The Michigan militla electlon resulta in Col. E B. Grifflth of Jackson, in place of Col. Fitzsimmonsof Tecumseh; Major B.F. Whoeler of Adrián, lieut.-colonel; Capt. H. McComas of Lansing, becomes major.


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