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Additional local on second page. Clay Green is home again. Jas. W. Struble is going to Petoskey. W. S. Hicks has gone to New Mexico. Regent Shearer has returned from Europe. Toledo races May 30, 31 and June 1 and 2. M. J. Seery has gone to work for Theo. Taylor. W. R. Bliss has one of the finest ris in the city. Deputy treasurer Seyler was in Detroit Tuesday. Judge Joslin was considerably worse yesterday. Sam Benham oí Owosso, is home on the sick list. Telephonic connection with Detroit in a few days. G. Collins hobbles around with a sprained anklü. A lodjje of 11. T. of T. is to be organized in Ypsilauti. Swift & Co, are manufacturing a car load of flour a day. John Keenan has moved into his house on North Main street. Regent Clair was in the city the last of the week oq business. They struck water Saturday while digging tlíe postoffice cellar. Rev. Dr. Cocker preaehed iu the Presbyteriaa church Sunday. Wm. Morton, of Ann Arbor town, 11 building a fine residence. It froze quite hard agaiu Sunday night. The fruit erop is all right yet. Thenew ïidewaik in front of Grinnell Bros. is adecided improvement. Monday night was very cold - tbe coldest for years in the month of May. W. H. H. Boylan & Co. are painting the outside of the St. James hotel. Deputy sherift Fred Wallace and constable Imus visited Ionia Tuesday. The Twentieth Michigan Infantry will have are-uniou in this city Oct. 11. Don Briggs is book-keeper for the Hangsterfer confectionery company. Mrs. Wm. Hulbert has gone to Chicago to lire with her brother Jas. Webster. Lark Harrison, a resident of Pittsfield for 16 years, died Tuursday of cáncer. Gates & Co., are building a $2.200 resi dence for Geo. McCorniiok, of Salem. Company A will give an exhibition drill on the evening ot decoration day. Proctor& Co., of Alleytown,Mich.,have donated #40 to the homeopathie college. During commencement week re unions will be held bv the classes of '62, '72 and '79. Mrs. E. Bour, for many yeara a resident of this city, contémplate inoving to Detroit. General Steadraan bas been clected chief of pólice in Toledo. A grand selection. Mrs. Shewcraft will carry on the barbcr shop of her late hvsband, M. C. Shewcraft. Regent Walker and the other members of the building committee held a sension Monday. Prof. Sanders of the Cleveland homeopathie college was in the city the last of the week. , W. C. Coup's Hippodrome, three rings circus and menagerie, will shortiy visit this city. The circus is coming and the averafe small boy are saviug up their pennicu to take it in. Delaney& Hill have not dissolved part nershipaa bas been stated in some of the city paper. The Toledo road is putting in another side track between Miller avenue and Felch street. J. H. Hicks receivei Monday from hii son Charles a beautiful watch and chain for a present. At the pomological meeting Baturday, June 3, Prof. V. M. Spaulding will read a paper on fungi. A. A. Meuth is building an addition to nis market on Detroit street, north of the Buchoz block. At the teinpemnce meeting next Sunday, several local speaktrs will have s.joiethiug to say. Mr. Quimby of the Free Press was in the city Fnday visiting fpends, bef ore going to Europe. G. Luick will move into his new house in a few weeks. The masons finished plastering Monday. Geo. C. Page of Dexter was appointed administrator Monday in the estáte of John McGuinuess. Judge Joslin was obliged to adjourn court Monday on account of sickness un til next Weduesday. Mr. Benj. Barnett, formerly of this city, and Miss Carrie Fowler of Muskegou were married May 15. A Germán in Dex'.er the first of the week was badly battered and bruised by ome railroad hands . Judge Finny, of Monroe, and Dr. Win. J. Uerdman addressed the Lodi reform club Sunday eyening. Fred Wagner, of Pleasanton, Kansas, who has been visiting his parents, left for his home Sunday night. The Register says the first sermón preached in this city was as early as 1825 oy Rev. Mr. Baughman, Some 20 membera of the Arbor tent, K. of M., went to Dexter last evening to Tisit their brethreu tliere. Philip Bach has been elected president of the First National bank, and C. H. Richmond, vice-president. Mr. S. Patten aged 80 years, and an old pioneer died Monday. Funeral this day af ternoon, at 2 o'clock. The senior class of the high school attended the funeral of thelr late comrade Wm. Humphrey, Tuesday. A new sidewalk is being laid on the east side of Main street from the corner of Pontiac to the city milis. DaTid Tobiu will earn his liTing for the next 12 months at Ionia, wliero he wal seatenced by juatice Freuauff. An entertainment will be given at the new rectory this evening by the ladies of St. Andrew's Episcopal church. The summer meeting of the state horticultural society will be held at Pentwater the 20, 21 and 22 of next month . f A man by the name of Carr, of Dexter, broke his leg Saturday souffliug, and üiu been taken to the county house. Israel Hall, of this city, is writine a ■eries of anieles for the Toledo Sumiay Journa! on Chinese cheap labor. There w&s au enjoyable entertainmont last evening at the residence of P. Bach. Pretty cold for ice cream though. The contract for building the telephone line betwee this city and Adrián, has been awarded to parties in Detroit. Wm. Lange, the boy arrested on suspii'iou of inunier, was released Friday, as there was no evidence to hold him. Miss Mains rill preach in English at. the Germán Methodist church next 3unday eveuing at half past seven o'clock. Edward Fitzgerald has sold Lis lot on Huron street to Airs. Slattery for $1,000. 