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Koch & Halier, Ihe well known FUIt NITUKE DEALERS, have received the thirdlot of tliose eelebrated W1IITXEY BABY CAKKIAGES. Buey editor (to applicant who persists in calling) - "To day is Thursday, and I am very busy. Suppose you caü next Thursday, and then I'll teil you when to cali agaiu." (Exit kind of puzzled.) LlVER, KlDNKY, AND RiïIOHT'B DlSkask. - A medicine thal destroysthe germ or cause of Bright's disease, diabetes, kidney and liver complftints, aud luis power to root them out of the system. is above all price. Such a medicino is Hop Bitters, aud positivu proof of this can be found by one trial, Ol by asking your neighbors, who have been cured by it. Scène: A Chinese Bunday school uot far trom Iliis oltice. Tune: The end of the session. Pupil - (wiio had been taught that day hy a geutlernau.) "Meno likee teacher." Superintendent - "Wuy not?" Pupil - "Me want old gal!" People are constantly changing their homes from east to west and froin uorth lo south, ia search of a healthy state. If they would learo to be contented, and to use the celebratcd Kidney-Wort when Blek they wculd De betteroff. The whole System can be kept in a heallhy state by tuis simple but cifectual remedy. - Observer. A Wrlter in Lippincott's Magazine lays: "Woman is primanly a being who lis- tens," and a graceless and libelous wretch at our elbow says: "Yes at the key hole." Nbveb (uve lip.- If you are suiïeriug with low aud depressed spirits, luss of appetile, general dehility, disordered biood, weak constitutiou, headache, or any disease of a bilious naiure, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Rit- tejs. You will be surprised to sec the rapid improvement that will fo!low;you will be inspired with uew life; strengtb and activity will return; pain aud inisery will cease, jnd henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Hold at rif tv cenia a boltle by Eberbach & Son. "Meleria," said the old orchard beach landlad}; "well no we bayen't got it; folks hain't asked for it, but we'll get it for your family." SIS, OH SING, TH AT SONG AGAIN. - How eau you when you counh at every breath? Why, get a trial bottle of Drf Bigelow's Positive Cure, and you will be auswered. It cures colds, cougbs, consumptiou, whoopiug cougli, and all diseases of the lungs, and it will cost you nothing to tesl it if you culi at EberbttCh & Son's drug store. CaTAKRH OF tiih OLADDEB. - Stitiging, suiariing, irritatiou of the urinary pas.sages, diseased discharges, cured by lluchupaiba. $1 at drunsrists. Alich. Depot, JAMES E. ÜAY1S & CO., Uttroit, Mich. "You are as f uil of airs as a uius'c box," is what a young man said to a girl who refused lo let hiiu see her home. "That may be," was the reply, "but I don't go with a crank." Don't die in the house. - Ask druggist lor "Kough ou iials." It clears out rats, mice, bed-bugs, roaches, vermiu, üies auts, insects. 15c. per box. Last week an ühio man on his travels fouud a shell on the (iettysburg battle field. He look it home aud put it iu the stove lo see if it was real. Il was genuiue. But the stove is the inost glariug imita liou you ever looked at. Nervous prostration, premature o!d age, either caused by tobáceo, alcohol, oyerwork, or excesses, cured by Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain 'i'reatment, Sold at Brown & Co's. drug store. A Michigan man told his daughter that if sue learned to work he would surprise her. Öhe learned the art, aud iie surpiised her by dischargmg the iiired gul. CITY ITEMS. Soine uew and tasty pattcrns ui ashBed Room Sets at remarkuble low prices, at Kuclt & iialler's. For pure wines, liquors and cigars, cali at the tít. James hotel. Henry Binder wishes us to say that he has plenty of Niágara beer. 11. II. Green's stallion, Mamb ino Jewell, will make the season at thestable late ly owned by P. Irwin. The best display of Furniture of all descriptions, is beyond questiou U be found at Koek & Haller's. Soldiers, Attentionl !! Milo 15. Stevens & Co., the well known War (Jiaini Attoriieys, will be represeuted at Anu Arbor, Friday aud Saturday, June 2 and 3, by their special agent, Frank 1. Darliirg. Soldiere and olliers inlcrested in ciainis for pension, inerease of pensiou, or other claims, it is hoped will give him a cali. Mr. Darliug will be at the office of the countyclerk. For pure wines, liquors. and cigars, cali at the 6t. James hotel. For Sale. - A house and three acres ot land on the corner of North JMaiu