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The wreek of the Pliny off Long Branch hg proved a god send to the lovers ol coflee, as the cargo ol several tbousand sacks was oarrled inland with thetide,andtboagands of residente In the viciuity seeared the sacks which, having ben in the water a short time, yielded the berry none the worse f or eea water. Brakemen on tbe railroad at Suspension Bridge have collected 60 oentp extra fiom immigrants under the plea of toll. The iraud baving just been dlscovered will be stopped. James Vick, the well and favorably known seedsman and florist, dled in Bochester, N. Y., on the 16th inst., aged 64 years. He leaves a wife and seven ebildren, all but one of whom are married. A new invention by S. V. Essick of Cantón, O., makes one impulse per letter only, wbil the Morse transmitter necessitates 82. The iavention has already been tested and pro uouncad a bit; tbing. The meshes are being closely woven aronnd the Malley boys. cbarged with the Jennie Cranaer murder. Mrs. Garfield lis donated $500 to tbe bulldag fund of U.e $40,000 Memorial Chrlstían ohurch at Washington, wlth ttie ptomlse of f500 more if needed. The flye per cent Land blll has passed the sécate. It It beoomes a law, lt will take some f 5,000,000 froin tbe treaBury. Senators from states benefitted with two exceptlons voted tor lt, others opposed lt. A f 200,000 fire occurred In the business portion of Leadvilltt, one Hfe was known to be lost and otber persons are missing;. A Warpatchie Texas, a Y100,000 fire swept away 25 business house?, damaglntf others. Paul Boyton successf ully shot tha raplds of the James river near Richmond, Va., in the presenoe of 20,000 people. The steamer American Eagle racing witb the Jay Cook exploded her boller killing four persoDs, others were seriously hurt. A fire in Leadville, Friday, dastroyed f200,000 worth of property. Michael Turner, who came over on the Wisconsin, has been arrested at New ïork on suspicionof eompliclty in the Cayendlsh-Burke murders. Senator Conger, In a speech on the 6 per cent. land measure, enlogized the people of Michigan and deinanded justice. Michigan is named in the bül as one of the states to whicb five per cent on tUe amount of lands located by military Bcrip and land warrant should be paid under stipulatlons made at the time of her adinisBÍon into the Union. Senator (Jonger held that Michigan never has reeeived such inoney, and eame to CongreBB not as a besrgar nor in a humble spirit, bat for what is its juBt due. She aeked not for generosity, but toi juBtice. Mr. Burch'a reslgnaüon ol the offlo of United States attorney for the western district oí Michigan, to take effect on the 25tu, has been received by the President, and John W. Stone is named as bis successor. The tanneries In Chicago, innurabere, have Bhut down, owlng to a strike, and the employés areldle. The Gleason Knitting Mili at Séneca Falle burned on the 19th, at a logg to Insurance oompaniesaf 100,000. Ihieehundred operativos are out of employment. A.t Swarthmore, Pa., Oliver Holfs woolen mUl burued at a loss of $40,000. A tigbt rope performer in Edwardsburg, HL, fastened hls rope to a chíinney. During hls evolutlons the chimney toppled over, and bricks and man catne down on the heads of the spectators. Two boys were fatally hurt and several others injured. The performer was bddly brnised. The First National Bank of lndependence bas been made the vlctim of a forgery by Winthrop, a boy 17 years old. He presented two cbecks for $1,220 eacb, hearing the signatura of Alex Risk, a grain dealer. Winthrop had been worklng for fiisk and had thus iearned hls way of doing business. The young man is not to be found. Shipherd says if the pnblic want the (ets entlro of the Feruvlan business, he has a mind to gratify them. Chicago is mad becauee agents of the New York, Lake Frle & Western Bailway are glviug Philadelphia firms cut rates on grain trom Chicago, thereby depriving them of the profits on the business. Paris and London contributions of $8,852 for the Ghirfield memorial hospital have been received. A 15 year old daughter of John MoMenoman at Muscatine, Ia., qaarreling with her father shot him. It is said she and a brother wishec to assume control of the property. The large retail Importing house of Russel May & Go„ Boston, has suspended with heavy liabillties. Ihe mysterlous diappearance of Zoe Watkin, of Denver, is accounted for by the pólice who afflrm sho was seen In the oompany of some disreputable young women. The Cleveland Bridge & Car Works have made an assignment with heavy Uabilitles, although the president afflrras that the assets are $250.000 in excess of debts. A number of pereons in Washington engaged in selling Louisiana and Havanna lotlottery tickets have been sent to jai). The Pacific National Bank, Boston, haeagain suspended. Thls being the second time withla eix months lt may be consldered equivalent to bankruptcy. The boitemakers of New York, Brooklyn and Oreenpoint are on a strike for 10 per cent. more wages. Jonrneymen plumbers are also on a strike for $1 per day. Fostunster-tíeneral Howe reporta to Congress favoring abolition o( postage on secondclass matter. The onurt decides that a new trlal shall be denled la the Gulteau case. íleed, Uuiteau'H counsel, siys he will not give it up and re(luires time to cousider the next best utep. Wlilbky mea have given up Ketting throutfh the Sánate the "whisky in bond" bilí and will no w work to secure amendmenta in the líQuor interest NUóon & Co.'s grlst mili near Marión, Ind., nurned buuday nlght at a loss of $8,000 and uo Insurance. Tnefexasoat crop promlaes. at date a harvest of lÖ,OOi!,O'J bushels. By the guspeueioa of the Pacific natioual baak the stockholders investinout of $2,000,000 will be wiped out. The depositors being paid ia fall. The Central Natioual Bank Is ainong the creditors of the Pacific to the amount of f100,000; but the Central has already assessed ïls stockholders to tuis extent. It Is bolievad the losses of other bauks will becomparatively smalL Oen. Brady gives bali La the sum of $20,000 ander the iiew star route ladictmenk Secret ary Folder has Jast received $ 2,1 87 (rom SU Jouph, Mo., cousoience rnoney. A $47,000 fire occurred -in Meridian, Miss Several newspapers are burned out, the Southera Baptist and Obaerver among the number. The Cleveland, O., Board of Education have appointed B. A. Hmsdale, President of Hlram College, Superintendent of Fnblio Schools. In Pittsburg the 80,000 iron workers threaten abother strike. At the purtltion sale of the Bennett eetate, New York, the bidding was splrited, but in all cases the propertjr was knocked down to James Gordon Bennett Ainouut realizad, $1,S61,''OO. The Bennett building in Nassau streel reaüzbd $650,000. In the Ohlo supremo court at Golumbus the oonstitutionalUy of the Pond iiquorlaw is bsing tested. Ver; able lawyere are engaged on both eldes. Near Belton, Texas, two men were bange i by a mob for making an assanlt on a deputy. Five of üoyle'8 forged bonds fonnd purchasera in Peoria, Hl. Some were sold in New Tork. The frovernment ia working at the case. The prosecutioo in the Malley trial has presented all its direct evidence and the defense has opened. It is etated tbat Alexander H. Stepheos says he wlll not accept an Independent nomination for 'governor, but would accept the regular Democratie nomination. The 900,000 left by Lewis, New York, to rednee the public debt has been placed at the dispoeal of the government. Reporti f rom the cold wave are dlscouraging : Iowa reporta cherries and pluma ruined, ana apples oadly injured. Ice formed a quartei oí an Inch thick In places. Three incbea of enow feil at Davenport and that locallty on tbe 23d. Illinois reporte heavy íroste In inany locafiüeB, wlth corn badly Injured. On the morning of the 24th In Detroit, Ss In many places In Michigan, the ground was white with f rost and the thermometer at the freezing point at 3 o'clock in the morningr. Secretary tfolger states the rumor Is false that he has discorered the bonus held by the governmentfor whiskey in bonded warehouses to be worthless. He affirms nis relatlong with CommiBsioDer.Baum are pleaaant al nround. Postmaster-öeneral Howe states la hls lette to Congress among other thlngs that it Is doubtful xt trom any sonrce the peopls get a moch Information asfrom thenewspapers and magazines, and henee the importance of removing every obstructlon to their free circula tion. Tbere certainly is as much f orce In free postage for paper clrculating out ol lts nati? ooufity as in It.


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Ann Arbor Democrat