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Additional local on second page. R. E. Frazerspeaks in Clinton Sunday. Arbor day to day. Plant your little tree. The Dextcr Sun is anotherwelcome exchange. Robt. Coleman of Dextir ha goue to Cadillac. Michael Foliey is night operator in Ypsilanti. This city can boost the best high school in America. Major Badgei is spending a few weeks in Jackson. J. B. Dow will build Henry Jlatthew's new building. Si. James churcli in Dexter is to liave a fine new organ. J. Dounelly will not continue in the saloon business. Regular meeting of ihe council nest Monday eveuing. Chas. Furgeson was ïobbed of $15 Thursday night. Beethoven uulí versa ry tliis uveuing. Grand social hop. U. H. Townsend is managing the new depot in Chelscii. E. B. Turner, postoflJce inspector, was in the city Thursday. President Fiske of Albion college was in the city Tuesduy. Col. Crandall of Dundee addressed the reform club Sunday. Tfm. Burke has purebased Chas. Lattimer's house for $2,030. Vacanf lots are io great demand, and command a high figure. A. A. Terry will furnish plug huta for the senior medical clas. The marshal inakes his béadqunrlere at C. E. Holme's iiug store. The saloon bonii of Antoa Brehmer vus passeú lor nregularities. The citizens of the fií'th vvard will petition for a brauch postofflce. Annual floral festival in llie Baptist shurch lomorrow tveiüng. A. D. & F. Utsiiner, saloon keepers, have dissolved partnership. The Dixboro reform club will have a meeting in tue chureh Sunday. ffm. Sacford of Saline bas skipped ut owing E. W. V allace $125. P. Winegar is building aD addition to uis resideuce on Miller aveuue. W. T. Wright will leave fot Detroit next week to ruake it bis borne Tbe circuit court will convene May 8. The reiients will meet May 2. Very few cases will come before judge Joslin at tlie next term of court. Thetemperance meeting Sunday will oe held in tbu Unitarian church. Fred Hutzel of Piltsfleld, is preparing to build a palatial farm residence. Byron Green and wifeexpect to sum mer somewhere in N. )l. street. Mrs. Meyer of Lodi was fiaed $10 for ibusing her neigbbor Mrs. Steeb. Howorth's coraedy company were guestá at tbe St. James yesterday. The Whitmore Lake baso ballers are ioon to play tbe SoutL Lyou club. Dr. Flowers and wife, of Colurubus, O., have been visiting Dr. Franklin. Wm. Weidmaun of Whitniore Lnke lias gone to East Saginavv to reside. More barbed wire lias arrived and the court house fence will be completad. II. J. Noyes_of Ohelsea lias purchased six car loads of horses since January 1. J. J. Waiker shipped a cargo of fancy pigeons to Omaha the first of the week. Some miscreaat cut the barbed wire fencing of the court yard Sucday night. The personal effeets of the late Thos. Earl were closed out at auction Saturday. The-monthly meeting of the pomological society will bu held next Saturday. Jno D. Taylor against the village of Chelsea, new trial gianted by Judge Joslin. A.. G-. McKean will defend a hack dnver in justice Winogar's court this morning. Walter Wright will go to Detroit hext Monday to engngc in the commission business. Wm. Notten who was drawn as a juror from Sylvan, has been dead for several moiitlis. Henry Cornvreli and Selick Wood are bondsmen for chief Kowland in the eum of $500. City recorder French gave bonds for $.ï00, J. B. Qott and Charles H. Worden sureties. F. B. Whitaker of Ohelsea,has sold this season '0 McCormick harvesters and mowers. Policeman Porter was convicted of as sault and baltery Batnrday before Justice Granger. A game of base ball between the uni yersity and Ft. Wayne clubs was played Saturday. The DexUr reform club Sunday evensiij; had the pteasure of hélu-lug Col. Crandall. Isaac Dunn and J . M. Blater left for Dakota Monday evening wliere they wiil lócate land. "W. W. Tozer of Uexler, Sot $500 for his horse. It was piuehased by a Detroit gentleman. Rev. J. L. Malcom of Dundee has been obliged to stop preaching on account of poor health. Company A will take part in tbc compctition drill fora prize of $1,000 in Detroit June 15. The ;muu;tl meel ing of the womaii's foreign missionaiy society ï bcibg held in Miiuchestcr. Al the couneil meeling Munday eveuiug the remuiuder of tlie saloon keepers will file their bonds. Tho general Street committee advertise for bids for '■emoval