aud Chubb streets neir the City Mills, kuown as the Wildt property. TUere is a good barn aud plenty of good water on the place ; also an orchard of 50 trees of all kinds of fruit. For particulars inquire of N. H. Dralte or E. (i. Wildt, The property will be sold at a barkam. Koch & Haller hope to sell a large nuniber of baüj' curriages -their uew lot just received. $1,000, $1,500, $2,000 and $2,500 to loan. Oflice over Brown & Co's. drug store. JAMES McMAIIÜN, Attorney and Solieitor. Chas. Miller who bas rented the old Diehl property on Detroit street, has reopened the grounds and haviug puteverything in line shape, coriially invites lue public to cali on him. Persons desiring lo play croquet will be welcomed. A pleasant place to pass the afteruoon. Mr. Miller also keeps beer on tap, aud om can take a social glass in the garden. Koch & Haller would inform the public, that they are the only iirm in Ann Arbor, who sell the Celobrated üoods Manufactured by the Furniture Compari}'. Wanted. - A situation by an experienced youug inau, either as saltsman, üotel or shrpping clerk. Best of references is to chimieter and abilily. Address, Seotchinan, box (8, Aun Arbor postoffice. Cady's Catarrh Remedy,a sure cmre for catarrb, is (or sale at Holmes' drug store, Oook liotel block. Bobert Tidgwell, calsominer and whitewaslaer, is open for jobs. All wolk will be done vvitb proraptuess. Wanted. - A good girlcaa fïiul steady employrnent in the coantry, two and i bal f miles l'rom tliis city. She will not be obliycd to uo tuk Placti easy. Kor particular;) inquire at !l. E. Goodiicü's, Eaat Auu bl., Anu Arbor, Micb. Imus pays cash for live chickens. For pure wines, liquors and figura, cali at llie !St. James hotel. A. F. Darrow, the 10 cent bus man, takes orders at Holmes' druü; store in the Cook house block. Important to traveleks. - Special Inducements are olïered you by the Buk lington Route. It will pay you to read their advertisement found clsewherc in this issue. Notice to Creditors, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtenaw, O ss. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the 24th day of May i. d. 1883, six raonths f rom that date wereallowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of John McGuinness, late of said eouuty, deceased.and that all creditors of said deeeased are required to present their claims to said Probate Jourt, at the Probate Office in thecityof Arm Arjor, for examination and allowancé, on or bef ore the 24th day of November, next, and that such claims will be heard before said Court, on Thursday, the 2Jth day of August and on Friday ;he 24th day of November next, al teno'cloek in ;he f orenoon of each of said days. bated, Ann Arbor, May '24, A. D, 1882. WILLIAMD. H ARRIMAN, Judge of Probute. freITsorg, PAINTS, oi'jABNISHEu BRUSHES, W1ND0W GLASS, And all Painters' Supplies of the Best Quahty SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington bit ANN ARBOR. - MICHIGAN I does uriivoB ■WONDERFUL ff j I CURES! ubhb lltcmiiNfíit jirtHOii thft LIVElt, IÍ0WEL8 1 uint K 1DNKYS at tlie same timo. I Beaauseitoleansea theiystemof H ous humor that develope ín Kiduoy and Hj Unary DiHeaítes.BiliuuBueBS, Jaundiee, Conatl-Q Hpation, Piles, or Ín Bheiunatiam, Neuralgia, nNarvoua Diaorders and Femle CompiainU. H BEK WHAT PEOPLE 8AT : 3 Eujfno B. Stork, of Junction City, Kansai.V ■aya, Kidney-Wort cured hhn after regular Phy WM ■■aiciana liad beeu trying for fouryeara. 1 Mrs. John Arnall, of Washington, Oblo, aays V ■ herboy wasgtven un to die by fotir prominent LJ ■ physlr-lans and that. he wtus attor warda cured by ■ P Kirlney-Wort. WU ■■ M. M. B. Goodnln, nn editor in Chardon, Oblo U Hnays he waa not expected to Uve, tteiiiar bloateuH 1 bey ontl belief, but Kidney-Wort cured hím. ■■ ■ Anna L. Jarretfc of South Salem, N. Y., sayiLJ H that even years ulTorinjf from kidney troublesB pand other complicatlous was endd by tUe une otmm U Kidney-Wort. I John B. Lawrenee of Jackaon, Tfnn., iofferdB ■ for years f rom llver aud kidney troubles andH ■"Jqftftr tnkint? "barrels of other medicinM,"Q H Kidney W ui t madft blm wcll. I Michal Coto of Montgomery Center, Vt.lB CjsufTfred eight years wlth kidney dlölculty ana Cj ■ waa nnable to work. Kidney-Wort made him ■ ■ " well as erer." PERMANENTLY CURES □ kidney diseases, □ liver complaints.i MConstipation and Piles. ■■ IWÏt is put un In Iry TecetKble Fora In H ■ tin en lts. one puchare of which m&kbi 8ix quarti H Pj of medicine, Alsoin Ijfquld Fora, vtrv