Real Estate Transfers
The following are the transfers of reu] estáte for the week emling Wedoesday, April 28 : tVABHAPTI DKEJS. L. R. Buchoz tü Jas. Kitsuft, propcrty in Aim Arbor, $3,250. Ij. R. ISuchoz, by adminifctrator, tu A. .!. Bawjrcr, city property, f'JOO. Alfred J. Buchoz to Anua L. Steutb, Ann Arbor cliy property $1,000. Lew is Klein tu Pililo O. SÍierwood, propertj' in Ypsilanti $1,450. Jas. Ml CongdOD toAFetuJ. SIcttdtQan lot in C'helscii, $100. Auron H. Howavd lo Rachel P. Reynoldb, lut in Saline, !?l,200. Liicius D. Walkins to Eiwua Lyuch, lot ia llanchester -lUO. R. A. Ueal to Rebecca Aun Ciimie, lot in Land Co's adii Aun Arbor, f 000. Emms Shepsrd to James L. JDeuuisuu, property in Ypsilanli, $400. Jno. M. and Ueo. N. FJowesr to Jas, L. Dennisou, property in Fpsilanti, $1,835. Mffihael Clancy lo Bamuel It. John sim, lata ■", and (i b 4 (')rmsby & Pau-e add Anu Arl o ■, 2flO. Edward Fleming to Qrace Taylor, property on PoUDtaiu titreet, Ann Arbor, $1,00(1. Emily J. Whalin to Elizabotli K. Tay!or, property in Dexter village, $3, (H)ü. Alexander Kwing to Elizaliëlh K. Taylor proj)erly in Dexter, $1,200. Elizabeth K. Taylor to Emily 3. Wlialfcn, propert.ikin Dexter village, f 1,500. Rhoda Clark et al to Lymaii V . Lnke, 80 acres sec 10 York, $6,850. VVm. Cross to Ella AI. Edwards, property in Ypsilanti, $1,200. Jacob Vunderwfikur la Jas. .N'. Van derwerker, 10 acres sec 16, Augusta, $72,-. Geo. W. Clark to Cbas. C. GoUujb, lot 16 Stuck's add Ypsilanli. $,000. Chas. E. Lattuner to Win. Burko, Anu Arbor citj' property, $2,030. Mirgaret 8. Dolson to the First Congregational church society of Ypsilanti, property in Ypsilanti, $1,000. Rachael Amerman tw Daniel Firbes, ICO acres sec 25 Ypsilanti, $8,901.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
L. R. Buchoz
James Kitson
A. J. Sawyer
Alfred J. Buchoz
Anna L. Meuth
Lewis Klein
Philo C. Sherwood
James M. Congdon
Aletta J. Sleadman
Aaron H. Howard
Rachel P. Reynolds
Lucius D. Walkins
Emma Lynch
R. A. Beal
Rebecca Ann Climie
Emma Shepard
James L. Dennison
John M. Flowers
Michael Clancy
Samuel R. Johnson
Edward Fleming
Grace Taylor
Emily J. Whalin
Elizabeth K. Taylor
Alexander Ewing
Emily J. Whalen
Rhoda Clark
Lyman W. Lake
William Cross
Ella M. Edwards
James N. Vandewarker
Jacob Vandewarker
George W. Clark
Charles C. Collins
Charles E. Lattimer
William Burke
Margaret S. Dolson
Rachael Amerman
Daniel Firbes