of garbagc frora the streets. In Saline the saloomsts are compelled to give $6,000 bonds and shut up their places at 9 o'clock. Emma Eudora Lennon, daughter of Nelson G. and Rachael Milieu, of the flfth ward, died Tuesda}'. i Evart H. Scott is doing a large business shipping raspberry vines to different ; placea;in the country. Robt. Beattie of Detroit, is coming here to reside and has rented Wm. Deubel's place on Detroit street. A. D. Besimer has gone out of the saloon business in which he has been engaged for over 25year. On the vote for policeman Porter, some radical stufïed the hat and 15 votes were cast on the third ballot. Al St. Thomas' Catholic cliurch next Wednesday a number of cbildren will be confirmed by the Bishop. , Wm. Frank will occupy the hotel and saloon property to be vacated by ('UusMilleron Washington street. Halford bas serered bis connecüon with tbe Daily News, and J. W. Hauiiltoa is running it for all it is wortb. A reward of $10 will be paid for the discover}' of tbe person who cut down tbe court yard fencc Sunday nigbt. The bilis of fare for the Cook and St. James hotels, are printed by Watts & Strong on The Democrat press. The funeral of Dr. Wells will be beid to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from bis late resjdence on División street. Mr. Hudsou, father of tbe genial host of tbe St. James and Cook house, speiit Sunday with bis sou, E. H. Hudson. Qeorge W. Brown bas been appoinled special policeman on the uuiversity grounds, without expense to the city. Du ring alderinau Hcsiiucr's connecticu with tbc august body of councilman he Uas audited over $30,000 of accounts. A. D. Seyler will remodel hia house at an expense of $250. He will add a bey window or two, and put in píate glass. W. K. Childs addressed a rousing teinperancc meeting Sunday night at Lodi. For the alliance fund $150 was subscribed. The young man Dean who committed suicide Saturday uight had been in the employ of Jas. ïom's ;■ nearly a year. The attention of the probate court Tuesday was occupied in hearing tcsted claims in the estáte of Loren Moore. Reno Billiugton will answer Iay 8 before justice Wiuegar to an assault aud battery on Kev. Air. Gilmore's son, colored. The officeis have succeeded in fiudiug tools, cooking utensils, and otlier stolen property iu tUe possession of Wit o, the Germán. The pomologists will discuss ilay 6 fruit prospects in tlus county,small fruits, fruit dryiiig, canniug, jellyiug, and fruit packages. A portion of the fence in front of the Episcopal church and some 25 feet of J. W . Marynard's fence was torn down Sunday nigul. Rtv. J. Patcheu of Grass Lake will ddress the Saline reform club next Sunday evening. Mr. Patchen sorae years ago resided iu Lodi. Aldeiman Besimer, ehairman of the Btreet committee, advertists for bids for cleaning the streets from May 5th to November 5th, 1882. Henry Matthevs has commenced tearing down the old wooden building adoining his shop, preparatory to rebuildïug a new block. A valuable horse owned by Jas. Parker of this towuship had to be killed Saturday' Some days ago the horse was kicked and had a leg broken. Chas. Miller will 'move iuto the Diehl ïotel next Monday. He will entertain Hay 4tu aud 5th the Germun tlieatre comny of 15 members. Un account of iucreasiug business the Toledo, Ann Arbor & Grautl Truuk rond will put on au extra passender train the flrit of next moutü. A sample MtCoriuickharvesterand twiue binder is on exhibition t F, Wagner & Bro., on Second street, between Washington and Liberty streets. By a buil in The Democrat lust week an item read that Geo. Ehnis of Saline, had been taken to Pontiac. It should have read Fredcrick Ehnis. Mis. Sarah Jane Royal of the iourth ward, mother of Mrs. Dennon, died Sunday iu her 7Oth year. The reniains were takeu to Detroit for burial. Thos. Lynch, Frank Smith and C. B. Woodward while boat ridinij Monday tip- ped over tbeir canoe near the flrst railroad bridge west, and took a balh. Peter Bchuplarlc was arrested Satunluy for attenipting to kill R. L. Godfrey. Godfrey was scared out of liis wits and is almost naane on the subject of shootvag." At a meeting of the meiical fraternity Tuesday evening Drs. Palmer, Maclean and Breakey were appointed a committee to draft resolutiou8on the death of Dr. E. Wells. Our Germán fellow citizens can hear in