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Additional local on second page. McCullough May 10. Let us have a new engioe house. Uaverly's opera company May 8. The flretnen this year will receive $575. The First Naüonai;Bank will reorganize. Only $10,000 is aaked for a new engine house. Only leven prisoners are now couflned in jail. County troasurer Knapp was in the city Monday. There are several cases of scarlet fever in the city. Fred Besimer ia now carrying on the saloon business. Fred Kappler,27 years of age, died Mouday of consumption. Prof. Baur and wife celebrated their silver wedding Friday. Chas. B. Woodard of the St. James was in Jackson Sunday. Dr. Cocker delivered an eloquent discourse in Milan Sunday. Mrs. Elijan S. Bissell of Kalamazoo is visiting Airs. M. F. Guioan. The pólice drew their pay jesterday, and consequently are happy. The May meeÜDg of the pemological society will bo held Saturday. Aid. Henderson, Heinzmann and Dow reported on the saloon bonds. Mrs. W. R. Clark of Sohoolcraft, i Tisiting her father Mr. I. C. Handy. A. M. Leonard has purchased a farm in York, and has settled down to woik. Monday was a busy day for Judge Hjrrimau, and probaU register Doty. Amy Forbes of Alleytown, Newago county died Sunday of ovarían tumor. Mayor Kapp wis unable to be present at the council meeting Monday evening. Jno. K. Clark, the temperance advocate held forth in Ypsilanti Sub jay afternoon. The improvement of Hanover square has been referred to the park committee. The tramp business is light, rnuch to the disappointme nt of some of the officersState geologist Rominger will spend the summer in the Lake Superior country. The May term of the circuit court will conrene to morrow, Judge Joslin, presid ing. Chas. Miller i settled ia the Diehl hotel. Henry Laubengajrer i working for him. Longifc Walsh will open their place of business in Mrs. Hoban's store in a few day s. Jas. Duncan had three horses stolen last -week. The partios run them into Ohio. Alonzo A. BÜ68 has opened a teinperance billiard room under the St. James hotel. Dr. Batwell has been olected city physician of Ypsilanti. The doctor is a dem ocrat. Supervisor Buren of Manchester was in ihe city on business in the probate couit Monday. Mrs. J. E. Hayward, of Battle Creek has been visiting her friead Mrs. A A. Gregory. Patrick Martin is going to New York city next month to be goue during the summer. M. Weiraer of Scio couldn't stand tb licensc, and has dissontinued the salooi business. F. IJettich has retired from the saloor business, iu wkicli he hus been cngagei 23 years. The funeral of the late Mrs. Catherine Boyd, wife of Johi Boyd was well attended Friday. The Dumber of arresta made by policeman Millman in March was four, and his fees, $13. 4G. There was liurrying to and fro among the saloon keepers Monday. It was the little license. N. Sutherland's ew team weighs 2,700 pounds. The horses re five and six years of age. P. W. Carpenter has been elected city clerk of Tpsilanti. His salary will be $300 per year. Albert Schultz, 16 years of age, ran away Sunday, learing bis parents minus a nice Httle sum. A. F. Peacock relief aifent for the Michigan Central railroad, was in the city several days last week. Rev. Mr. Sunderland delivered an able discourse Sunday evening on the late Ralph W. Emerson. The concert and hop by the Beethore Gesangverein society Thursday eyening was largely attended. Jno. O'Grady, Wm. Barry, Wm. Sweeney and Joe Parker have gone north to work on a railroad. A largt number f rom this place attended conflrmation exercises in the Germán church in Scio Sunday. S. P. Preston of Detroit, a brother of Marvin Preston, will continue the saloon business at the St. James. J. D. Williams and Nathan Nixon have been appoiated memben of the board of review in this township.J The city attorney has been instructed to revise the ordinances of city, and to liave 200 copies printed. Busket's millE at Dover have been connected with Dexter by telephone. Mr. B. paid the expense,some $500. Treasurer Schub has been instructed to turn over to school district No. 1, the amount of dog tax in his hands. Wm, Nichols, a lad of flve years, was taken to the state public school at Coldwater Friday by Judge Harriman. Jacob Terns, au alderman in Ypsilanti, owes The Democrat several dollars. It is high tinae the account was paid. Hascall Laroway and Joseph Prey -will review the assessment roll of the supervisor of Northfleld, Wm. Walsh. Fred Schlanderer, for many years a resident of Dexter, has moved to this city