8he will build a residence this suruiner. The question is asked is decoration day to be observed in this city by the ludios of the fifth yard? Yes, but uo parade. 6. A. Taaner, businesi manager of The Saturday American, a society paper published in Toledo, was in the city Monday. Judge P L. Page was convicted before justice FreuaufiE Saturday of an assault and battery on a woman, and flned $5 and costs. Mrs. Lathrop of Jackson, delirered a very able temperance address before the reform club Suuday at the Umtarian church. The district lodge of Good Templars, cpn8isting of Wayiie, Macomb and Wathtetiaw counties will meet in ttiia city May 30. Policeman Millrnan found a man lying on the railroad track Monday evening and run him in. The justice suspenjed sentcnce. John H. Fogarty is inve3tinghis money in real estáte. Monday he purchased auother house on Bowery street. The oost was $1,200. L. Gruner left for Madison, WiscoDsin, Monday to render his 5nal account in the Watson estáte. He will return the last f the week. Married in Ibis city Hay 20 by the Rer. J. T. Sunderland, Mr. Benj. Barker of thiscity, and Miss Anna Northrop of Flat Rock, Mich. "Dug" Beahan and "Doe" Calvert will be releaaed to-day from the county -jail. where they have been conflned for the pasi 20 dnys. Next Wednesday is the time flxed for the meeting of the 8tate Holliness association. The camp meeting will continue for one week. Ransom Swartout, formerly in the employ of the M. C. R. R.4 but at present at üekalb, III., is visiting friends and relatiyes in the city. Miss Minuie Robbins and Mr. Frank Rathfore, of Ypsilanti, were married last week. Among the many presenta was a check for $1,000. Simón Ball, for two years on the Tole do, Ann Arbor & Grand Trunk road, will leave in a day or two to accept a position on the Ohio Central. We understand that a grand bazar is to be opened in the store in the Cook house block vacated by S. C. Andrews. It will occur about June 1. Wm. Q. Humphrey, youngest son of Wm. and Elizabeth Humphrey, died Sun day of quick consumption. He had been sick only a few daya. We saw a very fine threshing engine Monday, Nichols, Shepard & Co's. make, which was sold by M. Rogers to Nixon & Koch, of this township. G. W. Ballard, one of the best well known travelling men in this state, has accepted a posilion wiili the Hangsttrfer conf ectionery company. Joseph Audette has sold to Walker & Bro. 300,000 brick. Audette set fire yesterday to a new kÜD, and he expects to have brick in eight days. Wm. Frank has fitted up a room in handsome style over his restaurant on West Washington street, where he intends tu entertain his friends. Jay Rial's Uncle Tom's Cabin company is go wel] known, that it is only uecessary to say tbat the company wiü show in this city next Saturday eveuiDg. Dr. Franklin has been elected president of the state homeopathie society, on the strength of which he was serenaded by the students Thursday evening. Ülysses T. Foster of Detroit, has com raenced action in the Wayne circuit court against his wife, Harriet.E. Foster, nee Maynard of this city, for divorce. Miss Euima E. Bower, a student in the homeopathie college, is assjstant to Dr. Puil Porter, a leading M. D . in Detroit. She will reuiuin wilh him UDtil next fall. A pair of brown mares supposed to have been stolen were found ia the township of Lodi, May 11 by Geo. Keebler. The sheriff can give further information. The university boys walked away wilh the Madison base ball club Saturday afternoon. Score 20 to 8. Geo. W. Burnham as umpire gave satisfaction all around. A G winner attended the barn ruising of Fred Jaegle a mile and a half south of Dexter. At least 200 persons were present. The barn is 70 x 40 feet, and 20 feet high. R. Haight.freight conductor on the Toledo road, had hia hand seriously injured in a smash up Thursday nigUt. Two cars were ditched and the trains did not leave until evening. A reporter f or The Democrat while taking a trole through Forrest hill ceme tery Sunday, could but notice the mauy haudsome monumeuts erecled to the memory of the dead. F. W. Dyar who received some $5,000 on the dealh of his father less than a year ago, and who jnvested some $2,000 in the Daily News, is said to have about run through with everything. Wm, Weber of Lodi took to the medical museum a curiosity in the shape of a lamb, whose eyes, ears, and mouth were in its throat, The lamb had a perfectly developed head with the exceptions noted. There is no 'reason why a Fourth of July celebration should not be gotten up in this city. By taking the matter m time it can be done. Let some public spirited citixen open the ball, and it will be kept rolling. Henry Binder returned from Niágara Falla Monday night where he