Germán, May 4th and 5th, a well-known company of Germán artists who will appear at the opera house on the above even ngs. A number of saloon keepers filed their bonds Monday evening. Those who did not do so are expected to file them next Mondny evening at the regular meeting of the councii. According to the Daily News gamblinj; dens are quite numerous. One in the fifih ward, one in the first ward and one in the. fourth ward. Too many for a town of this size. Hon. Jas. II. Monroe, of ühio, excongressicau will address the reform club Sund.iy afternoon at 3 o'clock. Sehumacher says he is the biggest gun that ever struck the city. Robert B. Glazier, for the past 47 years a resident of this city and county, left Tuesday for Cheboygan, with his family He was accompanied by his aged mother who is 92 years of age. J. C. Watts is closing out the jcwelrj business. He will bc succeeded by nti urother, B. F. Watts, a skilled workinan, wlio lias had tlie entire management of the business for niany years. S. E. Shcpanl, who has mnnipulutcil the glasses at the St. James bar for the past two weuks, will leave the flrst of the nionth to fill his old position a? hcad man at Marvin Preston's, Detroit. B. F. Watt'shorse ran awy Monday afternoon and threw the occupants of ths carriage out. Mrs. Watts escaped with a few scratclies, but Mrs. Y. [ Jenkins, of Fuut was seriously injured. J. C. Knowlton has been confiruied postmaster, and as soon as hiscommission arrivés postmaster Clark will step down. He will move hisfamily to Dakota, which state lic will make his future home. The Clinton and Shiawassee Ubion presenta the name of Don C. Henderson, of the Allegan Journal, for secretary of state. Mr. H. is an ab!e gentleman, and a fine writer and woulcl #ive dignity to the office. Geo. II. Pond late of the C'ourier, bas purchased the Caro Advertiser and will run a red hot republican paper. Oeorge ran do that very thing, and will probably rhoop it up to the people of Tuscola :ounty. The chief of pólice made the following recommendations for deputypolicenien : C. G. Millnian, Wm. Porter, Wm. Mernthew, Jolin Maroney, and Wm. Matthews, but the old policemen, Millman and Porter, wtre selected. Gilbert Bliss, of C. Bliss & Son, has been appointed agent for the EveoiDg News excursión to the White mountains. Persons in this vicinity desiring to make the trip can obtain full particulars by calling on Mr. Bliss A fellow by the name oí Billiiigton wbo had charge of the circulation of a city paper, beat the httle ncwsboya, and when they askcd him for pay knocked onc of them down. He was arrested on the charge of assault and battery. Btibler, O'Hara & Stablcrsbippcd Ihice car loads of cattle and sheep lust weck, and will forward anothcr car the Ut of the week. Thigflrm has ouly ïnisscd one week in flve months that tliey have nut shipped cattle to ths eastern niarket. Chief Nowland and his deputies made another seareb of the Germán Witc's house, and discovered cousiderable more stolen plunder. Among the list were booksowned by L. Werner, aud tools taken from 13. Green and A. Muehlig. A special meeting of the board of edu' catión was held Monday eveuing. Prof. Perrv read the announcement of i plan for a course of music in the schools, aud after discussion it was voted to adopt it; that music be an elective study in the school and to counl to credit at graduation, receiving diploma therefor. The repuoücaus have made greal howls about democratie caucuses at Washington. But the republican majority has to have a committee teil it what to do and when to do it. And it. has been determined that a few democrats must be unseated in the house before any otuer business can be done. - Lansiug Journal. Frank Rice has been heard from. He was in Monroe recently working at the Park house, but did not linger there a great while. There was iiot sufficient scrip coming in to make the situation profitable, and oiie dark night he took up tiis bed and walked. "When last heard Trom he was making for the western country- Important developments are expected relative to the gambling deus. The officers are said to be "on," but time will develop whether there is any truth for this report. The Democrat can :urnish them with evidence tbat will ead to the arrest and conviction of the man who has robbed many students and own boys. At a meeting of