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Koch & Halier, the well kuowa FURN1TURE DEALERS, bave received the third lot of those celebrated WUITNEY BABY CARRIAGES. A eate that won't stay ahut up - Howgate. Bucklin' Árnica The best salve in the world for Cuta, Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Balt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hauds, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of skiu Eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction iu every case or tho raoney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor'Mich. A boy earned twenty cents per day for eigbteen days, and bought bis mother a muskrat muff costing $. 10. IIow much did he have left to go to the circus wilh? lf nearly dead ufter taking gome highly puffed up stuff, with long testimoniáis, turn to Hop Bitters, and have no fear of any kidney or urinary troubles, Bnght's distase, diabetes or lirer coinplaiDt. These diseases cannot resist the curative power of Hop Bitters; besides it is the best family medicine on earth. A mother stsnding at the gato calis to her boy who is exactly sixty-eight feet distant. It takes two minutes and twenty-two seconds for tbe sound to reach him. Find trom this the velocity with which a woman's roice trarels. The demand of the people for au easier method of preparing Kidney Wort has induced the proprietors, the well known Wholesale druggisti, Wells, Richardson & Co., of Burlington, Vt., to prepare it for tale in liquid forin as well as in the dry fórtn. It saves all the labor of preparing and being equally fticient is preferred by raany. Kidney Wort alwayi and everywhere proves itself a perfect remedy. - Buffalo News. Manilla hats, with velvet crowns, are wsll fitted for the first spring days. Frek of Cost. - All persons wishing to ttjt the merits of a great remedy - one that will positively cure consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, or any aftection of the throat or lungs - are requested to cali at Eberbach & Son's druj store and get a trial botile of Dr. King's New Discovery for Oonsuinption, free of cost, which will show you what a regular dollar size botile will do. Carved teak-wood is a favorite material for sticks for elegant parasols. Mrs. öarah J. Van Buren, of 192 Franklin St., Búllalo, N. Y., whose portrait appears in another column of this paper, is preparing a "Ladies' Tonic" which has proved a Messing indeed to many a worn out wife or molher. The sensitiveness of woman's organization makes hei more susceptible to dissase thau man, and there has been a lont; tuit want among ladies for sometüiug which would overeóme those many weaknesses so common to the sex, and assist nature in building up a shattered coustiliition. This Airs. Van Buren's "Ladies' Touic" has never failed to do. Spanish lace triins the handsomest parasols and coaching umbrellas. Be wake op Fuauds. - The original and only genuine "Ilough on Rats" is manufactured by and has the name o Epuriam 8. Wells, Jersey City, N. J., ou each box. He emp'ojs no traveling gentg aor peddlers. Long gloves are worn outside the sleeres halt way up the elbow. "ttoUGH on Rats." - The thingdesired found at last. Ask druggists for "liough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, bed-bugs, 15c. boxes. Dark green conlrasted with sun-flower yellow is seen in bonoets. CITY ITEMS. The St. James bar has beeu kestocked with a full supply of Sour and Sweet Mash, Whiskeys, Wines, and other Liquors, from the well knowa house of Marvin Preston & Co., Detroit. P. Irwin, proprietor of the sale and boarding stable opposite the court house, east, lias oue of the finest two year okl stallion colta, the get of Mercbrino Goul Dust, ever seen. The colt bas been driv en on the streets recently with his sire and shows better thana tour minute gait Mr. Irwin ha refused $250 for this celebrated colt. During the season Membrino Gold Dust will be keptat the above stable. I divide sections into 1-8 part, 80 acres tach. Koot. For Sale - Evergreens.- Norway Spruce 4 to 10 feet high. Apply at Cuusiu's Greenhouse. Koch & Halier hope to sell a large number of baby carriags - their new lot just received. Don't forget my propositions. Root. Wanted.- A good Germán Bot, about fourteen years of age, at the Bt. James Bak. Black Bob - The Imported Stallion will be at the Leonard House barn on Suturday of each week. $1,000, $1.500, $2,000 and $2,500 to loak. Office over Brown & Co's. drug store. JAMES McMAHON, Attorney and Solicitor. For Sale. - Two and one-half acres of land on Baldwin avenue. Apply to J. B. Davis, box 1310, Aun Arbor. New orgau, nine stops, fine tone, $65 cash. Sevea octave piano, SPLEND1D ROSEWOOD CASE, four round corners, carved legs, cost $700, only $150 cash. GREAT BARGAIN. Cali immcliately at Wilsey's Music Store. Personal inspection grantcd free if I make the conveyance. Root. TO OUR LADY READERS ONLY. - We take pleasure in nforming our lady readers that by enclosing two 3 cect stamps to Madam Marie Fontaine, 112 Maine street, Buffalo, N. Y., they will receive by return mail oue Japanese napkin of elegant design in colors, one beautiful Chinese handkerchief, and the handsomet and most artistic card ever issued from the lithographer's press. All for two cent stamps. Robert Tidswell, calsominer and whitewaaher, is open for jobs. All work wil] be done with promptness. Wanted.- A good girl can flnd steady eniployment in the eonntry, two and a balf miles from this city. 8he will not be obliged to bo the washing. Place easy. Por particulars inquire at M. E. Goodrich's, East Ann St. , Ann Arbor, Mich. Imus pays cash for live chickens. I solicit personal inspection of my ab stract books . Koot. A. F. Darrow, the 10 cent bus man, takes orders at Holmes' drug store in the Cook house block. Byron Green having regained his heul th, offers his services as auctioneer. Residence corner of Fourth and Ann Sts., Ann Arbor. Important to travelers. - Special Inducements are offered you by tbe Bur ungton Route. It will pay you to read their arivertisement found elsewhere in this issue. My abstract books are up to date Root. Cady's Catarrh Remedy.n sure cure for catarrh, is for sale at Holstes' drug stort, Cook hotel block. ADDISON G. McKEAN, TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR at Law. OfxV fice with John F. Lawrence, Opera House Block, Ann Arbor, Mich. Estáte of Patrick Sullivan. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, O ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate ofIce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the '29th day of April in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-two. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Patrick Sullivan, deceased. On reading and flling the petition, duly rrtfled of Mary Sullivan, praying that a certain instrument now on file in this court purporting to be the last will and testament of said deceased, may be admitted to probate, and that she may be appointed executrix thereof". Tnereupon, it is ordered, that Monday, the 29th day of May next, at ten o'clock in the 'orenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said jetition, and that the devisees, legatees and ïeirs-at-law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the peitioner fkould uot begranted: And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the lersons interested in said estáte, of the pendency f said petition. and thenearing causng a copy of thls order to be published in the Ank Arbor Demockat, a newspaper printed and Irculatedin said county, three successive weeks prevlouB to said day of hearing. WILLIAMT). HAREIMAN, A true copy) Judge of Probate. Wie. G. Dott, Probata Register. 777'. , . ,


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