and is living on "West Huron Street. Ia the absence of mayor Kapp Monday evening Aid. Besimer occupied the chair. He presided with his usual dignity. According to the report of chief en gineer Seabolt, 115 firemen are entitled to receive $5 per year, compensation. Bills wc-re allowed by the finance committee amounting to $728.94, as recominended by the ohairman, Aid. Keech. Hugh Boylead aud Thos. Caufleld, two old tramps, were sent up Friday by jus tice Wi negar lo Ionia for 90 days each. Michael Eberele was arrested Monday bydeputy sheriff Wallace on the charge of making threats against Mathias Lutz. Thos. Mattuews has closed his butcher shop, and will speculate in cattle until next fall when he will re-open lus market. The following aldermen will have charge of the special election to be held May 17th: Keech, Dow and Henderson. Policeman Porter made $20.80 out of the arrests he made last month some flve in all: disorderly, 3; drunk, 1; larceny, 1 Maybury, Pullman & Hamilton's mastodon show in Ypsilanti next Wednesday, May 10, and the day before in Chel sea. W. W. Thompson, ;vho claimed a resiienee in Ohio, was arrested Friday for stealiDg an album. Sentence 10 day in jai!. Monday Judge Harriinan appointed T. B. Gooaspeed of Superior, administrator of the estáte of the late Henry Druse, of York. A resolution requesting that the names of the bondsmen's sureties be inserted in the recorder's report, was lost by a rote of 7to6. Hon. Jas. II. Monroe delivered an eloquent temperance address Sunday. He fully sustaiued his rcputation ai a forcible speaker. Hugh ïownsend, a school teacher, was up Baturday for committing an assault and battery on one of his scholars. Case continued. On motion of Aid. Keech thefollowing board of review was appointed by the council: C. H. Richmond, L. Gruner, Qeo. H. Rhoiides. All those desirinjj to obtain a copy of the book entitled "Michigan in the War,1' should cali on Erastus N. Gilbert, at the register of deeds office. Henry Steeher, pharmic 78 was the guest of Fred Schmid last week. He left Monday for Cleveland where he inteuds to open a drug store. The superintendents of the poor had their monthly meetinjj Tuesday. The principal business transacted was the allowance of a number of bilis. E. A. Cummings who has been spending some days at his old home, left for Grayling, where he is in the eiuploy of the Michigan Central railroad. We understand that Aid. Besimer will remain in the council for good and sufficient reasons. At a future day ho will give his reasons for remaining. The Unitarian church will be closed next Sunday on account of the pastor's absence at Cleevland, in attendance upon the Western Unitarian conference. Many business places, the banks tul public offices were closed Friday afternoon out of respect for the meinory of the late Dr. Wells, during the funeral. Memorial services for the Hon. J. D. Pierce will be held in Ypsilanti next Tuesday, on which occasion an address will be delivered by Hon. Alpheus Felch Mary O., wife of Jonathan W. Drake and daughter of the late Gouverneur Drake, died on the 26th uit., of apoplexy at the .ge of 32 years, 3 months and 13 days. Geo. E. LaMotte, the fancy confectioner, makes his bow to the public through the columns of The Dkmocrat to-day. He can be found in the opera house block. May 17 the tax payers will hare an opportumty of voting for appropriating $10," 000 for an engine house. It is very much needed and the appropriation should be made. The report of chicf of pólice Nowland may seeni a little higü, but it was owing to the expense 'incurred by burying some poor persons and taking care of an infant. The old building at the foot of Washington street, formerly used for a passenger depot oy the Toledo road, should be condemned, as it is liable to fall down at any time. In March the following amounts werc drawn on the contingent fund: First ward, $11.24; second, $7.00; third, $40.70; fourth, $17.25; fifth, $0.41; sixth, f 4. 