the council Honday evening a communication was read from W. H. Reis, mayor of Brownsville, Mo., asking for assistance on account of the destruction of the town from a cyelone. Accepted, and a committee of Ihree appointed to report at the next meeting of the couucil. Aldermau Besimer, mayor Kapp and Hiscock. Prof. Anderson and W. M. Anthony, of Chicngo, are stopping in the city on their return from a visir through eastern cities iu newspaper interests. Tbev have furnieued for this cilitiou of Taii ükmockat soinc vcry pleasiug notices of the buiness men of Arm Arbor in poetry. Whilc hcre tliey will write up some of the inanufacturiDg interests lor Cliicago publications. An old man uamed Grcgo who has been an inmatc of the couuty house for sevec ycars, died last week. His rcuiains wcre taken to the medical college. He had childreu, a daughter living in Napoleon, and another daughter in a northern eounty, both well off, who were uotified of bib death, but they consented to [have their father's bones picked by medical studentsRobert Glasier and his brother-in law, Jacob Walton of this city, with their families, left on Monday for Che'joygan, Mich., where they intend to make their future home. The mother of Mr. Glasier, 92 yeara old, accompauied them. There is only oue member of the Glasier family left, George, Robert's son. These families have resided in this vicinity for the last 50 year8. The following appointmeuts for the high school commencement in Judo have been announced: Lillie Bassler, Celia Burk, Aun Arbor town; Ncttie Daniels, Unadilla; Carrie Frazer, Josie Rathbone, Alice Cochran, May Whedon, Ann Arbor; Mary Kahn, Thrce Rivers; Jennie Osborue, Helen Osijood, Orpha Calkins, of Imlay City, and Messrs. Bullar Á, Giller, Leslie Goddard, McEwan, Ramsdell. Herbert II . Howe, formerly of this city, a gradúate of the law department class of '81, has been eleoted pólice magistrale of Murphysboro, IU., over one of the most popular men in the place. The Murpheysboro Democrat says the uew pólice magHtrate is a young lawyer of ability, and brings to the office a good knowledge of legal matters. He will no doubt discharge his duties iu a kiíhly satisfactory manner. The constables elect gave bonds as fol lows: George B. Schwab, sureties, Win. Herz, A. D. Besimer, Jno. C. Schniid, Jacob Hollstetter; Eli S. Manly, sureties, C. H. Manly, Leonard Gruner; Jasper lmus, sureties, Fred Besimer aDd Uenry Matthews; Michael Clark, SMieties, Geo. Clarken and A. D. Seyler; E. B. Gidley, sureties, A. Kearney, II. Sessions; John G. JohnsoH, sureties, A. V. Robison and A . Kewney . The county treasurcr has sent out the fóUówiag notice lo all liquor dealere in the county: Sir- Tour liquor tax ;md bond for the levy of last yeat will expire the first Monday of May next. By act, as passed by the legislaturu of the state of Michigan, it will bc necessary lor you to make applicatiou in person at tlus office, aud pay in advance for the sale of liquors. Bouds must be filed at this office before coraniencing btisiness. Wm. Dean, ayoung man living site the third ward school house, comniitted suicide Sa'.urday night by laking morphiue. Some weeks ago he made an unsuccessful attempt to shuffle off but -ook too large a dose of laudanum. The cause rif tue suicide is said to be on account of trouble he had with a young lady. He left several letters with directions tlmt they be Riven to bis sister and to be opened by no other ptison. An iu quest was held by coroaer Clark Suuday. Mrs. Elizibeth Boyd, oue of tbe oldeisl resideuts of the foiuih wurrl, igcd Vi years, died yeslerday of general debility. She was an Irisli lady who had ïmuiy fi-iends among all classes of people. Lp to the time of htir sickness some week ago, sho had enjoyed fair heallh, althuugh suffeiingat times with a heart trouble. 