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C. E. Holmes, propriefcor of tlif City Drug bI ore lias the oholcesl loi ut' perfumes and the L&K0E8T STOCK oí PURE DRUGS in the city. Also ever} tliinfi in the Toilet and Fapcy goodsline. at prices lowerthan ftnywnere etee, Prescriptiona carefuHy compoundetL No. ISCoofc Hotel BlOCk, Aun Aihur. Michigan, priñcIpauuine ÍIUí; SHORTEST, (JU1CKEÍI uiw And aIl"5OvKST Une I 8fc . ï ■.-,-; : i points Ín lovaS'hwAtohiBon, Topeka, poní Nebraska.Mltisouii.Kai'JíOteys?)!!, Dallas. Gal sas, New Mexico, Arizona, Motífe veslon, tana ond Ti'xns. J-"". ÖJHglc_ O ACVQ Tiiia Route has ño Boperíor fïTr AJbor V' üiI.,i'a, Mlnncapolis Biid si. Ivui -SEf." Nadona ly conceded to ?lÖKasbelni! the rea Rallroad In the WOTld for . '■:■ v. inall claaflcaof travel. '".. A 11 coflnei (lona tnadc yST .? X%f. Depots. V Thro;iBh XÍ?NAVV "? !! Tickets vla thlsSTy yfy aI"' y' '" '" ; CClebrated Line frSL&S fi trawihíg ale ot all offices 'V''í'Sv luxlnvtho ü. s. an'V v'N.íSyS. "f :l í!is Canada. TCv "XvW ' y V iV Fare, Sleeplng Cara, i V otr . cIviM-fii ly given l.y y'r N T. J POTTER. PERCEVAI. LOWEtL, ít.' VicePres'tít Gen'i Wanager, Gen. .''■■■■- .!■'.. Chlvagro, 111. Oliiciito. ill AYEAR'SREADING FOR Sí. THE NEW YORK Weekly World JNew Pressos, New Type, New BuifcKng New Appliances, and Lite i Eíeíy I)í j ii r t na e n t . $1 a Year Postage Hd. 50 Cts, for Six Months. A COMPLETE FAMILY PAPEH xee Masons Should llead its Special MASONIC DEPARTMENT Edited by (me of the most renowned Pre Masons, with contrilSutiousJfroni the pi1 of üistingiiishcd Masóos. The WEEKLY WORLD s the on! leasing newspaper in the countr that has a special department devot ed to Masonic nterests, Our Excellent Features 1. All the News, Complete and ïatorestfag. 2. The Farmer'a Woiiü- A full page of Agnou tural and Fann News. 3. The Literair World- A full page of Long and Short Stories, C'omic i!al!ai!s and Sei ious Poems, Fairy Tales and Bailors' ï'arns 4. The IlousekeeDer's Column - What Every Wo man Wants to Know. 5. The Veterinary Department - With prescri] tionsfreeforallsubscribei-s.aiul liiü instrut tions for the treatment of live stock. . 6. The best chess column in the world fór ama teur players. 7. The best cheeker department in the world fo both amateur and professional players. 8. A corner for the young folks- riddles, char ades. puzzles, enigmas, acrostiQS, etc. 9. Complet marset reports- urn valled in detail and aeeuraey. 10. Answers to inquiries. Eacli department is perfect of its kind, and al combiued malie the bast weekly newapapei ever publishcd. Tlie New Vork World has uo superior on eithei' sidc of the water as a Live, Bi'illiant, Prfoctl}r Appciuict!, ProgreBive Newspaper. Unequaled Offers to Club Agents, Specimen Copies Sent Free. THE WEW YOS'K WORLD, World Building, New York. Estáte of Patrick Sullivan. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenmv, ss. At a seeston oí the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate ofice ÍlI the city of Ana Arbor, on tíaturday, the Öth day of April in the year one thousand elgUt hundxed and eighty-two. Present, WiJIiam l. liurriiuan, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Patrick Sullivan, deceased. On reading and filing the petftión, duly verifled of Mary Sutlivan, pray ing that a oertain inïtrumentnow on iile in this courL purporting to e the last will and testament of suid deceaeed, nay be admitted to probate, and that ylunay be appointed execuLrix tiiereof, Thereupon, it is ordered, that fllouday, the Silth day of May next, at ten o'clock In liir orenoon, be assigned for the hearing cf said etition, and that the devisees, leñatees and ieirs-at-law of said deceased, and all other )ersons intereslcd in said estáte, are required. to appear at a sessíoñ of said ourt, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayér of the peitioner fhould not begranted: And it is Furtnër ordered that said petitioner give nottee to the ersons interested in said estáte, of the uendency f said petition. and the hearing thereof,by caüshíí a oopy of this order to be pubüahed ta the Ann Arbor Democuat, a oewspaper pfinèed Mid irculatedin said coiuity, three suecessive W6ks revious tosaid day f hearing. WILL1AM D. HAHtCTMAN, A true copy) Judge of Probaie. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. , Estáte of Leonard Vaughn. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, OoUDty of Washtekj naw, ss. At a Bession of the, probate court 'or the County of Washtenaw, holden at the pro ate oñice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monay, the Sth day of May in the year one aousand eight hundreQ and eiírhty-two. Present. Williain V. Harriman, Judgu of Fro)ate. In the matter of the estáte of Leor.ard Vaughn eceased. Leonard B Vaughn.theaclministratorof said esate. comes into court and representa that he is owprepared to rendar l.islinal account :s nuli dministrator. Thereupon, it is ordereil, that Monday. the th day of June next at ten o'cJook in the foreoon be assitmd for examinins; ;mil allowing uch account and that the heirs at law of sa eased, and all other persons interested iit said efr ate, arerequired toappear at asessionpf snid ourtthen tobe holden at the probate office in ie city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and shuwause ïf any there be, why the said account ïould not be allowed : And tisfurther ordered ïat said adininistrat rix ive notice to the PW" ons intereeted in snii estáte r ih' pendei aid account, and the hearing thereof, by caus gacopy of this order tobe pubjished in the nti Arbor Democrat, anewspaper piinted ai:tf rculatinf in said county. two successivc wtrl.s revious to said day oi' hearing. WILLIAM D, HARRIMAN, [A tme copy.] Judge "!' Probate; William G . Uoty, Probate Ect;i ' TO BUILDERS. Sealed huls will bc; received by Leonhard Gruner for the construction of a School liouse in the Sixth ward ot this city, until Saturday evening the I3th inst. Plans and Specifïcations may be seen at the office of Judge Harriman iti the Court House, after Monday next. Right to reject any and all bids reserved. By Committee. Ann Arbor, May 3, 1S82. The time for receiving the above bids is extended lor one week, to Saturday. May 20. ÈBERBACH&SON, Dealen la Drugs, Medicines And afine lot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brushes. We cali special attention to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparaius, AND Pure Chemicals of our own importation. A full line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS AtJHst prices. Are corrlialiy lnvtted to examine our stock as qnality and prices. EBERBACH:&SON. Above is an esact portrait of MRS. SARAH J. YAN BUREN, DISCOVEREH OF LADIES' TONIC A preparation tvhich z's vneruahd for Purifying tle Bloodar.d Tonïng Up he Fcinale System. LAEtrs' TX"!C is pr".T"d fcy Mm Van Buren at I9Ü l'rauku.i 8í.,li -líalo, K. Y., auil has bee used kuccc's:;;i. :'.'!.. y 1 .d.csí ryca:-3. Itisasr c-jj-cforalll cm; C"ui])lait=!, LowFever, Ague Scrofula, Si k B :aiia( do, aud all weakatsse - i by t.'u-so ir're;;jl:iriíí;s Wi'.ich are bo com --. a Ti.irUii-1. '1'!:.sino I'atcnt Medicine but is pnrpared by Mts, vaa Buren alter year of spcrieneo, a'vl reouromended by her, aash Mnowj t v i ivo il n' li ; w to any b.-oken-down "orn-'tufc or ov(r-worked mombepof her sex. V ivks -:yn '■■■T,1r ;:■. need somethiiig to assis a:'.ture in boldifsg hor oiva nndor tbe corr.tan ■ .,: i h j Lvt:iant:y tlraíiging the:a dovn :.;.-;. Van P '-u aauwcrs all utlers Jrce. Bene 'in ;:: ■;. For : by Dnigglsts. Price, Sl.CO per bott'e Waiches and Jewelrjf J. Haller k Si, 4G South Main Street, Dealers in the Leiiding AKÏERICAN WATCHE8 ! In Gold and Silver Cnses, in Stem and Key Winding, MauufttCtured by the Leading Wuiili Compauk's. GOLD f ATGH CEAINS '! Of Standard Quality and Various Putterns. A Large and Complete Assortiment of Laco Pins, Ear Rinss, Bracelets Finger Rings, And Studs. Silver Plant Ware, Prom tbe Most Ileliable Manufacturers at Bottom Prices. The Repairing of Fine atchea is in Charge of Competent and Skilled Workinen, at Fair Prices. To The PuUic! We ïtave istadc eery tiíorí tliïs winter in ïtssssaitfetnriuga itsll Sisie tti'Varlor Ecxri!.vi íor tJie priiíg trtlc, tiin Having llie peo pit' ot Aissi ArSsur tlie Wie a.u! expense ol gsug o souie íarger pli&cv tO f gsraiisSi tUoir liousés. CSsis assortlueeil is complete and 4Sjc wisrïk n doue fo,y expericBCeS worliiaen aaly. Tlie íí'sí diaterial Is sj.sed o tltui every piíkí"t tlisií loavos tlie mJí'í" cíim ba ïrarrantcd. Wo tthio bave Increaned our stock isa ISod Koibi Sclí.-a Blatrasseti aiad H]iiiiglScd54, Wriéïït OesSts, Secretarles, and ïSok Cases, MarbSc Tok Tnbles,etc. AH fíootís ai-e soïd at same pricen as in the citiesand onaetáíl chcaper, owing' i lichter cs-penseü. FroisipÉ and ;aref ui nttention is giveia o all rtïset'ial Orders tit üpholsiertflor in cabiisri vrork, ICeicciS'nïly, Kocli & Maller, 3 Nota t h Mnin 8t.i aad 4 Went Siiberty St. F. 8. - Agents for the eelebrated Vhitney Haby Carriagc. I


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Ann Arbor Democrat