19- total, $92.85. A petition signed by 21 citizens asking 'or a 3idewalk to be laid from the north ide of Ann street on the east side of íorth Main street to the city milla, was eferred to the sidewalk cotnmittee. Antón Eiseh wauts a side truck built o hislittle house on the race bank to aeommodate hirn, virtually in the interest of theüToledo road, to give them a chance to lay down another track. It can never be. Cnief engineer Seabolt informed the couucil Monday evening that an cngine house was needed laree cnough to ac:ommodate the department, two engines, and a hook aid ladder truck, and other paraphernalia. At the council meeting Monday evening a, vote {was taken on pubiishiug the new hack ordinance, which resulted in The Demockat bemg selected as the paper. Democrat, 7;KegistLr, 4;Courier, 1; blank, 1. The following is the vote as recorded lo close siloons at 9 o"clock : yeas, Aid. Keech, Gates, Sumnar, Childs, Hiscock and recorder French; uays, Aid. Luick, Henderson, Besimer, Dow, Ileinzmann, Swift and Wright. ' A dairy-maids' social will be held at the fifth ward M. E. chapel to-morrow (Friday) evening at 7 and 1-2 o'clock. Adraisaion ten cents. All invited. Af ter the entertainment, refreshmcnts will be served lo those desirini; thera. A.nn Arbor Commaadery K. T., 50 strong will attend the grand conclave to be held in Detroit May 9, 10, 11. It is expected that 5,000 Sir Knights will be in line of maren. Sereral hundred tickets hare already been sold in Grand Rapids. Leifler.formerly a saloon keeper on "rat row" opened up in Dexter Sunday. Beer and blood flowed freely. Several persons got their eyes blacked, and the marshal was kept busy. Doe Calvert and a young cub managed to keep out of his way by taking to the river in a boat. According to the report of the recorder the following balances are on hand : General slreet fund, $1,045.21; first ward, $849.15; second ward, $471.21; third ward, $99.10; f ourth ward, $164.15; fifth waid, $155.63; sixth ward, $307.19; con tingent fund, $1,797.21; cemetery fund, $34.72. ggA resolution of Aid. Besimer allowing saloons to be kept open until 10 o'clook, was discussed by the mover of the resolution. Aid. Keech moved that it be laid upon the table. He was followed by Aid. Childs who favored closing saloons at 9 o'clock. He discussed the legal aspects of the case. The yeas and nays boing called for the resolution was adopted, and the saloons will remain open until 10 o'clock. The game of base ball Saturday between the Cass and University clubs, resulted in a victory for the Detroit boys by a score of 6 to 5. The Cass club refused pay for riding frotn the grounds, and gave the umpire to understood that $2 was too much to ask for his work. He replied, "didn't I make the game 6 to 5" which was enough to proye that he did not act impartially. The umpirewas brought out by thb Cass club. The New York Tribune speaks thusly of John McCullough, who will appear in this city nexl Wednesday in Virginius: The whole spirit and drift of Mr. McCullough's acting set toward grandeur and beauty - rousing the imagination with high ideas of character, and touching the heart with fine exposit'onsof the dignity and sweetness in human nature. Such an actor places lasting benefits within the public reach, and of this it is proper that readers Bhould be timely reminded. As Wm. F. Rchfuss' hired man was drawing stone, on Tuesday, froruWilliam Chase's farm, the team became frighteaed and tore into the road. After skirmishing around pretty lively tliey finally itarted ff on a dead run. Thos. Clark, who was drawing a load of wheat to town, saw them coming and tried to avoid a collision by reining his team outside the road, but the runaways didu't miss hini but gave him a big gash in one of his legs and a banged up head. His team joined the circus and it lit out for town regardlessthat they were distributim; bags of jrain along the roadside. They ran up Railroad street till they reached the top of the brewery hill, from there they rneandered into the swamp and were then captured- Relifuss' team was stopped near Lojan's. L) ne of the horses is considerably hurt, and the wagon somewhat smashed. - Enterprise. Our exporta continue to fall off from the amounta they exhibited a year ago, and that, too, while our importa are increasing. Our shipments of beef, bacon, lard, pork, tallow, butter and cheese for the fiTe monlhs ending March 31, of the present year, were $48,000,000; for the corresponding period of the peceeding year they were $65,000,000. The falling off bas been $17,000,000. The exports of these articles for three months were: 1882, $30,440,000; 1881, $44,271,000. For elsven mouths the exports of diary products alone were: 1882, $17,456,000; 1881, $22, 894,000. The falliDg off since Jauuary is marked and the decrease still continúes. There is so littlo grain goiug abroad on account of the -scarcity of it in this countryand the little demand for it in Europe that vessels at Boston are offering to carry it for nothing and even pay a premium for cargoes.


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Ann Arbor Democrat