8he has a daughter, Mrs. E. Lodholz liviug in Lansing and a son, Thomas, a resident of this place. Funeral to-monow morning from St. TUomus Catholic church. The couucil Monday evemng approved the bonds of the following saloon keepers: Fred Besimer, Ludwig AValz, Fred ' Rettich, Jr., & Charles Rcttich, N. IIDrake, George A. Waidelick, George ' Clarken, jWm. Frank, Charles Binder, ' W. II. Mclntyre, George Arduer, A. ' Gwiner, Charles Miiler, John Beahan, ! Henry G. Binder, Charles Hausser, Jacob Koch, John M. Gould, Jobn Frey, C. Cary, Jacob Hoff stotter, Jobn Goetz & Jobn Geotz, Jr., Peter Long 4 Jerry Walcb, Marvin Preston. Tbcre is a class of fellows wuu frequent base-ball grounds who nevcr pUy, wbo nevcr contributc toward the ball; but wbo spcnd tbeir time in ribildy, coarsc jokes, and ia BWearlug at the efforts of younger players. Lacking physical vigor thcy sit on Ibe rround and bawk and spit, lacking mental judgment they are tinablc to distinguish bctwecu a fiood or bad play, and betvvocu their senscless rcmaiks and obscenity they rnake themselvcs tborougbly odious to all thosc who love a good ganip. - Com mercial. Frank Lesiie's Popular Montbly for May. The decided merits of this periodical - literary and artistic - have ma le it so popular, thatthe nimeis by no means a nnsnomer; and ihe excellence of the present number is so prouounced tbat it can scarcely fail to inerease its already great popularitj'. So abundant are the ood things, that space will only permit us to glance at the contents. "Giuseppe Gari baldi," "Inside Kairwan," "The Mak ing of Tapestry, ' "Egypt," etc, are prof use ly illustrated and are the contributions of some of our best w riters. Dr. E. H. Flyun writes to Thk Demo ckat that there is no truth in the statement going the rounds of the papers thathe has got into any trouble in Maple Rapx ids. The facts are that oaeGoodwin was in the above place three weeks before presenting a check at East Tawas. Goodwio stated that he went to tbc Kapkis loget out hard wood lumber for the Ciociunati car works. He borrowed of Flynn $95 to pay down on some land to bind the bargain, and proposed to return the same soon after. A.ccording to the doctor's statement Goodwiu is a terrible fel-low, that he is a forger, hotel beat, etc. and that he, Fiynn, is out just $95. Neariy every one kaows what to do in eae of injury orsudden sickness, but it often happens that uuder the excitement. attendinjj such circumstances they become confused and forget all they know about it. The followisg suggestious. migbt bc pasled up on the inside of Ihe closet or bouk case door, where thoy could be referred to promptly: Por bnins sweet oil and cotton are the standard remedies. If they are not at lnind, spriukle the tmrned part with flour and wrap loosely with a soft cloth. Don't remove the dressing until the inflammation subsides, as it wiü break the new skin ihat is forming. For nose bleeding, lwtlie the ind neck with cold water. .iohu McCullough's produclion of Slieiidau Knowle's tragedy " Virginius " wil] at HiU'a opera house on Wednesday evcning, May lOlü. The duinand for seals will be gieat and the rush in other chics ib likely to be repeated Jiere. Of Mr. McCullough's recent success in Vfashiugton, a correspondent writes: " Tho numbers wlio cruwded to wituess Mr .McCullough's performances have nevei been cqualled in this city of theutre-goers. Au hour beforc the curtuin rose at the Naiional, Saturday, evtry seat mcluding the v.'iudow ledges, and every inch of standing room had been taken. NcarlJ 2,000 were türned away dlsappointed. If it is not true, as bas been said of Washingtonians, uuder the dispensations of Boü Iügersoll, have abolished the eciiptural Deity, it is equttlly certain that they have found an idol in John McCullouglj ' The Ypsilanti Commercial disjourses thusly on the brauch postoflices: Tlie prohibition of branch postoflices by the authorities t headquarters is quite an annoyance and inconvenience to those who have been so greatly bcnefitod. Thongh it has, in the way of box and drawer rent diminished the reucipts of the postoftlces, yet on the other hand it bas reduced the amount of clerk bire and labor. Coasidering the fact that ihe postoflioe department is for the benefit of the people, it seems to us that lo place n restriction upon privileges, and especially when the expenses are borne by the recipients, is suicida!. We are constrained to believe that only oue sirte of the matter has been presented to tbc postal authorities, and tbat when the subject in all its hearings is understood, our depot friends will have no chance to complain.' Tue Dkmockat doubts very much whether the government will bc out thousands of dollars by opening little branch offices. The pcoplc of this vicinily were cousidcrably surprised on Monday niorning last, to hear of the sudclcn departure of