had been to purchase a car load of tbtcelebrated Niágara lager, which will arrive the last of the week. Mr. Binder has had constructed a refrigerator capable of holding 90 kegs. S. A. D. Bycraft, the young man on trial f or tbe attempted shootiug of Miss Fanny Hobson, was found guilty. The jury was out all day and recommended liycraft to the mercy of the court. The case will probably go to the supreme court. Commercial: The city expenses proper the last year amounted to $8,059.77. Poor fund expenditure $809.14. The different Nationalities received aid as follows: Americans, $170.55; Irish, $103.33; Germans, $124.82; English, $52.26; Colored, $847.88. As Mra. H. R. Hill of this city and Mrs. Wm. H. Lewia of Ypsiladti were passing the St. James yesterday, a bucket of paiüt feil off the scaffoldingjon which the painters were working, and bedaubed tbe dreases of these ladies. Of course they were mad. but when Thos. Dale said he could take it out, they felt relieved. The Students' Christian association elected the followinjj ofllcers Salurday: President, T. W. Peers, Collinsville, 111. ; vice-presideuts, E. Buckley, F. S. Bissell, W. H. Hall, Grahatn Clark, W. A. Kin ney; B., I. C. liir-khtnd; 0. S., Misa Jennie Emerson ; R. b., W. C. Braisted ; treasurer, A. B. Storins; librarían, W. Hutchinson. - At the serenade given Prof. Franklin, Dr. Wilson paid a handsome tribute to bomeopathy. During his rcmarks he siid the path of the homeopathie surgery of this country was not marked by grave stones. Prof. Sanders, of Cleveland, said that notonly was the city of Cleveland, bul the whole state was in sympathy with Dr. Franklin in his position here. Jay Rial's Uucle Tom's Cabin company has proved itself worthy of its claim to the title of "Ideal."- Philadelphia Press. The production is the most attractive of the many the play has had these many years; and for that reason is likely to develop immense drawing capacity. - Chicago Times. It is gratifying in these days of fraud and pretensions, to lind a theatrical company in which honor has a place. - Chicaeo Post. Observer: The Germán Lutheram o Manchester are abo ut to build a new house of worship, but it seems there is a diversity of opinión in regard to the building, and some of the ''mulish" members gire vent to their spite by writing the pastor and some ot' the brethren, anonymous letlers of a very insulting character. The matter is being investigated and the result may cause considerable unpleunantness in that place. Matthew Schaibele, of Lodi, hitched his horsc in front of J. Hoffstetter's place Tuesday, but the animal only remained tied tor a short time for hetbecame frightened at a paper blowinir in the street and broke his bridle. He started on a run, tipped the carriage over in turning west of Hangsterfer's, ran down Washington street to the alley by Neuhoff's which he turned into, and came very near running over a little daughter of Wm. Frank's. After makinK a circuit of the alley the horse flnally brought up in front of Dean's store, where he was stopped. Arthur Marshal, one of the competing architects who drafted the plans for a school building in the sixth ward, is of the opinión that accordiug to his designs the building could be erected for at least $3,000 less than those furnished by I. K. Pond. if so, it is well understood wLy the bids ranged so high. Mr. Marshall also claims that his plans were the best. The building would be better lighted, its appearamce far superior, and there ie nothiug in Mr. Pond's design that is an improvement on those prepared by hiinself. Mr. Marshall further states that he is ready to compare plans. Aucther pioneer has gone, the Rev. Lewis M. Nortb, of Piltsfield, who died Monday morning. He was bom in Marbletown, Ulster county, New York, nearly 79 years ago. He carne to Michigan in 1836 and located near Holly, Oaklaud county, where he remained until 1848, wheu he moved to Lodi. When he sold bis farm some years ago he went to live with bis dauiíhtor, Mrs. H. H. Howe. He bad been au iuvalid for some time and recently had a stroke of paralysis which caused his death. Uis wife and four children survive bim, Mrs. Howe, Dr. North, of Jackson, Mrs. J. E. Baker, of Polo, 111., and Mrs,. H. E. Gibson, Kansas City, Mo. Mr. North had been a minister of the gospel for over 50 years. The funeral was largely attended yesterday. Another daily papej is to be started here next week. H. E. H. Bower and B. F. Bower are the projectors. It wiü be independent in politics, but run in connection with Thk Bemocbat. lts first issue is expected here about Juno 1. - Ann Arbor Register. The abore state ment is most too positire. There has been some preliminary canvassing done with a riew of starting a daily, provided sufflcient encouragement was received; but iw is as yet impossible for the gentle men named as projectors to make any deSnite announcement. Another paper may, or may not, be started, depending upon circumstances, but from the fact that the present apology for a daily has already opened its battery on the scheme is evidence that it fears the iruth of the report.


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Ann Arbor Democrat