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May 17.- In tbe senate Mr. Cameron reported adversely a joint resolution tendering the ttianks of cougress to Chief Euglneer Melville, U. S. N. Mr. Sherman presented the petition of Mrs. Betty R. Basset, of Virginia, setting forth that she ia the owner of tbe family bibie of George Washington, and oflering to sell it to the governinent. The bill for the extensión of the steam grain shovel patent, reportad f avorably with the substitutlon of seven years in place of ten as to the term of extensión, occupied the time reserved for the calendar. Discussion of tbe fire per cent. Land bill was resumed, Mr. Qarland supportingthemeasure. The house resumed the coosideratiön of the bank charter extensión bill. Debate being closed the bill was read by sections for amendments. Mr. Murch offered an amendment reducing trom twenty to three years the perlod for which banks may extend thelr euccession. He was willing to allo w banks three years to go into some honeat oosiness. Bejected - yeas 61, nays 117. Mr. Buckner moved to make the perlod ten years. The y eas and nays were ordered, pending which the matter went ove for the day. Mr. Hazelton, from the commi tee on electlone, submitted a report on the cas of Lowe vs. Wheeler, of the eighth congres alonal district of Alabama, declaring the con testant, Lowe, entiiled to toe eeat. May 18.- In tbe houee, tbe bilí to leitore American citizenship euch citizens as have bee naturalizad as Bubjects of Great Britain wa passed ; aleo certain amendments to the Crap blll extending natlonal bank charters, inrlud ing that to place natlonal banks on the aam footlng witu state banks In the states. A bi was passed cbanglnt: the boundaries of th Fourth Collection District of Virginia an making Newport News a port of entry. In thesenate the bill authorizing the ex ohange of ü. S. soild coln for bars was passé Mr. Camarón reported favorably froin comml tee a bill appropriating $ 100,000 for a pnbl building at La Crosse. Mr. Conger failing t secure immediate oonsideratlon of billa fo public buildings, said he weuld urge action o them to morrow. May 19.- In the Seuate, the hosso bUls fo public buildings at the poluta named with tb amount appropriated stated passed: Loui vllle, $ 500,000; Hannibal, $75,0110; Detroi 600,000; Councll Bluffs, 100,000. The Sen ate bill appropriating f 100,000 for a butldin at Lacrosse, Wis., was also passed. The Sena bilis authorizlng the Texas and St. Louis rai way campany to build bridge ín Arknasa and to Incorpórate the Garöeld memoiial hos pital were passed. The Cve per cent. lan bill was taken up next. Pendiug amtndmen were considerad, and new amendments pro poeed and adopted or rejocted, and the bi finally passed, ayes 28, nays 17. The blll pr vides that lands entered by military scrip, o county land warranty in certain states - Mie! igan lnc.luded- shall be oonstrusd to con withln the law for the payment to states of per centum of the proceeds of publio lam disposed of withln thelr borders, lands to b estimated at the rate of $1 25 per acre an payments to be made In cash. It is also pro vlded that money remainlng In the treasury the credit of aay public land In states ande the act of 1836 whlch distrlbuted the treasur surplus skall not be charged as an offset to wards any part of the amount coming to th state from the blll. The House resumed the consideraron o the bill to extend bank charters. Amendmen were proposed by Messro.Buckner, Bice.Bland Raodall and Horrison, which were rejected o ruled out, and the bill passed, yeas, 125, nayes 67. A jelat resolution was passed appropria Ing $16,009,000 to supply the deficiency In th appropriations for army pensions. In theSenate, Mr.MUler introduced a ]oin resolution to authorize tbe President to de clare martial law In Alaska. Referred. Mr Hoar tben addressed the Senate on the sub jeot of the Geneva award questlon, beingupo the Honse bill on the subject He brlefly stated that the bill ïnakes provisión for claims of the exculpated cruisersclassand war premium men to the exclusión of the Insurance companios. The Secretary of War asks a special approprlation of $25,000, not later than June 1, for the purpose of dispatching a vessel with men and supplles for tbe relief expedition last year to Lady Franklin Bay. In the House, Mr. Caiklua called up as a privileged questioa the contested election case of Mackey vs. Dibble. A cali of the House wa ordered, which diaolosed the presence of 521 membeiB. The doors were then closed anc the Sergeant-at-Arms directed to take absen meinbors into custody. No quorum being found, Mr. Calkine gave notice that he wouk brlng up the election case to-morrow. Ia the Senate, Mr. Logan reported from the Military Committee that a provisión be inserted in the Army Appropriation biil for the establishment of au army and navy hospital at Hot Spring, Ark. Beferred. The Senate proceeded with the blll for the distribution of the (íeneva award. All the amendments were rejected and the bilí pasead ns received from the House, yeas 88, nays 12. In the House the struggle oveï the oontested eleotlon case of Mackey vs. Dibble vas resumed, bat no quorum being found, the session for ;tie evening was dispensed with, and the House adjouined.


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