Wm. Sanford and nis son Almnnd, for Dakota. What made it still more ■urprisiug" to niany of our business men, was the fact that the latter forgot (?) to cali and settle his accounts before laking his departure. The father we are to!i settled with his creditors as mucb as possible, before leaving, but the sou skippej without saying a word about paying his debts. Tbcir departurc was very clevcrlymanaged, ior altbough they took wiih Ihem three carloads of stock etc, (18 borses) scarcely their nearcst neighbor, il is said, kuew of thoir departure until tbe followiug tlay. Tbcir stock was driven to Tecumscb. u tlie nigbt, frotll wbich place it was shipped last Saturday nigbt. Tbis is certainly a poor "scud ofl" for a mau who expects to mako Ufo a success, for Lis reputaliou wül bo sure to follow bim.- Saline Obscrver. Tbis same Win. Sanford beat Tiik Democrat for a amaü amount, and we will pay out tire times tbe sum to advertiré the seamp in bis new bome. Dr. Ebonizar, Wells wbo bas beeu a resident of tbis city over 40 years, died Tuesday morning. The doctor was a promioant and woll knuwn oitlzen. He held the office of mayor for two tetms, and for several years was a memberuf tlic board of cduciuion. For the past 17 ycars J;e was president of the Fiit National bank. Tn politics he was a detnocrat. Hut few nifu liave served llieir generation with greatr usefulneaa than Dr. WellsHis linie aml eminent abilitles have been (kvotod lo thudufun of hi.s profossion for more than 40 yturs,and not unt'l age and increa.sing iníinnities i'ievented, did lie refuse to lespond to all calis for h3 professional services eilher by nigiit or ihiy. As a man ho bas been truc to himself and to his fellow man. Iu all the relations of life he has niaintuined a noble and almust faultless character. As a physieian he combitted science and skill witb a modest demeanoi in the families of his patrons. He WM always modest and attentivc to 1 the calis of the ueedy poor, as well as of ' tbc wealtby, never torning any away wbo uecdod aid on account of inability lo reward liim. But he lias passed away from ainon? us, leaving an uusullicd character and i life of "labors abundant." The rich and tbc poor aiike revere JUis memory, aud fecl tliat one of the most uaefnl of our citizcna lias gonC froin amoüc us. MhDcUestcr Enterprise: MrH. Fowle, wifc of the lale Honjauiiu Fowte, rtied in Moscow, Jlarch !28, lbS'J, from a piolractud aud severe diseasc of the lungs. JIrs. Fowle (Caroline Kellogg) was boni April 10, 1810, in C'ouutcticut, from whence, during her childhood, Iho fatnily emigrated to weslern N. Y., and Avon, Livingston county, becwne their home. During her youth sbe not only helped hei iaients meet the exigeucics of life in a uew country, butobtaincd a crcditable educa tion. Benj. Fowle und sha wero marricd in 182U. They moved to Moscow, Mich., in 18yy, whcre she again enoountcred the hardships of pioneer life. WHh lidelity and industry, a new home was soon obtamed, whioh remains an evidence of the euterpnse and tumi of uie pioneer scttleis who have done so much lowards building up the country. Mrs. Fowle was quite a leader of the bible, of history, and of the news of the day, ignoied gotsip and ■works of fiction, was the promoter of pcace and professor of mauy other good qualities which made her esteemed and beloved, not only by the members of her family, but by all who were acquuinted with her. She dld the best she could in life, aud had an abidiug faithin a tinehter and better hereafter. Circuit Court Jurors. Qthniel E. Gooding, York; Win. 11. Willings, Ypsilanti town; JosiahlP. Snin(lers,-Jno SchafT, Ypsilanti city; C. Abram Pryor, Ann Arbor towu; Isaac Handy, Antou Eisele, Milton Eastwoud, Ann Arbor city; Win. H. Lowdeu, Augusta; Chas. Shutes, Bridgewater; Chas. Cooper, Dexter; Gust ave Neiss, Freedom; p. B. Wliitaker, Lima; Jas. Sage, Lodi; Frederick R. Snyder, Lyudon; Benj F. Mattison, Manchester; Edmund Clancy, Northfield; Nathan II. Iibell, Pittsfleld; Joseph B. llerrick, Salem; Délos Á. Townsend, Saline, W. D. Allen, Sharon; Warren W. Tozer, Scio; 7'm. Geer, Superior; Wm. Notten, Sylvat); Edgar Crauson, Webster; B. F. Gooding, York; Evan Begole, Ypsilanti town; Wm. IS Seyraour, John C. Voorheis, Ypsilanti eity; David L. Gofidfrcy, An Arbor lOWJl.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat