Real Estate Transfers
The lol lo w ing are the transferí oí real estáte for ths weck endino Weduesday, May 31 : WXMAMï DKR.t. Richard Decker to J. F. Netitell, 2 acres sec 14 Manchester, $1,400. Alonzo Case et 1 to Mary A. Case, property in Manchester, $1.200. Israel Hall to Alicé M. Riüdon, lot in Anu Arbor, $906.25. Elizubeth F. J:wett to same, $906.25. ílarriet M. Sage t same, $906.25. Geo. Danforth, by administrator to Israel Hall, property in Ann Arbor, $900. Daniel C. Wallace to Eve A. Bangt, property in Aan Arbor $600. Thos. Bramau to J. 11, Smith lot in York $200. Samuel Cushman to Wm. 11 Campbell 78 acres sec 22 Sharou, $5,600. Judson Linden to Hirain E. Linden, land :n sec 34 Bridgewater, $1,500. C. II. Kelsey to Geo. W. Edwards, lot 23 Braman's add York, $75. Daniel F. Danforth to A. M. Kisdon, property in Ann Arbor, $906.25. Eliza Jaue Johnson to Maria M. Long, proporty in Ann Arbor, $1. Chas. Martin to Sophromia Grismold lot 9 sec 5 Saline, $775. Patrick Wall to P. Let nard, land in NorthSeld, $55. Jane Rondolph to Grove Spencer, property in Ypsilanti, $1,200.
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat
Richard Decker
J. F. Nestell
Alonzo Case
Mary A. Case
Israel Hall
Alice M. Risdon
Elizabeth F. Jewett
Harriet M. Sage
George Danforth
Daniel C. Wallace
Eve A. Bangs
Thomas Braman
J. H. Smith
Samuel Cushman
William M. Campbell
Judson Linden
Hiram E. Linden
C. H. Kelsey
George W. Edwards
Daniel F. Danforth
A. M. Risdon
Eliza Jane Johnson
Maria M. Long
Charles Martin
Sophromia Grismold
Patrick Wall
P. Leonard
Jane Rondolph
Grove Spencer