Oon n ■Mcentrntcd, for tliose that calmol reudilj U ■ pare it. H tW It aet trith igual efflrimty In elthtr ferm. ■ U QET IT AT THE DRUGGISTS. FR1CE, $1.Q I WELLS, KICHAHDSONACo., Prop'i, I HfWlU end the dry poirt-paid.) inuina, T. H NQTICD I Fred Ehnis, the well known tailor, wlio has been engaged in business in this city for the past 15 years, (with the late Jas. Boyd five years,) has gone to work for Joseph Berry on State street. Mr. Berry is a fiïst-class cutter. A perfect fit guaranteed every time. Gooflyear'sNBwDrnÊ Store The Old Crenville Stand, No. 5 South Main St. EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH! Prescriptions Compounded Day and Night. MASTERLY McCORMICK Harvester and 1 wiiie Binder. IT SCOOPS THE CIIAMMON, BUCKEYE, DEERING, WOOD, OSBORN, AND ALL WITH WIIICII IT COMES IN CONTACT F. Wagner & Bro., who are agents for the above machine, have aiso on hand the fines line of carriages to be found any where. Wagon or carriages made to order. F. WACNER &BRO. Second St. between Washington and Liberty Sts EBERBACH&SON. Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And a flne lot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brushes We cali special attention to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus AHD Pure Chemicals of our own tnporiation. A fiül line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS AtJIist prices. STTTIDIEJISrTÍS Are cordially invíted to examine our stock as quality and prices. EBERBACH'&SON. $500 REWARD. We will pay the above reward foranv case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestión, Oonstipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West 's Vegetable Liver Pilis, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar coated. Large boxes containing 30 Pilis, 85 cents. For sale by all DruggiBts. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by John C, West & Co., 'The Pili Makers," 181 and 183 W. Madison St., Chicago. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid on r jceipt of a 'i cent stamp. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! Dr. E. C, West's Nerve and Brain Treatment, a specific for Hystera, Dizziness, Convulsiona, Nervous Headaehe, Mental Depression, Loss of Memory Spermatorrhcea, Impotency, Involuntary Emissions, Premature Ola Age, caused by over-exertion, self -abuse, or over-indulgence, which ïeads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar a box or six boxes forfive dollars: sent by mail postpaid on receipt of priee. We guarantee six ooxes to cure any case. Witheach order received bv us for pix boxes, accompanied wlth five dollars, we will senfl the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued by Brown & Co., sole authorized Agts. for Ann Arbor. Mich. John C. West & Co., sole proprietors, 181 aud 183 W. Madison St., Chicago, 111. "REPORT OF THE C0N0ITION -o-OF THE-oFirst National Bank of Ann Arbor, At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at the close of business, May 19, 1882. EESOUKCES. Loans and diseounts $291,894.59 Overdrafts 14.7O U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 100,000.U0 Due f rom approved reserve aents .'üi,t'8vt.l9 Due from other National Banks 50.00 Due from State Banks and Bankere 5, 111. '5 Real estáte, furniture, aud flxtia-es .... lli.( 00.(10 ('iirrcnt expenses and taxes paid I,iis8.(ü Checks and other cash items 85.-J0 Billsof other National Banks 6,871.00 t-'ractioual currency (including nickels) 65.3 1 Specie (including gold Treasury notes) 8,4tSii.S0 egal-tender notes 11,082.0e rtedemption fund with U. S Treasurer (5 per cent. of circulatiou 4,500.00 Total $!8l,3ü6.88 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $100,000.00 Surplus fund ,000.00 Mier undivided proflts 10,644,78 National Bank notes outstanding 8ö, 000.00 Jividends uupakl 8,190.00 Individual deposits I oioojoon subject to check f 18,942.20 Di-iiKuid oertiflcatea i .,., .,-., -,■ 252,194.76 of deposit f MM. Due to State Banks and bankers 7,337.20 Total $484,366.69 State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw, ss: I, J. W. Knight, Cashier of the above named bank, lo solemnly swear that the above stateirent is rue to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. W. KNIGHT, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 29Ui dayof May 1882. GEO. W. KNIQHT, L'okhect- Attest: Notary Public. CHAS. H. RICHMOND, 1 JOHN M. WHEELER, V Directora. PHILIP BAC1I,


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